1. 程式人生 > >Python實戰(七)


一 實戰——做出決定

1 ex31.py

print "You enter a dark room with two doors. Do you go through door #1 or door #2?"
door = raw_input("> ")
if door == "1":
    print "There's a giant bear here eating a cheese cake. What do you do?"
    print "1. Take the cake."
    print "2. Scream at the bear."
    bear = raw_input("> ")
    if bear == "1":
        print "The bear eats your face off. Good job!"
    elif bear == "2":
        print "The bear eats your legs off. Good job!"
        print "Well, doing %s is probably better. Bear runs away." % bear
elif door == "2":
    print "You stare into the endless abyss at Cthulhu's retina."
    print "1. Blueberries."
    print "2. Yellow jacket clothespins."
    print "3. Understanding revolvers yelling melodies."
    insanity = raw_input("> ")
    if insanity == "1" or insanity == "2":
        print "Your body survives powered by a mind of jello. Good job!"
        print "The insanity rots your eyes into a pool of muck. Good job!"
    print "You stumble around and fall on a knife and die. Good job!"

2 執行結果

PS E:\Python\exercise> python ex31.py
You enter a dark room with two doors. Do you go through door #1 or door #2?
> 2
You stare into the endless abyss at Cthulhu's retina.
1. Blueberries.
2. Yellow jacket clothespins.
3. Understanding revolvers yelling melodies.
> 1
Your body survives powered by a mind of jello. Good job!

二 實戰——迴圈和列表

1 ex32.py

the_count = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
fruits = ['apples', 'oranges', 'pears', 'apricots']
change = [1, 'pennies', 2, 'dimes', 3, 'quarters']
# this first kind of for-loop goes through a list
for number in the_count:
    print "This is count %d" % number
# same as above
for fruit in fruits:
    print "A fruit of type: %s" % fruit
# also we can go through mixed lists too
# notice we have to use %r since we don't know what's in it
for i in change:
    print "I got %r" % i
# we can also build lists, first start with an empty one
elements = []
# then use the range function to do 0 to 5 counts
for i in range(0, 6):
    print "Adding %d to the list." % i
# append is a function that lists understand
# now we can print them out too
for i in elements:
    print "Element was: %d" % i

2 執行結果

PS E:\Python\exercise> python ex32.py
This is count 1
This is count 2
This is count 3
This is count 4
This is count 5
A fruit of type: apples
A fruit of type: oranges
A fruit of type: pears
A fruit of type: apricots
I got 1
I got 'pennies'
I got 2
I got 'dimes'
I got 3
I got 'quarters'
Adding 0 to the list.
Adding 1 to the list.
Adding 2 to the list.
Adding 3 to the list.
Adding 4 to the list.
Adding 5 to the list.
Element was: 0
Element was: 1
Element was: 2
Element was: 3
Element was: 4
Element was: 5

三 實戰——while迴圈

1 ex33.py

i = 0
numbers = []
while i < 6:
    print "At the top i is %d" % i
    i = i + 1
    print "Numbers now: ", numbers
    print "At the bottom i is %d" % i
print "The numbers: "
for num in numbers:
    print num

2 執行結果

PS E:\Python\exercise> python ex33.py
At the top i is 0
Numbers now:  [0]
At the bottom i is 1
At the top i is 1
Numbers now:  [0, 1]
At the bottom i is 2
At the top i is 2
Numbers now:  [0, 1, 2]
At the bottom i is 3
At the top i is 3
Numbers now:  [0, 1, 2, 3]
At the bottom i is 4
At the top i is 4
Numbers now:  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
At the bottom i is 5
At the top i is 5
Numbers now:  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
At the bottom i is 6
The numbers:

四 實戰——分支和函式

1 ex35.py

from sys import exit
def gold_room():
    print "This room is full of gold. How much do you take?"
    choice = raw_input("> ")
    if "0" in choice or "1" in choice:
        how_much = int(choice)
        dead("Man, learn to type a number.")
    if how_much < 50:
        print "Nice, you're not greedy, you win!"
        dead("You greedy bastard!")

def bear_room():
    print "There is a bear here."
    print "The bear has a bunch of honey."
    print "The fat bear is in front of another door."
    print "How are you going to move the bear?"
    bear_moved = False
    while True:
        choice = raw_input("> ")
        if choice == "take honey":
            dead("The bear looks at you then slaps your face off.")
        elif choice == "taunt bear" and not bear_moved:
            print "The bear has moved from the door. You can go through it now."
            bear_moved = True
        elif choice == "taunt bear" and bear_moved:
            dead("The bear gets pissed off and chews your leg off.")
        elif choice == "open door" and bear_moved:
            print "I got no idea what that means."

def cthulhu_room():
    print "Here you see the great evil Cthulhu."
    print "He, it, whatever stares at you and you go insane."
    print "Do you flee for your life or eat your head?"
    choice = raw_input("> ")
    if "flee" in choice:
    elif "head" in choice:
        dead("Well that was tasty!")

def dead(why):
    print why, "Good job!"

def start():
    print "You are in a dark room."
    print "There is a door to your right and left."
    print "Which one do you take?"
    choice = raw_input("> ")
    if choice == "left":
    elif choice == "right":
        dead("You stumble around the room until you starve.")


2 執行結果

PS E:\Python\exercise> python ex35.py
You are in a dark room.
There is a door to your right and left.
Which one do you take?
> left
There is a bear here.
The bear has a bunch of honey.
The fat bear is in front of another door.
How are you going to move the bear?
> taunt bear
The bear has moved from the door. You can go through it now.
> open door
This room is full of gold. How much do you take?
> 41
Nice, you're not greedy, you win!