Selenium 使用 Chrome 瀏覽器 webdriver
說明:點2下 ex3.exe 執行檔,Windows會使用chrome瀏覽器開啟中央氣象局網站。
Step 1:要安裝 python
附註1:如果是 Linux 或 MacOS 平臺,可以略過 Step1,因為內建就有 python, python2 或 python3 都可以,不限定版本。
附註2:除了python 如果你懂其他程式語言(例如:java)也可以實作,不限於python程式語言,大同小異)
Step 2:要安裝 pip
附註:這個太簡單,如果你的電腦裡沒有pip 指令,自行google 看看如何安裝。
Step 3:安裝selenium套件,請執行指令:
pip install selenium
如果在 Linux 或 MacOS 平臺裡執行pip install 失敗,請先pip install virtualenv. 我自己本身是使用 macOS, 一開始是無法安裝,使用 virtualenv,是一定可以跑,後來不知道修改到什麼,變成不用進入 venv 環境裡也可以直接執行。
如果是 Windows平臺,請直接跳到 Step 4.
Step 4:下載ChromeDriver
ChromeDriver 說明:
ChromeDriver 下載頁面:
附註1:ChromeDriver目前有支援 Linux 64bit / macOS 64bit / Windows 32bit (64bit 也可以執行 32bit程式)
附註2:除了有 ChromeDriver 還有 SafariDriver 可以讓 Selenium Server 呼叫 Safari 瀏覽器來執行,參考看看 Safari Extension,建議使用ChromeDriver即可。
太舊的 chrome 執行起來會有問題,請先更新chrome瀏覽器為最近的版本,更新方式為:「設定」->「關於Chrome」。
完成 step 3 的 selenium 的安裝,和 step 4 下載ChromeDriver 之後,先試看看這個sample code:
from selenium import webdriver chromedriver = "/Users/max/Documents/chromedriver" driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver) driver.get("")
說明1:這個ChromeDriver 路徑請換成您電腦實際下載的資料夾。
說明2:這個範例會開一個新的 chrome 視窗並連到網址
附註:目前的範例是透過 python 去控制 selenium + chromedriver,如果你懂其他的程式語言,也是可以實作的出來,異曲同工。
範例 2 號:
from selenium import webdriver chromedriver = "/Users/max/Documents/chromedriver" driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver)driver.get('') driver.set_window_position(0,0) #瀏覽器位置 driver.set_window_size(700,700) #瀏覽器大小 driver.find_element_by_link_text('天氣預報').click() #點選頁面上"天氣預報"的連結
範例 2 號使用的是find_element_by_link_text(),還有許多方法如下:
find_element_by_name() find_element_by_id() find_element_by_tag_name() find_element_by_partial_link_text() find_element_by_css_selector()
area = el.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, “a”)
光世代有分300M/100M,100m/40m,請知道的是如果在同樣的操作環境,人也一樣,那300m的會不會比100m的更高的機率買到票? 到底什麼是比別人快買到票的關鍵因素?? 售票系統的運作原理是什麼? 為何我的手速也很快了,但為什麼一進去票就是都被買了?他們到底是什麼原因比我快進去,快送出購票請求??
買票前建議先試著去買其他表演,事先下載好購票網頁會使用到的 javascript 和 css 檔案,可以透過離線檔案的快取(cache) 加速網頁的反應時間。
建議使用chrome 瀏覽器來搶票,反應時間會快一點。
「售票系統的運作原理」不難,google 一下就可以看到大量的實作和原理教學,在這裡就不詳述。以目前常見的網頁相關技術來說,在網路上大型的網站實作原理都大同小異,大致上會使用負載平衡(load balance)架構分散主機的網頁流量和要求,通常是(但不是絕對)在資料庫的伺服器那一段程式碼來決定那一個要求可以買到票的,大多數伺服器在處理排隊(queue)的要求是先進先出(first in first out),所以如果你的網路早一點下載完網頁,早一點執行完javascript,早一點送出搶票的要求,理論上搶到票的機率會高一點。
Q:您提到,拓元有分 detail 和 game, 連到game的網址,搶票才會快,假如一開始時間還沒到,「立即購票」的按鈕根本還沒出現,用這個方法,要怎麼使用呢??
A:detail 網址和 game 網址是一樣的,是獨立的,在購票流程裡你可以對可以購票的場次各使用 detail 和 game 網址去訂一次票,就可以知道其中差異,速度上 game 網址也可以買到票,由於傳回的網頁裡的資訊還有所執行的javascript較少,理論上也許會快幾個毫秒。
Q:用搶票機器人,跟手動的差別? 這個問題主要是問,機器人的速度跟用手動的速度,會差距明顯嗎?手的速度能不能贏過機器人?
