python 寫的簡易小ntp 伺服器
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-21
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import wx import datetime import socket import struct import time import Queue import mutex import threading import select import win32api #全域性變數 ntpserverversion = '2018.03.12' taskQueue = Queue.Queue() stopFlag = False utc_offset = 8 stratum = 1 syntime = 0 serverip = '' serverport = '123' poll_interval = 6 version = 3 retry_cnt = 5 #載入配置檔案函式 def loadsettingsjsonfile(): import json global stratum,utc_offset,syntime,serverip,serverport,poll_interval,version with open('profile/settings.json','r') as fp : settings = json.loads( stratum = settings['stratum'] utc_offset = settings['utc_offset'] syntime = settings['syntime'] serverip = settings['serverip'] serverport = settings['serverport'] poll_interval = settings['poll_interval'] version = settings['version'] del json def system_to_ntp_time(timestamp): """Convert a system time to a NTP time. Parameters: timestamp -- timestamp in system time Returns: corresponding NTP time """ return timestamp + NTP.NTP_DELTA def ntp_to_system_time(timestamp): """Convert a system time to a NTP time. Parameters: timestamp -- timestamp in system time Returns: corresponding NTP time """ return timestamp - NTP.NTP_DELTA def setSystemTime(timestamp): tm_year,tm_mon,tm_mday,tm_hour,tm_min,tm_sec,tm_wday,tm_yday,tm_isdst = time.gmtime(timestamp) # ms一定要計算,不然2次時間校對的過程中會差距幾百ms,誤差太大!! tm_ms = int((timestamp - int(timestamp))*1000) win32api.SetSystemTime(tm_year,tm_mon,tm_wday,tm_mday,tm_hour,tm_min,tm_sec,tm_ms) def _to_int(timestamp): """Return the integral part of a timestamp. Parameters: timestamp -- NTP timestamp Retuns: integral part """ return int(timestamp) def _to_frac(timestamp, n=32): """Return the fractional part of a timestamp. Parameters: timestamp -- NTP timestamp n -- number of bits of the fractional part Retuns: fractional part """ return int((timestamp - _to_int(timestamp)) * 2**n ) def _to_time(integ, frac, n=32): """Return a timestamp from an integral and fractional part. Parameters: integ -- integral part frac -- fractional part n -- number of bits of the fractional part Retuns: timestamp """ return integ + float(frac)/2**n class NTPException(Exception): """Exception raised by this module.""" pass class NTP: """Helper class defining constants.""" _SYSTEM_EPOCH =*time.gmtime(0)[0:3]) """system epoch""" _NTP_EPOCH =, 1, 1) """NTP epoch""" NTP_DELTA = (_SYSTEM_EPOCH - _NTP_EPOCH).days * 24 * 3600 """delta between system and NTP time""" ref_timestamp = 0 recv_timestamp = 0 orig_timestamp = 0 orig_timestamp_h = 0 orig_timestamp_l = 0 tx_timestamp = 0 #stratum = 1的時候,ref_id應該是字串,而不能是ip地址! ref_id = 0 REF_ID_TABLE = { 'DNC': "DNC routing protocol", 'NIST': "NIST public modem", 'TSP': "TSP time protocol", 'DTS': "Digital Time Service", 'ATOM': "Atomic clock (calibrated)", 'VLF': "VLF radio (OMEGA, etc)", 'callsign': "Generic radio", 'LORC': "LORAN-C radionavidation", 'GOES': "GOES UHF environment satellite", 'GPS': "GPS UHF satellite positioning", } """reference identifier table""" STRATUM_TABLE = { 0: "unspecified", 1: "primary reference", } """stratum table""" MODE_TABLE = { 0: "unspecified", 1: "symmetric active", 2: "symmetric passive", 3: "client", 4: "server", 5: "broadcast", 6: "reserved for NTP control messages", 7: "reserved for private use", } """mode table""" LEAP_TABLE = { 0: "no warning", 1: "last minute has 61 seconds", 2: "last minute has 59 seconds", 3: "alarm condition (clock not synchronized)", } """leap indicator table""" class NTPPacket: """NTP packet class. This represents an NTP packet. """ _PACKET_FORMAT = "!B B B b 11I" """packet format to