1. 程式人生 > >Leetcode 216. Combination Sum III 解題思路

Leetcode 216. Combination Sum III 解題思路


Find all possible combinations of k numbers that add up to a number n, given that only numbers from 1 to 9 can be used and each combination should be a unique set of numbers.


  • All numbers will be positive integers.
  • The solution set must not contain duplicate combinations.

Example 1:

Input: k = 3, n = 7
Output: [[1,2,4]]

Example 2:

Input: k = 3, n = 9
Output: [[1,2,6], [1,3,5], [2,3,4]]

注意:這裡給的例子都是 k= 3 的情況,而 k 也可以取正整數。

每個值的範圍是[1, 9]

既然 k 是變數, 於是就可以採用遞迴的方法來寫。另外,按照升序來進行排序會簡單一些


vector<vector<int>> deepth(int k, int n, int begin)
        if(k == 2 )
            vector<vector<int>> ans;
            int z = 0;
            for(int i = begin; i <= n / k && i <= 9; ++i)
                    z = n - i;
                    if(z <= i)
                    if(z < 10)
                        ans.push_back(vector<int>{i, z});
            return ans;
            vector<vector<int>> final;
            vector<vector<int>> tmp;
            vector<int> mid;
            for(int i = begin; i < n / k && i <= 9; ++i)
                tmp = deepth(k - 1, n - i, i + 1);
                for(size_t j = 0; j < tmp.size(); ++j)
                    tmp[j].insert(tmp[j].begin(), i);
                final.insert(final.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
            return final;

    vector<vector<int>> combinationSum3(int k, int n) {
        if(k == 1)
            return vector<vector<int>>{vector<int>{1}};
        vector<vector<int>> ans = deepth(k, n, 1);
        return ans;