目前有執行檔,不懂程式的人可以在 Windows/Mac/Linux 平臺上可以直接執行。
A:請先學會如何透過python 程式自動去點畫面上的按鈕,或使用點2下就可以跑的執行檔。
A:python會全開啟一個全新的視窗,請使用該視窗去登入 Google/Facebook/Pixel Pin.
A:Windows 也可以使用哦。而且語法相同。ChromeDriver目前有支援 Linux 64bit / macOS 64bit / Windows 32bit (64bit 也可以執行 32bit程式)檔案下載:
while True: time.sleep(0.2) url = "" try: url = driver.current_url except Exception as exc: pass if url is None: continue else: if len(url) == 0: continue print(url)
Q:google提供的擴充附件外掛 官方是不是會查出來?
如果有一個html 長的像醬子:
該按鈕的 html code:
<input class="btn btn-next" data-href="/ticket/area/18_RBTW/4029" name="yt0" type="button" value="立即訂購">
要取到該按鈕的 python code:
el = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('.btn-next')
讓按鈕產生點選的事件的 python code:
How to use the try/except with Selenium Webdriver when having Exceptions on Python
To be able to use required exception you have to import it first with correct name (NoSuchElement
-> NoSuchElementException
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
except NoSuchElementException:
Using JavaScript
element = driver.execute_script("return $('.cheese')[0]")
設定 select 裡的值:
from import Select select = Select(driver.find_element_by_tag_name("select")) select.select_by_visible_text("Edam")
勾選 checkbox :
You can “toggle” the state of checkboxes, and you can use “click” to set
<input type="checkbox" value="1" name="TicketForm[agree]" id="TicketForm_agree">
python code:
el = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, '#TicketForm_agree')
driver.execute_script("$('#TicketForm_agree').prop('checked', true);")
附註:讓輸入框focus 請用 javascript:
這些是目前 WebDriver 支援的指令。 實際的原始碼,理論上不需要去看,大部份的人也看不懂
"""The WebDriver implementation.""" import base64 import copy import warnings from contextlib import contextmanager from .command import Command from .webelement import WebElement from .remote_connection import RemoteConnection from .errorhandler import ErrorHandler from .switch_to import SwitchTo from .mobile import Mobile from .file_detector import FileDetector, LocalFileDetector from selenium.common.exceptions import (InvalidArgumentException, WebDriverException) from import By from selenium.webdriver.common.html5.application_cache import ApplicationCache try: str = basestring except NameError: pass _W3C_CAPABILITY_NAMES = frozenset([ 'acceptInsecureCerts', 'browserName', 'browserVersion', 'platformName', 'pageLoadStrategy', 'proxy', 'setWindowRect', 'timeouts', 'unhandledPromptBehavior', ]) _OSS_W3C_CONVERSION = { 'acceptSslCerts': 'acceptInsecureCerts', 'version': 'browserVersion', 'platform': 'platformName' } def _make_w3c_caps(caps): """Makes a W3C alwaysMatch capabilities object. Filters out capability names that are not in the W3C spec. Spec-compliant drivers will reject requests containing unknown capability names. Moves the Firefox profile, if present, from the old location to the new Firefox options object. :Args: - caps - A dictionary of capabilities requested by the caller. """ caps = copy.deepcopy(caps) profile = caps.get('firefox_profile') always_match = {} if caps.get('proxy') and caps['proxy'].get('proxyType'): caps['proxy']['proxyType'] = caps['proxy']['proxyType'].lower() for k, v in caps.items(): if v and k in _OSS_W3C_CONVERSION: always_match[_OSS_W3C_CONVERSION[k]] = v.lower() if k == 'platform' else v if k in _W3C_CAPABILITY_NAMES or ':' in k: always_match[k] = v if profile: moz_opts = always_match.get('moz:firefoxOptions', {}) # If it's already present, assume the caller did that intentionally. if 'profile' not in moz_opts: # Don't mutate the original capabilities. new_opts = copy.deepcopy(moz_opts) new_opts['profile'] = profile always_match['moz:firefoxOptions'] = new_opts return {"firstMatch": [{}], "alwaysMatch": always_match} class WebDriver(object): """ Controls a browser by sending commands to a remote server. This server is expected to be running the WebDriver wire protocol as defined at :Attributes: - session_id - String ID of the browser session started and controlled by this WebDriver. - capabilities - Dictionaty of effective capabilities of this browser session as returned by the remote server. See - command_executor - remote_connection.RemoteConnection object used to execute commands. - error_handler - errorhandler.ErrorHandler object used to handle errors. """ _web_element_cls = WebElement def __init__(self, command_executor='', desired_capabilities=None, browser_profile=None, proxy=None, keep_alive=False, file_detector=None, options=None): """ Create a new driver that will issue commands using the wire protocol. :Args: - command_executor - Either a string representing URL of the remote server or a custom remote_connection.RemoteConnection object. Defaults to ''. - desired_capabilities - A dictionary of capabilities to