pack/unpack""" def __init__(self, version=3, mode=3, tx_timestamp=0): """Constructor. Parameters: version -- NTP version mode -- packet mode (client, server) tx_timestamp -- packet transmit timestamp """ self.leap = 0 """leap second indicator""" self.version = version """version""" self.mode = mode """mode""" self.stratum = 2 """stratum""" self.poll = 6 """poll interval""" self.precision = -6 """precision""" self.root_delay = 0 """root delay""" self.root_dispersion = 0 """root dispersion""" self.ref_id = 0 """reference clock identifier""" self.ref_timestamp = 0 """reference timestamp""" self.orig_timestamp = 0 """originate timestamp""" self.orig_timestamp_h = 0 self.orig_timestamp_l = 0 self.recv_timestamp = 0 """receive timestamp""" self.tx_timestamp = tx_timestamp """tansmit timestamp""" self.tx_timestamp_h = 0 self.tx_timestamp_l = 0 def to_data(self): """Convert this NTPPacket to a buffer that can be sent over a socket. Returns: buffer representing this packet Raises: NTPException -- in case of invalid field """ try: packed = struct.pack(NTPPacket._PACKET_FORMAT, (self.leap << 6 | self.version << 3 | self.mode), self.stratum, self.poll, self.precision, _to_int(self.root_delay) << 16 | _to_frac(self.root_delay, 16), _to_int(self.root_dispersion) << 16 | _to_frac(self.root_dispersion, 16), self.ref_id, _to_int(self.ref_timestamp), _to_frac(self.ref_timestamp), self.orig_timestamp_h, self.orig_timestamp_l, _to_int(self.recv_timestamp), _to_frac(self.recv_timestamp), _to_int(self.tx_timestamp), _to_frac(self.tx_timestamp)) except struct.error: raise NTPException("Invalid NTP packet fields.") return packed def from_data(self, data): """Populate this instance from a NTP packet payload received from the network. Parameters: data -- buffer payload Raises: NTPException -- in case of invalid packet format """ try: unpacked = struct.unpack(NTPPacket._PACKET_FORMAT, data[0:struct.calcsize(NTPPacket._PACKET_FORMAT)]) except struct.error: raise NTPException("Invalid NTP packet.") self.leap = unpacked[0] >> 6 self.version = unpacked[0] >> 3 & 0x7 self.mode = unpacked[0] & 0x7 self.stratum = unpacked[1] self.poll = unpacked[2] self.precision = unpacked[3] self.root_delay = float(unpacked[4])/2**16 self.root_dispersion = float(unpacked[5])/2**16 self.ref_id = unpacked[6] self.ref_timestamp = _to_time(unpacked[7], unpacked[8]) self.orig_timestamp = _to_time(unpacked[9], unpacked[10]) self.recv_timestamp = _to_time(unpacked[11], unpacked[12]) self.tx_timestamp = _to_time(unpacked[13], unpacked[14]) self.tx_timestamp_h = unpacked[13] self.tx_timestamp_l = unpacked[14] class RecvThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,socket): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.socket = socket def run(self): global taskQueue,stopFlag while True: if stopFlag == True: break rlist,wlist,elist =[self.socket],[],[],1); if len(rlist) != 0: for tempSocket in rlist: try: data,addr = tempSocket.recvfrom(1024) recvTimestamp = system_to_ntp_time(time.time()) taskQueue.put((data,addr,recvTimestamp)) wx.LogMessage('Received a packet from %s:%d' % (addr[0],addr[1])) # except 為空,忽略所有錯誤 except : continue class WorkThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self,socket): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.socket = socket def run(self): global taskQueue,stopFlag,stratum,utc_offset,poll_interval,retry_cnt,syntime while True: if stopFlag == True: break try: data,addr,recvTimestamp = taskQueue.get(timeout=1) if (data == 'synflag'): sendPacket = NTPPacket(version=version) sendPacket.stratum = 8 sendPacket.poll = poll_interval sendPacket.ref_timestamp = NTP.ref_timestamp sendPacket.orig_timestamp_h = NTP.orig_timestamp_h