1. 程式人生 > >問題:openstack pike版nova配置問題

問題:openstack pike版nova配置問題



1.將計算節點新增到cell資料庫(add the compute node to the cell database)

# su -s /bin/sh -c "nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts --verbose" nova

Found 2 cell mappings.
Skipping cell0 since it does not contain hosts.
Getting compute nodes from cell 'cell1': ad5a5985-a719-4567-98d8-8d148aaae4bc
Found 0 unmapped coumputes in cell: ad5a5985-a719-4567-98d8-8d148aaae4bc

正常應該是:Found 1 compute in cell ....

此時察看計算節點的日誌:vim /var/log/nova/nova-computer.log

顯示:Placement API service is not responding 

察看控制節點的日誌:vim /var/log/nova/nova-placement-api.log


2. 驗證(verify operation)

openstack compute service list



$ openstack catalog list

| Name      | Type      | Endpoints                               |
| keystone  | identity  | RegionOne                               |
|           |           |   public: http://controller:5000/v3/    |
|           |           | RegionOne                               |
|           |           |   internal: http://controller:5000/v3/  |
|           |           | RegionOne                               |
|           |           |   admin: http://controller:35357/v3/    |
|           |           |                                         |
| glance    | image     | RegionOne                               |
|           |           |   admin: http://controller:9292         |
|           |           | RegionOne                               |
|           |           |   public: http://controller:9292        |
|           |           | RegionOne                               |
|           |           |   internal: http://controller:9292      |
|           |           |                                         |
| nova      | compute   | RegionOne                               |
|           |           |   admin: http://controller:8774/v2.1    |
|           |           | RegionOne                               |
|           |           |   internal: http://controller:8774/v2.1 |
|           |           | RegionOne                               |
|           |           |   public: http://controller:8774/v2.1   |
|           |           |                                         |
| placement | placement | RegionOne                               |
|           |           |   public: http://controller:8778        |
|           |           | RegionOne                               |
|           |           |   admin: http://controller:8778         |
|           |           | RegionOne                               |
|           |           |   internal: http://controller:8778      |
|           |           |                                         |


4. nova-status upgrade check 


# nova-status upgrade check

| Upgrade Check Results     |
| Check: Cells v2           |
| Result: Success           |
| Details: None             |
| Check: Placement API      |
| Result: Success           |
| Details: None             |
| Check: Resource Providers |
| Result: Warning           |
| Details: there are no compute resource providers in the placement service but there are 1 compute nodes in the deployment.
this means no compute nodes are reporting into the placement service and need to be upgraded and/or fixed.             |