request when starting the browser session. Required parameter. - browser_profile - A selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile.FirefoxProfile object. Only used if Firefox is requested. Optional. - proxy - A selenium.webdriver.common.proxy.Proxy object. The browser session will be started with given proxy settings, if possible. Optional. - keep_alive - Whether to configure remote_connection.RemoteConnection to use HTTP keep-alive. Defaults to False. - file_detector - Pass custom file detector object during instantiation. If None, then default LocalFileDetector() will be used. - options - instance of a driver options.Options class """ if desired_capabilities is None: raise WebDriverException("Desired Capabilities can't be None") if not isinstance(desired_capabilities, dict): raise WebDriverException("Desired Capabilities must be a dictionary") if proxy is not None: warnings.warn("Please use FirefoxOptions to set proxy", DeprecationWarning) proxy.add_to_capabilities(desired_capabilities) if options is not None: desired_capabilities.update(options.to_capabilities()) self.command_executor = command_executor if type(self.command_executor) is bytes or isinstance(self.command_executor, str): self.command_executor = RemoteConnection(command_executor, keep_alive=keep_alive) self._is_remote = True self.session_id = None self.capabilities = {} self.error_handler = ErrorHandler() self.start_client() if browser_profile is not None: warnings.warn("Please use FirefoxOptions to set browser profile", DeprecationWarning) self.start_session(desired_capabilities, browser_profile) self._switch_to = SwitchTo(self) self._mobile = Mobile(self) self.file_detector = file_detector or LocalFileDetector() def __repr__(self): return '<{0.__module__}.{0.__name__} (session="{1}")>'.format( type(self), self.session_id) @contextmanager def file_detector_context(self, file_detector_class, *args, **kwargs): """ Overrides the current file detector (if necessary) in limited context. Ensures the original file detector is set afterwards. Example: with webdriver.file_detector_context(UselessFileDetector): someinput.send_keys('/etc/hosts') :Args: - file_detector_class - Class of the desired file detector. If the class is different from the current file_detector, then the class is instantiated with args and kwargs and used as a file detector during the duration of the context manager. - args - Optional arguments that get passed to the file detector class during instantiation. - kwargs - Keyword arguments, passed the same way as args. """ last_detector = None if not isinstance(self.file_detector, file_detector_class): last_detector = self.file_detector self.file_detector = file_detector_class(*args, **kwargs) try: yield finally: if last_detector is not None: self.file_detector = last_detector @property def mobile(self): return self._mobile @property def name(self): """Returns the name of the underlying browser for this instance. :Usage: name = """ if 'browserName' in self.capabilities: return self.capabilities['browserName'] else: raise KeyError('browserName not specified in session capabilities') def start_client(self): """ Called before starting a new session. This method may be overridden to define custom startup behavior. """ pass def stop_client(self): """ Called after executing a quit command. This method may be overridden to define custom shutdown behavior. """ pass def start_session(self, capabilities, browser_profile=None): """ Creates a new session with the desired capabilities. :Args: - browser_name - The name of the browser to request. - version - Which browser version to request. - platform - Which platform to request the browser on. - javascript_enabled - Whether the new session should support JavaScript. - browser_profile - A selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_profile.FirefoxProfile object. Only used if Firefox is requested. """ if not isinstance(capabilities, dict): raise InvalidArgumentException("Capabilities must be a dictionary") if browser_profile: if "moz:firefoxOptions" in capabilities: capabilities["moz:firefoxOptions"]["profile"] = browser_profile.encoded else: capabilities.update({'firefox_profile': browser_profile.encoded}) w3c_caps = _make_w3c_caps(capabilities) parameters = {"capabilities": w3c_caps, "desiredCapabilities": capabilities} response = self.execute(Command.NEW_SESSION, parameters) if 'sessionId' not in response: response = response['value'] self.session_id = response['sessionId'] self.capabilities = response.get('value') # if capabilities is none we are probably speaking to # a W3C endpoint if self.capabilities is None: self.capabilities = response.get('capabilities') # Double check to see if we have a W3C Compliant