sendPacket.orig_timestamp_l = NTP.orig_timestamp_l sendPacket.recv_timestamp = NTP.recv_timestamp sendPacket.ref_id = NTP.ref_id sendPacket.tx_timestamp = system_to_ntp_time(time.time()) self.socket.sendto(sendPacket.to_data(),addr) NTP.tx_timestamp = sendPacket.tx_timestamp wx.LogMessage('Sended a request to %s:%d' % (addr[0],addr[1])) else : recvPacket = NTPPacket() recvPacket.from_data(data) if (recvPacket.mode == 3): if syntime != 1 or NTP.ref_timestamp ==0 or retry_cnt == 0 : NTP.ref_timestamp = system_to_ntp_time(time.time()-30) NTP.ref_id = iptoint('') sendPacket = NTPPacket(version=recvPacket.version,mode=4) sendPacket.stratum = stratum sendPacket.ref_id = NTP.ref_id sendPacket.ref_timestamp = NTP.ref_timestamp + utc_offset*3600 sendPacket.orig_timestamp_h = recvPacket.tx_timestamp_h sendPacket.orig_timestamp_l = recvPacket.tx_timestamp_l sendPacket.recv_timestamp = recvTimestamp+utc_offset*3600 sendPacket.tx_timestamp = system_to_ntp_time(time.time()+utc_offset*3600) self.socket.sendto(sendPacket.to_data(),addr) wx.LogMessage('Sended a response to %s:%d' % (addr[0],addr[1])) elif (recvPacket.mode == 4): retry_cnt = 5 #計算時差 delta = (recvPacket.recv_timestamp + recvPacket.tx_timestamp - recvPacket.orig_timestamp - recvTimestamp) / 2 #計算報文往返時延 latency = (recvTimestamp - recvPacket.orig_timestamp) - (recvPacket.tx_timestamp - recvPacket.recv_timestamp) if ( latency < 0.4 ): if (abs(delta) > pow(2,-6)): current_timeStamp = time.time() + delta setSystemTime(current_timeStamp) NTP.ref_timestamp = system_to_ntp_time(current_timeStamp) NTP.orig_timestamp_h = recvPacket.tx_timestamp_h NTP.orig_timestamp_l = recvPacket.tx_timestamp_l NTP.recv_timestamp = recvTimestamp NTP.ref_id = iptoint(serverip) wx.LogMessage('Need to change,offset:'+str(delta*1000)+' ms') wx.LogMessage(u'Local Clock is synchronized O(∩_∩)O 哈哈~!!') else : if NTP.ref_timestamp == 0 : NTP.ref_timestamp = system_to_ntp_time(time.time()) NTP.ref_id = iptoint(serverip) NTP.orig_timestamp_h = recvPacket.tx_timestamp_h NTP.orig_timestamp_l = recvPacket.tx_timestamp_l NTP.recv_timestamp = recvTimestamp wx.LogMessage(u'Don\'t need to change,offset:' +str(delta*1000)+' ms') wx.LogMessage(u'Local Clock is synchronized O(∩_∩)O 哈哈~!!') else : wx.LogMessage(u'本次報文往返時延太大,忽略!時延:'+ str(latency*1000) + ' ms') except : continue def iptoint(ipaddr): return sum([256**j*int(i) for j,i in enumerate(ipaddr.split('.')[::-1])]) class SynTimeThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): global taskQueue,stopFlag,poll_interval,retry_cnt while True: if stopFlag == True: break if (retry_cnt == 0): wx.LogMessage('Local Clock is unsynchronized !! please check the ntp server!!!') NTP.ref_id = 0 # NTP.ref_timestamp = 0 NTP.orig_timestamp = 0 NTP.recv_timestamp = 0 taskQueue.put(('synflag',(serverip,serverport),NTP.ref_timestamp)) time.sleep(pow(2,poll_interval)) else : retry_cnt -=1 taskQueue.put(('synflag',(serverip,serverport),NTP.ref_timestamp)) time.sleep(pow(2,poll_interval)) def ntpserverstart(): import os #檢查w32time服務是否開啟,如果開啟了,需要關閉,以便釋放123埠的監聽 szResult = os.popen('sc query w32time') szResult = if 'RUNNING' in szResult: os.popen('sc stop w32time') del os #載入配置檔案 loadsettingsjsonfile() listenIp = '' listenPort = 123 mysocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) mysocket.bind((listenIp,listenPort)) wx.LogMessage('ntp server is started!!') wx.LogMessage('ntp server version is: '+ntpserverversion) wx.LogMessage('ntp server is design by flycony') wx.LogMessage('local listen addr: %s:%s' % mysocket.getsockname() ) #Thread-1 workThread = WorkThread(mysocket) workThread.start() #Thread-2 recvThread = RecvThread(mysocket) recvThread.start() if (syntime == 1) : #Thread-3 syntimeThread = SynTimeThread() syntimeThread.start() def ntpserverstop(): global stopFlag stopFlag = True class TaskBarIcon(wx.TaskBarIcon): ID_About = wx.NewId() ID_Minshow=wx.NewId() ID_Maxshow=wx.NewId() ID_Closeshow=wx.NewId() def __init__(self, frame): wx.TaskBarIcon.