1. 程式人生 > >【翻譯】學習兩種禁用IE的方法



Learn two ways to disable Internet Explorer


作者:Michael Mullins CCNA, MCP

關鍵字:網頁瀏覽器 | 安全威脅 | 微軟Windows | 安全管理

Internet Explorer's laundry list of vulnerabilities and Firefox's growing popularity have made many users consider their browser alternatives. If you've had enough of dealing with IE's security flaws and decided to make a switch, learn two ways you can disable IE for your users.


Internet Explorer的缺陷細目清單和火狐的日漸流行已經使一些使用者考慮他們的瀏覽器替代品。如果你已經疲於應付IE的安全漏洞並決定轉換,學習兩個可以為你的使用者們禁用IE的方法罷。

1。laundry list  n. 細目清單
2。had enough of  vbl.受夠了,再忍受不住了》

Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) has long been a favorite target of hackers, and the frequent discovery of vulnerabilities over the years has only offered more incentive. In fact, Microsoft is
currently researching a new, unpatched flaw
that could put users at risk of a cyberattack.

微軟的Internet Explorer (IE)向來是hacker們喜歡的物件,常年頻繁的缺陷發現提供了更多的刺激。實際上,微軟正在研究一個可置使用者於網路攻擊危險的新的、未打補丁的漏洞。
《over the years  prep.這些年來,在這幾年中》

In addition, the growing popularity of the Firefox browser has offered computer users a browser alternative—one that

millions of users have opted to try. While not immune to its own security issues, the default installation of Firefox is rather secure, and it doesn't support ActiveX controls, a common culprit of security issues.

《opt to do sth. 選擇做某事》

So if you've had enough of dealing with IE's security flaws, how do you disable or remove Internet Explorer? If you're running Windows 2000 or XP, there's good news and bad news.

所以如果你已經疲於應付IE的安全漏洞,你怎樣禁用和移除IE?如果你正使用Windows 2000或XP,那麼有一個好訊息和一個壞訊息。

The bad news is that you can't remove IE without crippling your operating system. However, the good news is that you can disable IE for your users and move to a different browser.


Several simple, popular methods exist to disable IE. The easiest way to remove users' ability to browse with IE is to add a bogus proxy server to IE's Internet Settings.


Follow these steps:


  1. In IE, go to Tools | Internet Options.
    在IE中,工具 | Internet選項
  2. On the Connections tab, click the LAN Settings button.
  3. In the resulting dialog box, select the following check box in the Proxy Server section: Use a Proxy Server For Your LAN (These Settings Will Not Apply To Dial-up Or VPN Connections).
  4. Enter in the Address text box.
  5. Enter 80 in the Port text box, and click OK.

Please note that adding a bogus proxy server to your Internet settings won't affect Automatic Windows Update from connecting and updating your operating system.


You can also restrict Internet settings via Group Policy. Follow these steps:


  1. On your domain controller, right-click the organizational unit that contains your domain users, and select Properties.
    在域控制器上右擊包含你的域使用者的“組織單位”(Organizational Unit,OU),選擇“屬性”。
  2. On the Group Policy tab, click Edit.
  3. Expand User Configuration to set restrictions on a per-user basis.
  4. Expand Windows Settings, and expand Internet Explorer Maintenance.
    展開Windows設定,和“Internet Explorer維護”。
  5. Select Connection, and double-click Proxy Settings.
  6. Select the Enable Proxy Settings check box, add to the HTTP entry, and click OK.
    選定使用代理伺服器設定選擇框,新增0.0.0.0 到 HTTP entry,點選“確認”。
  7. Expand Administrative Templates, and expand Windows Components.
  8. Select Internet Explorer, and double-click Disable Changing Proxy Settings.
    選擇Internet Explorer,雙擊禁止改變代理伺服器設定。
  9. Select Enabled, and click OK.

Remember that Enabled sets a restriction, Disabled prevents a restriction from applying to a group of users (even if you enable it for a broader category of users), and Not Configured doesn't set the restriction.


Before you take any of these steps, download another browser, and test it on your current configuration. I highly recommend Mozilla's Firefox. After you install a new browser, answer Yes when it asks whether to make it your default browser.

Final thoughts


No matter how many patches Microsoft releases, ActiveX and the Browser Helper Object (a file loaded with Internet Explorer) are all an attacker needs to control your system and steal your data. Microsoft designed IE for functionality—not security. And antivirus software can't defend your network against IE exploits.
《1。no matter  不論...
2。defend against  防衛...以免於》

Windows security isn't about eliminating security holes—it's about managing risk and user functionality. All operating systems have vulnerabilities, but Windows' popularity makes it the target of choice for most black hats.
《be about  從事於》