1. 程式人生 > >Rendering Statistics Window 渲染資料統計視窗 效能系列4

Rendering Statistics Window 渲染資料統計視窗 效能系列4

Rendering Statistics Window 渲染資料統計視窗

本文件主要是對Unity官方手冊的個人理解與總結(其實以翻譯記錄為主:>) 僅作為個人學習使用,不得作為商業用途,歡迎轉載,並請註明出處。 文章中涉及到的操作都是基於Unity2018.2版本 參考連結:https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/RenderingStatistics.html

The Game View has a Stats button in the top right corner. When the button is pressed, an overlay window is displayed which shows realtime rendering statistics, which are useful for optimizing performance. The exact statistics displayed vary according to the build target. 遊戲檢視在右上角有一個Stats按鈕。當按下按鈕時,將顯示一個疊加視窗,顯示實時渲染統計資訊,這對於優化效能非常有用。顯示的精確統計資訊根據構建目標的不同而不同。

Rendering Statistics Window.

The Statistics window contains the following information:- 統計資訊視窗包含以下資訊:

設定 描述
Time per frame and FPS The amount of time taken to process and render one game frame (and its reciprocal, frames per second). Note that this number only includes the time taken to do the frame update and render the game view; it does not include the time taken in the editor to draw the scene view, inspector and other editor-only processing. 處理和渲染一個遊戲幀所花費的時間(以及它的倒數,每秒幀數)。注意,這個數字只包括更新和渲染遊戲檢視所花費的幀時間;它不包括編輯器繪製場景檢視、檢查器和其他編輯器處理所花費的時間。
Batches “Batching” is where the engine attempts to combine the rendering of multiple objects into a chunk of memory in order to reduce CPU overhead due to resources switching.“批處理”是指引擎試圖將多個物件的渲染合併到一塊記憶體中,以減少由於資源切換而造成的CPU開銷。
Saved by batching Number of batches that was combined. To ensure good batching, you should share materials between different objects as often as possible. Changing rendering states will break up batches into groups with the same states.合併的批次數量。為了確保良好的批處理,您應該儘可能經常地在不同物件之間共享材質。更改渲染狀態會將成分解合批處理。
Tris and Verts The number of triangles and vertices drawn. This is mostly important when optimizing for low-end hardware 繪製的三角形和頂點的數量。這在對低端硬體進行優化時非常重要
Screen The size of the screen, along with its anti-aliasing level and memory usage.螢幕的大小,以及它的抗鋸齒級別和記憶體使用情況。
SetPass The number of rendering passes. Each pass requires Unity runtime to bind a new shader which may introduce CPU overhead.渲染通道的數量。每個通道都需要Unity執行時來繫結一個可能會帶來CPU開銷的新的著色器。
Visible Skinned Meshes The number of skinned meshes rendered.渲染的蒙皮網格數量。
Animations The number of animations playing.播放動畫的數量。