1. 程式人生 > >無意落入生態學功能性多樣性公式計算,R程式碼分享。包括FAD,MFAD,FD,FRIC,FEs,FEve,FDQ,FDiv


title: "Bio_diversity"
author: "jin"
date: "2018年11月18日"
output: word_document
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = F,message = F)

```{r setup}
setwd("C:/Users/jack/Desktop/mission/bio diversity")
sample <- read_excel("sample.xlsx")

```{r load the data}


```{r 功能性狀距離FAD}


```{r 功能性狀平均距離MFAD}


#功能樹狀圖指數 FD
```{r 功能樹狀圖指數 FD}
Xtree <- function(h)
  species.names <- h$labels 
  H1 <- matrix(0, length(h$order), 2 * length(h$order) - 2)
  l <- vector("numeric", 2 * length(h$order) - 2)
  for(i in 1:(length(h$order) - 1)) {
    # evaluate branch lengths
    if(h$merge[i, 1] < 0) {
      l[2 * i - 1] <- h$height[order(h$height)[i]]
      H1[ - h$merge[i, 1], 2 * i - 1] <- 1
    else {
      l[2 * i - 1] <- h$height[order(h$height)[i]] - h$height[order(h$height)[h$merge[i, 1]]]
      H1[, 2 * i - 1] <- H1[, 2 * h$merge[i, 1] - 1] + H1[
        , 2 * h$merge[i, 1]]
    if(h$merge[i, 2] < 0) {
      l[2 * i] <- h$height[order(h$height)[i]]
      H1[ - h$merge[i, 2], 2 * i] <- 1
    else {
      l[2 * i] <- h$height[order(h$height)[i]] - h$height[order(h$height)[h$merge[i, 2]]]
      H1[, 2 * i] <- H1[, 2 * h$merge[i, 2] - 1] + H1[, 2 *
                                                        h$merge[i, 2]]
  dimnames(H1) <- list(species.names,NULL)  
  list(h2.prime=l, H1=H1)

#dendro-based model
FD_dendro <- function(S, A, w = NA, Distance.method = "gower", ord= c("podani", "metric"),
                      Cluster.method = c(ward="ward",single="single",complete="complete",
                                         WPGMA="mcquitty"), stand.x = TRUE, stand.FD = FALSE,
                      Weigthedby = c("abundance", "biomasCarabids", "biomasBees", "biomassValue"),
                      biomassValue = NA){
  Out <- data.frame(comm = rep(NA,nrow(A)),
                    n_sp = rep(NA,nrow(A)),
                    n_tr = rep(NA,nrow(A)),
                    FDpg = rep(NA,nrow(A)),
                    FDw = rep(NA,nrow(A)),
                    FDwcomm = rep(NA,nrow(A)),
                    qual.FD = rep(NA,nrow(A))
  Out$comm <- rownames(A)
  Out$n_tr <- ncol(S)
  Arich <- as.matrix(A)
  Arich[which(Arich > 0)]  <- 1
  Out$n_sp <- rowSums(Arich, na.rm = TRUE) 
  if(is.na(w)[1]){w <- rep(1,ncol(S))}
  #Obtain the distance matrix
  if(Distance.method == "gower"){
    D <- gowdis(S, w = w, ord= ord)
    if (stand.x == TRUE){
      S2 <- scale(S, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
      D <- dist(S2, method = Distance.method)
      D <- dist(S, method = Distance.method)
  #Obtain the general dendrogram
  tree <- hclust(D, method = Cluster.method)
  #Get the total branch length
  xtree <- Xtree(tree)
  #calculate clustering  performance by using correlation between the cophenetic distance
  c_distance <- cor(D,cophenetic(tree))
  Out[, 7] <- rep(c_distance, nrow(Out))
  #if Weigthedby is not abundance, transform weight to biomass
  AA <- A
  if(Weigthedby != "abundance"){