browser self.w3c = response.get('status') is None self.command_executor.w3c = self.w3c def _wrap_value(self, value): if isinstance(value, dict): converted = {} for key, val in value.items(): converted[key] = self._wrap_value(val) return converted elif isinstance(value, self._web_element_cls): return {'ELEMENT':, 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf':} elif isinstance(value, list): return list(self._wrap_value(item) for item in value) else: return value def create_web_element(self, element_id): """Creates a web element with the specified `element_id`.""" return self._web_element_cls(self, element_id, w3c=self.w3c) def _unwrap_value(self, value): if isinstance(value, dict): if 'ELEMENT' in value or 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf' in value: wrapped_id = value.get('ELEMENT', None) if wrapped_id: return self.create_web_element(value['ELEMENT']) else: return self.create_web_element(value['element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf']) else: for key, val in value.items(): value[key] = self._unwrap_value(val) return value elif isinstance(value, list): return list(self._unwrap_value(item) for item in value) else: return value def execute(self, driver_command, params=None): """ Sends a command to be executed by a command.CommandExecutor. :Args: - driver_command: The name of the command to execute as a string. - params: A dictionary of named parameters to send with the command. :Returns: The command's JSON response loaded into a dictionary object. """ if self.session_id is not None: if not params: params = {'sessionId': self.session_id} elif 'sessionId' not in params: params['sessionId'] = self.session_id params = self._wrap_value(params) response = self.command_executor.execute(driver_command, params) if response: self.error_handler.check_response(response) response['value'] = self._unwrap_value( response.get('value', None)) return response # If the server doesn't send a response, assume the command was # a success return {'success': 0, 'value': None, 'sessionId': self.session_id} def get(self, url): """ Loads a web page in the current browser session. """ self.execute(Command.GET, {'url': url}) @property def title(self): """Returns the title of the current page. :Usage: title = driver.title """ resp = self.execute(Command.GET_TITLE) return resp['value'] if resp['value'] is not None else "" def find_element_by_id(self, id_): """Finds an element by id. :Args: - id\_ - The id of the element to be found. :Returns: - WebElement - the element if it was found :Raises: - NoSuchElementException - if the element wasn't found :Usage: element = driver.find_element_by_id('foo') """ return self.find_element(by=By.ID, value=id_) def find_elements_by_id(self, id_): """ Finds multiple elements by id. :Args: - id\_ - The id of the elements to be found. :Returns: - list of WebElement - a list with elements if any was found. An empty list if not :Usage: elements = driver.find_elements_by_id('foo') """ return self.find_elements(by=By.ID, value=id_) def find_element_by_xpath(self, xpath): """ Finds an element by xpath. :Args: - xpath - The xpath locator of the element to find. :Returns: - WebElement - the element if it was found :Raises: - NoSuchElementException - if the element wasn't found :Usage: element = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div/td[1]') """ return self.find_element(by=By.XPATH, value=xpath) def find_elements_by_xpath(self, xpath): """ Finds multiple elements by xpath. :Args: - xpath - The xpath locator of the elements to be found. :Returns: - list of WebElement - a list with elements if any was found. An empty list if not :Usage: elements = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'foo')]") """ return self.find_elements(by=By.XPATH, value=xpath) def find_element_by_link_text(self, link_text): """ Finds an element by link text. :Args: - link_text: The text of the element to be found. :Returns: - WebElement - the element if it was found :Raises: - NoSuchElementException - if the element wasn't found :Usage: element = driver.find_element_by_link_text('Sign In') """ return self.find_element(by=By.LINK_TEXT, value=link_text) def find_elements_by_link_text(self, text): """ Finds elements by link text. :Args: - link_text: The text of the elements to be found. :Returns: - list of webelement - a list with elements if any was found. an empty list if not :Usage: elements = driver.find_elements_by_link_text('Sign In') """ return self.find_elements(by=By.LINK_TEXT, value=text) def find_element_by_partial_link_text(self, link_text): """ Finds an element by a partial match of its link text. :Args: - link_text: The text of the element to partially match on. :Returns: - WebElement - the element if it was found :Raises: - NoSuchElementException - if the element wasn't found :Usage: element = driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text('Sign') """ return self.find_element(by=By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, value=link_text) def find_elements_by_partial_link_text(self, link_text): """ Finds elements by a partial match of their link text. :Args: - link_text: The text of the element to partial match on. :Returns: - list of webelement - a list with elements if any was found. an empty list if not :Usage: elements = driver.find_elements_by_partial_link_text('Sign') """ return self.find_elements(by=By.