__init__(self) self.frame = frame self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(name='profile/icon/ntp.ico', type=wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO), 'ntp server') #wx.ico為ico圖示檔案 #self.Bind(wx.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnTaskBarLeftDClick) #定義左鍵雙擊 self.Bind(wx.EVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnTaskBarLeftDClick) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, id=self.ID_About) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMinshow, id=self.ID_Minshow) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMaxshow, id=self.ID_Maxshow) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnCloseshow, id=self.ID_Closeshow) def OnTaskBarLeftDClick(self, event): if self.frame.IsIconized(): self.frame.Iconize(False) self.frame.Show(True) self.frame.Raise() else : self.frame.Iconize(True) def OnAbout(self,event): wx.MessageBox(u'這是一個迷你的ntp客戶端和伺服器,可以設定UTC時間的偏移量!', u'關於') def OnMinshow(self,event): self.frame.Iconize(True) def OnMaxshow(self,event): if self.frame.IsIconized(): self.frame.Iconize(False) if not self.frame.IsShown(): self.frame.Show(True) self.frame.Raise() self.frame.Maximize(True) #最大化顯示 def OnCloseshow(self,event): wx.Log.Suspend() ntpserverstop() self.frame.Close(True) # 右鍵選單 def CreatePopupMenu(self): menu = wx.Menu() #menu.Append(self.ID_Play, u'演示') menu.Append(self.ID_Minshow, u'最小化') menu.Append(self.ID_Maxshow, u'最大化') menu.Append(self.ID_About, u'關於') menu.Append(self.ID_Closeshow, u'退出') return menu class Frame(wx.Frame): def __init__( self, parent=None, id=wx.ID_ANY, title='ntp server '+ntpserverversion, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style) self.textctrl = wx.TextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) self.textctrl.SetMaxLength(30000) self.SetIcon(wx.Icon('profile/icon/ntp.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)) self.taskBarIcon = TaskBarIcon(self) # 繫結事件 self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose) self.Bind(wx.EVT_ICONIZE, self.OnIconfiy) # 視窗最小化時,呼叫OnIconfiy,注意Wx窗體上的最小化按鈕,觸發的事件是 wx.EVT_ICONIZE,而根本就沒有定義什麼wx.EVT_MINIMIZE,但是最大化,有個wx.EVT_MAXIMIZE。 self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_MAXLEN,self.OnClear) def OnClear(self,event): self.textctrl.Clear() def OnHide(self, event): self.Hide() def OnIconfiy(self, event): self.Hide() event.Skip() def OnClose(self, event): wx.Log.Suspend() ntpserverstop() self.taskBarIcon.Destroy() self.Destroy() def write(self, s): self.textctrl.AppendText(s) def Main(): app = wx.App() frame = Frame(size=(640, 480)) wx.Log.SetActiveTarget(wx.LogTextCtrl(frame.textctrl)) wx.Log.SetTimestamp('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') frame.Centre() frame.Show() ntpserverstart() app.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': Main()
#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from distutils.core import setup import py2exe includes = ["encodings", "encodings.*"] #要包含的其它庫檔案 options = { "py2exe": {"compressed": 1, #壓縮 "optimize": 2, "includes":includes, "dll_excludes": ["MSVCP90.dll"], "bundle_files": 1 #所有檔案打包成一個exe檔案 } } data_files=[ ("profile/icon",["profile/icon/ntp.ico"]), ("profile",["profile/settings.json"]) ] setup( options = options, zipfile=None,#不生成library.zip檔案 data_files=data_files, windows=[ {"script": "", #exe檔案的圖示 "icon_resources": [(1, "profile/icon/ntp.ico")] } ] )
配置檔案 settings.json