    if(Weigthedby == "biomasCarabids"){
      biomassValue2 <- Jelaska(biomassValue)
    if(Weigthedby == "biomasBees"){
      biomassValue2 <- Cane(biomassValue)
      biomassValue2 <- biomassValue 
    #if biomassValue2 is a marix (with a different value for each community /species)
      for(j in 1:ncol(A)) AA[,j] <- A[,j]*biomassValue2[j]
      AA <- AA * biomassValue2
  #create an AFw matrix of relative abundances (/by max)
  AFw <- AA
  for(k in 1:nrow(AA)){
    AFw[k,] <- AA[k,]/max(AA[k,])
  #and also weigthed by total
  AFcomm <- AA
  for(k in 1:nrow(AA)){
    AFcomm[k,] <- AA[k,]/max(AA)
  #Calculate FD for each community
  for(i in 1:nrow(A)){
    species_in_C <- ifelse(A[i,]>0, 1, 0)
    select_xtree <- xtree$H1[which(species_in_C > 0),]
    if(is.array(select_xtree) == TRUE){
      i.primeC <- ifelse(colSums(select_xtree)>0, 1, 0)
    } else{
      i.primeC <- select_xtree
    Out[i,4] <- sum(i.primeC*xtree$h2.prime)
    ##calculate Fw
    #Substitute all branches where a given species is present (=1) by its weigth 
    xtree.weigths <- xtree$H1
    for(k in 1:nrow(S)){
      xtree.weigths[k,] <- ifelse(xtree$H1[k,] > 0, AFw[i,k], 0)
    #Get the total weigthing for each branch in a vector (i.primeW)
    i.primeW <- c(1:ncol(xtree.weigths))
    for(k in 1:ncol(xtree.weigths)){
      #For each branch chunk, take the mean weight,
      #This is equivalent to a weighted mean of the branch lenght contribution
      if(sum(xtree.weigths[which(xtree.weigths[,k] > 0),k]) != 0){
        i.primeW[k] <- mean(xtree.weigths[which(xtree.weigths[,k] > 0),k], na.rm = TRUE) 
        i.primeW[k] <- 0
    #FDw is the sum of the product of i.primeW (weigth) and h2.prime (branch length)
    Out[i,5] <- sum(i.primeW*xtree$h2.prime)
    ##Calculate FDwcom
    #Substitute all branches where a given species is present (=1) by its weigth 
    #now is raw species numbers... here we divide by the max across comunities
    #that takes into account the abundance.
    xtree.weigths <- xtree$H1
    for(k in 1:nrow(S)){
      xtree.weigths[k,] <- ifelse(xtree$H1[k,] > 0, AFcomm[i,k], 0)
    #Get the total weigthing for each branch in a vector (i.primeW)
    i.primeW <- c(1:ncol(xtree.weigths))
    for(k in 1:ncol(xtree.weigths)){
      if(sum(xtree.weigths[which(xtree.weigths[,k] > 0),k]) != 0){
        i.primeW[k] <-mean(xtree.weigths[which(xtree.weigths[,k] > 0),k], na.rm = TRUE) 
        i.primeW[k] <- 0
    #FD is the sum of the product of i.primeW and h2.prime
    Out[i,6] <- sum(i.primeW*xtree$h2.prime)
  #standardize FD if needed
  if(stand.FD == TRUE){
    Out[,4] <- Out[,4]/max(Out[,4])

FD_dendro <- FD_dendro(S = feature, A = abundance, Cluster.method = "average", ord = "podani",Weigthedby = "abundance")


#功能性狀體積 FRic
```{r 功能性狀體積 FRic}
## $FRic
## 9.04785 


```{r FEs}


#二維功能均勻度指數 FEve
```{r 二維功能均勻度指數 FEve}
## $FEve
## 0.6414776 


#Rao 二次熵指數 FDQ
```{r Rao 二次熵指數 FDQ}
## $RaoQ
## 5.184266 


#功能離散指數 FDiv
```{r 功能離散指數 FDiv}
## $FDiv
## 0.7579598 