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT, value=link_text) def find_element_by_name(self, name): """ Finds an element by name. :Args: - name: The name of the element to find. :Returns: - WebElement - the element if it was found :Raises: - NoSuchElementException - if the element wasn't found :Usage: element = driver.find_element_by_name('foo') """ return self.find_element(by=By.NAME, value=name) def find_elements_by_name(self, name): """ Finds elements by name. :Args: - name: The name of the elements to find. :Returns: - list of webelement - a list with elements if any was found. an empty list if not :Usage: elements = driver.find_elements_by_name('foo') """ return self.find_elements(by=By.NAME, value=name) def find_element_by_tag_name(self, name): """ Finds an element by tag name. :Args: - name - name of html tag (eg: h1, a, span) :Returns: - WebElement - the element if it was found :Raises: - NoSuchElementException - if the element wasn't found :Usage: element = driver.find_element_by_tag_name('h1') """ return self.find_element(by=By.TAG_NAME, value=name) def find_elements_by_tag_name(self, name): """ Finds elements by tag name. :Args: - name - name of html tag (eg: h1, a, span) :Returns: - list of WebElement - a list with elements if any was found. An empty list if not :Usage: elements = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('h1') """ return self.find_elements(by=By.TAG_NAME, value=name) def find_element_by_class_name(self, name): """ Finds an element by class name. :Args: - name: The class name of the element to find. :Returns: - WebElement - the element if it was found :Raises: - NoSuchElementException - if the element wasn't found :Usage: element = driver.find_element_by_class_name('foo') """ return self.find_element(by=By.CLASS_NAME, value=name) def find_elements_by_class_name(self, name): """ Finds elements by class name. :Args: - name: The class name of the elements to find. :Returns: - list of WebElement - a list with elements if any was found. An empty list if not :Usage: elements = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('foo') """ return self.find_elements(by=By.CLASS_NAME, value=name) def find_element_by_css_selector(self, css_selector): """ Finds an element by css selector. :Args: - css_selector - CSS selector string, ex: 'a.nav#home' :Returns: - WebElement - the element if it was found :Raises: - NoSuchElementException - if the element wasn't found :Usage: element = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#foo') """ return self.find_element(by=By.CSS_SELECTOR, value=css_selector) def find_elements_by_css_selector(self, css_selector): """ Finds elements by css selector. :Args: - css_selector - CSS selector string, ex: 'a.nav#home' :Returns: - list of WebElement - a list with elements if any was found. An empty list if not :Usage: elements = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('.foo') """ return self.find_elements(by=By.CSS_SELECTOR, value=css_selector) def execute_script(self, script, *args): """ Synchronously Executes JavaScript in the current window/frame. :Args: - script: The JavaScript to execute. - \*args: Any applicable arguments for your JavaScript. :Usage: driver.execute_script('return document.title;') """ converted_args = list(args) command = None if self.w3c: command = Command.W3C_EXECUTE_SCRIPT else: command = Command.EXECUTE_SCRIPT return self.execute(command, { 'script': script, 'args': converted_args})['value'] def execute_async_script(self, script, *args): """ Asynchronously Executes JavaScript in the current window/frame. :Args: - script: The JavaScript to execute. - \*args: Any applicable arguments for your JavaScript. :Usage: script = "var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; " \ "window.setTimeout(function(){ callback('timeout') }, 3000);" driver.execute_async_script(script) """ converted_args = list(args) if self.w3c: command = Command.W3C_EXECUTE_SCRIPT_ASYNC else: command = Command.EXECUTE_ASYNC_SCRIPT return self.execute(command, { 'script': script, 'args': converted_args})['value'] @property