阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-22
題目要求這樣:定義一日期Date類,過載++,--,-和^ 運算,分別完成求日期+1,-1, 兩個日期相減之間天數,以及取對應日期的星期幾的操作,並編寫主函式進行測試。
</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp">// // Date.h // Date // // Created by KevinLee on 15/10/13. // Copyright © 2015年 KevinLee. All rights reserved. // #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; static int dom1[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};//Day of Month 平年 static int dom2[12]={31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};//Day of Month 閏年 bool isLeap(int year){//判斷是否是閏年 return (year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||year%400==0?true:false; } class Date{ private: int year,month,day; public: Date(int y,int m,int d){ year=y;month=m;day=d; cout<<"New Date:["<<y<<"-"<<m<<"-"<<d<<"]"<<endl; if(year<1900){ cout<<"The year cannot be smaller than 1900!"<<endl;//年份不能小於1900 year=1900; } if(month<0||month>12) { cout<<"Wrong month!"<<endl;//月份輸入不正確 month=1; } if((isLeap(year)&&day>dom2[month-1])||day<1||(isLeap(year)==false&&day>dom1[month-1])){ cout<<"Wrong day!"<<endl;//天數輸入不正確 day=1; } } Date(string){ year=1900;month=1;day=1; } Date(){}; Date operator++(int);//日期加1 Date operator--(int);//日期減1 int operator-(Date);//求兩個日期之間的間隔天數 string operator^(int);//求日期之後多少天是星期幾,0代表當天 int countDays();//計算一天在一年中的第幾天 void show(){ cout<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<day<<endl; } }; int Date::countDays(){ int days=0; if (isLeap(year)) { for (int i=0; i<month-1; i++) { days+=dom2[i]; } days+=day; } else{ for (int i=0; i<month-1; i++) { days+=dom1[i]; } days+=day; } return days; } Date Date::operator++(int i){ if (isLeap(year)) { if (day==dom2[month-1]) { day=1; month++; if (month>12) { year++; month=1; } } else{ day++; } } else{ if (day==dom1[month-1]) { day=1; month++; if (month>12) { year++; month=1; } } else{ day++; } } return *this; } Date Date::operator--(int i){ if (isLeap(year)) { if (day==1) { month--; if (month<1) { year--; month=12; } day=dom2[month-1]; } else{ day--; } } else{ if (day==1) { month--; if (month<1) { year--; month=12; } day=dom1[month-1]; } else{ day--; } } return *this; } int Date::operator-(Date other){//利用成員函式過載 int subDay=0; if(this->year==other.year){ subDay+=abs(this->countDays()-other.countDays()); } else{ if(this->year<other.year){//交換兩個相減的日期,保證前者在後者之後 Date temp; temp=*this; *this=other; other=temp; } if(this->year-other.year>2){ for(int i=1;i<this->year-other.year;i++){ subDay+=365; if(isLeap(other.year+i)){ subDay+=1; } } } subDay+=365-other.countDays()+this->countDays(); if(isLeap(other.year)) subDay++; } return subDay; } string Date::operator^(int i){ string str[7]={"Mon","Tue","Wed","Thur","Fri","Sat","Sun"}; Date date("19000101");//已知1900年1月1日為星期一 int flag; int day=*this-date+i; flag=day%7; return str[flag]; }
// // main.cpp // Date // // Created by KevinLee on 15/10/13. // Copyright © 2015年 KevinLee. All rights reserved. // #include <iostream> #include "Date.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { Date date(2012,2,29),date2(2013,3,1),date3(2015,10,14); (date++).show(); (date--).show(); date.show(); date2.show(); date3.show(); cout<<date-date2<<endl;//求兩個日期間隔天數 string str=date3^0;//^符號接天數 cout<<str<<endl; return 0; }