def current_url(self): """ Gets the URL of the current page. :Usage: driver.current_url """ return self.execute(Command.GET_CURRENT_URL)['value'] @property def page_source(self): """ Gets the source of the current page. :Usage: driver.page_source """ return self.execute(Command.GET_PAGE_SOURCE)['value'] def close(self): """ Closes the current window. :Usage: driver.close() """ self.execute(Command.CLOSE) def quit(self): """ Quits the driver and closes every associated window. :Usage: driver.quit() """ try: self.execute(Command.QUIT) finally: self.stop_client() @property def current_window_handle(self): """ Returns the handle of the current window. :Usage: driver.current_window_handle """ if self.w3c: return self.execute(Command.W3C_GET_CURRENT_WINDOW_HANDLE)['value'] else: return self.execute(Command.GET_CURRENT_WINDOW_HANDLE)['value'] @property def window_handles(self): """ Returns the handles of all windows within the current session. :Usage: driver.window_handles """ if self.w3c: return self.execute(Command.W3C_GET_WINDOW_HANDLES)['value'] else: return self.execute(Command.GET_WINDOW_HANDLES)['value'] def maximize_window(self): """ Maximizes the current window that webdriver is using """ command = Command.MAXIMIZE_WINDOW if self.w3c: command = Command.W3C_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW self.execute(command, {"windowHandle": "current"}) def fullscreen_window(self): """ Invokes the window manager-specific 'full screen' operation """ self.execute(Command.FULLSCREEN_WINDOW) def minimize_window(self): """ Invokes the window manager-specific 'minimize' operation """ self.execute(Command.MINIMIZE_WINDOW) @property def switch_to(self): """ :Returns: - SwitchTo: an object containing all options to switch focus into :Usage: element = driver.switch_to.active_element alert = driver.switch_to.alert driver.switch_to.default_content() driver.switch_to.frame('frame_name') driver.switch_to.frame(1) driver.switch_to.frame(driver.find_elements_by_tag_name("iframe")[0]) driver.switch_to.parent_frame() driver.switch_to.window('main') """ return self._switch_to # Target Locators def switch_to_active_element(self): """ Deprecated use driver.switch_to.active_element """ warnings.warn("use driver.switch_to.active_element instead", DeprecationWarning) return self._switch_to.active_element def switch_to_window(self, window_name): """ Deprecated use driver.switch_to.window """ warnings.warn("use driver.switch_to.window instead", DeprecationWarning) self._switch_to.window(window_name) def switch_to_frame(self, frame_reference): """ Deprecated use driver.switch_to.frame """ warnings.warn("use driver.switch_to.frame instead", DeprecationWarning) self._switch_to.frame(frame_reference) def switch_to_default_content(self): """ Deprecated use driver.switch_to.default_content """ warnings.warn("use driver.switch_to.default_content instead", DeprecationWarning) self._switch_to.default_content() def switch_to_alert(self): """ Deprecated use driver.switch_to.alert """ warnings.warn("use driver.switch_to.alert instead", DeprecationWarning) return self._switch_to.alert # Navigation def back(self): """ Goes one step backward in the browser history. :Usage: driver.back() """ self.execute(Command.GO_BACK) def forward(self): """ Goes one step forward in the browser history. :Usage: driver.forward() """ self.execute(Command.GO_FORWARD) def refresh(self): """ Refreshes the current page. :Usage: driver.refresh() """ self.execute(Command.REFRESH) # Options def get_cookies(self): """ Returns a set of dictionaries, corresponding to cookies visible in the current session. :Usage: driver.get_cookies() """ return self.execute(Command.GET_ALL_COOKIES)['value'] def get_cookie(self, name): """ Get a single cookie by name. Returns the cookie if found, None if not. :Usage: driver.get_cookie('my_cookie') """ cookies = self.get_cookies() for cookie in cookies: if cookie['name'] == name: return cookie return None def delete_cookie(self, name): """ Deletes a single cookie with the given name. :Usage: driver.delete_cookie('my_cookie') """ self.execute(Command.DELETE_COOKIE, {'name': name}) def delete_all_cookies(self): """ Delete all cookies in the scope of the session. :Usage: driver.delete_all_cookies() """ self.execute(Command.DELETE_ALL_COOKIES) def add_cookie(self, cookie_dict): """ Adds a cookie to your current session. :Args: - cookie_dict: A dictionary object, with required keys - "name" and "value"; optional keys - "path", "domain", "secure", "expiry" Usage: driver.add_cookie({'name' : 'foo', 'value' : 'bar'}) driver.add_cookie({'name' : 'foo', 'value' : 'bar', 'path' : '/'}) driver.add_cookie({'name' : 'foo', 'value' : 'bar', 'path' : '/', 'secure':True}) """ self.execute(Command.ADD_COOKIE, {'cookie': cookie_dict}) # Timeouts def implicitly_wait(self, time_to_wait): """ Sets a sticky timeout to implicitly wait for an element to be found, or a command to complete. This method only needs to be called one time per session. To set the timeout for calls to execute_async_script, see set_script_timeout. :Args: - time_to_wait: Amount of time to wait (in seconds) :Usage: driver.implicitly_wait(30) """ if self.w3c: self.execute(Command.SET_TIMEOUTS, { 'implicit': int(float(time_to_wait) * 1000)}) else: self.execute(Command.IMPLICIT_WAIT, { 'ms': float(time_to_wait) * 1000}) def set_script_timeout(self, time_to_wait): """ Set the amount of time that the script should wait during an execute_async_script call before throwing an error. :Args: - time_to_wait: The amount of time to wait (in seconds) :Usage: driver.set_script_timeout(30) """ if self.w3c: self.execute(Command.SET_TIMEOUTS, { 'script': int(float(time_to_wait) * 1000)}) else: self.execute(Command.SET_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT, { 'ms': float(time_to_wait) * 1000}) def set_page_load_timeout(self, time_to_wait): """ Set the amount of time to wait for a page load to complete before throwing an error. :Args: - time_to_wait: The amount of time to wait :Usage: driver.set_page_load_timeout(30) """ try: self.execute(Command.SET_TIMEOUTS, { 'pageLoad': int(float(time_to_wait) * 1000)}) except WebDriverException: self.execute(Command.SET_TIMEOUTS, { 'ms': float(time_to_wait) * 1000, 'type': 'page load'}) def find_element(self, by=By.ID, value=None): """ 'Private' method used by the find_element_by_* methods. :Usage: Use the corresponding find_element_by_* instead of this. :rtype: WebElement """ if self.w3c: if by == By.ID: by = By.CSS_SELECTOR value = '[id="%s"]' % value elif by == By.TAG_NAME: by = By.CSS_SELECTOR elif by == By.CLASS_NAME: by = By.CSS_SELECTOR value = ".%s" % value elif by == By.NAME: by = By.CSS_SELECTOR value = '[name="%s"]' % value return self.execute(Command.FIND_ELEMENT, { 'using': by, 'value': value})['value'] def find_elements(self, by=By.ID, value=None): """ 'Private' method used by the find_elements_by_* methods. :Usage: Use the corresponding find_elements_by_* instead of this. :rtype: list of WebElement """ if self.w3c: if by == By.ID: by = By.CSS_SELECTOR value = '[id="%s"]' % value elif by == By.TAG_NAME: by = By.CSS_SELECTOR elif by == By.CLASS_NAME: by = By.CSS_SELECTOR value = ".%s" % value elif by == By.NAME: by = By.CSS_SELECTOR value = '[name="%s"]' % value # Return empty list if driver returns null # See return self.execute(Command.FIND_ELEMENTS, { 'using': by, 'value': value})['value'] or [] @property def desired_capabilities(self): """ returns the drivers current desired capabilities being used """ return self.capabilities def get_screenshot_as_file(self, filename): """ Saves a screenshot of the current window to a PNG image file. Returns False if there is any IOError, else returns True. Use full paths in your filename. :Args: - filename: The full path you wish to save your screenshot to. This should end with a `.png` extension. :Usage: driver.get_screenshot_as_file('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ if not filename.lower().endswith('.png'): warnings.warn("name used for saved screenshot does not match file " "type. It should end with a `.png` extension", UserWarning) png = self.get_screenshot_as_png() try: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(png) except IOError: return False finally: del png return True def save_screenshot(self, filename): """ Saves a screenshot of the current window to a PNG image file. Returns False if there is any IOError, else returns True. Use full paths in your filename. :Args: - filename: The full path you wish to save your screenshot to. This should end with a `.png` extension. :Usage: driver.save_screenshot('/Screenshots/foo.png') """ return self.get_screenshot_as_file(filename) def get_screenshot_as_png(self): """ Gets the screenshot of the current window as a binary data. :Usage: driver.get_screenshot_as_png() """ return base64.b64decode(self.get_screenshot_as_base64().encode('ascii')) def get_screenshot_as_base64(self): """ Gets the screenshot of the current window as a base64 encoded string which is useful in embedded images in HTML. :Usage: driver.get_screenshot_as_base64() """ return self.execute(Command.SCREENSHOT)['value'] def set_window_size(self, width, height, windowHandle='current'): """ Sets the width and height of the current window. (window.resizeTo) :Args: - width: the width in pixels to set the window to - height: the height in pixels to set the window to :Usage: driver.set_window_size(800,600) """ if self.w3c: if windowHandle != 'current': warnings.warn("Only 'current' window is supported for W3C compatibile browsers.") self.set_window_rect(width=int(width), height=int(height)) else: self.execute(Command.SET_WINDOW_SIZE, { 'width': int(width), 'height': int(height), 'windowHandle': windowHandle}) def get_window_size(self, windowHandle='current'): """ Gets the width and height of the current window. :Usage: driver.get_window_size() """ command = Command.GET_WINDOW_SIZE if self.w3c: if windowHandle != 'current': warnings.warn("Only 'current' window is supported for W3C compatibile browsers.") size = self.get_window_rect() else: size = self.execute(command, {'windowHandle': windowHandle}) if size.get('value', None) is not None: size = size['value'] return {k: size[k] for k in ('width', 'height')} def set_window_position(self, x, y, windowHandle='current'): """ Sets the x,y position of the current window. (window.moveTo) :Args: - x: the x-coordinate in pixels to set the window position - y: the y-coordinate in pixels to set the window position :Usage: driver.set_window_position(0,0) """ if self.w3c: if windowHandle != 'current': warnings.warn("Only 'current' window is supported for W3C compatibile browsers.") return self.set_window_rect(x=int(x), y=int(y)) else: self.execute(Command.SET_WINDOW_POSITION, { 'x': int(x), 'y': int(y), 'windowHandle': windowHandle }) def get_window_position(self, windowHandle='current'): """ Gets the x,y position of the current window. :Usage: driver.get_window_position() """ if self.w3c: if windowHandle != 'current': warnings.warn("Only 'current' window is supported for W3C compatibile browsers.") position = self.get_window_rect() else: position = self.execute(Command.GET_WINDOW_POSITION, {'windowHandle': windowHandle})['value'] return {k: position[k] for k in ('x', 'y')} def get_window_rect(self): """ Gets the x, y coordinates of the window as well as height and width of the current window. :Usage: driver.get_window_rect() """ return self.execute(Command.GET_WINDOW_RECT)['value'] def set_window_rect(self, x=None, y=None, width=None, height=None): """ Sets the x, y coordinates of the window as well as height and width of the current window. :Usage: driver.set_window_rect(x=10, y=10) driver.set_window_rect(width=100, height=200) driver.set_window_rect(x=10, y=10, width=100, height=200) """ if (x is None and y is None) and (height is None and width is None): raise InvalidArgumentException("x and y or height and width need values") return self.execute(Command.SET_WINDOW_RECT, {"x": x, "y": y, "width": width, "height": height})['value'] @property def file_detector(self): return self._file_detector @file_detector.setter def file_detector(self, detector): """ Set the file detector to be used when sending keyboard input. By default, this is set to a file detector that does nothing. see FileDetector see LocalFileDetector see UselessFileDetector :Args: - detector: The detector to use. Must not be None. """ if detector is None: raise WebDriverException("You may not set a file detector that is null") if not isinstance(detector, FileDetector): raise WebDriverException("Detector has to be instance of FileDetector") self._file_detector = detector @property def orientation(self): """ Gets the current orientation of the device :Usage: orientation = driver.orientation """ return self.execute(Command.GET_SCREEN_ORIENTATION)['value'] @orientation.setter def orientation(self, value): """ Sets the current orientation of the device :Args: - value: orientation to set it to. :Usage: driver.orientation = 'landscape' """ allowed_values = ['LANDSCAPE', 'PORTRAIT'] if value.upper() in allowed_values: self.execute(Command.SET_SCREEN_ORIENTATION, {'orientation': value}) else: raise WebDriverException("You can only set the orientation to 'LANDSCAPE' and 'PORTRAIT'") @property def application_cache(self): """ Returns a ApplicationCache Object to interact with the browser app cache""" return ApplicationCache(self) @property def log_types(self): """ Gets a list of the available log types :Usage: driver.log_types """ return self.execute(Command.GET_AVAILABLE_LOG_TYPES)['value'] def get_log(self, log_type): """ Gets the log for a given log type :Args: - log_type: type of log that which will be returned :Usage: driver.get_log('browser') driver.get_log('driver') driver.get_log('client') driver.get_log('server') """ return self.execute(Command.GET_LOG, {'type': log_type})['value']
從目前的 source code 可以清楚的看到如何去使用 webdriver 物件。
下面的這個 chromedriver 切換 frame 的功能,如果你要是搶「熱門」的票,是遇不到的,熱門的場次都是「自動畫位」,所以不必自己去選坐位,自動選坐位會彈出在 iframe 裡,可以使用下面這行指令即可切換到選位的 iframe:
reference是傳入的引數,用來定位frame,可以傳入id、name、index以及selenium的WebElement物件,假設有如下HTML程式碼 index.html:
<html lang="en"> <head> <title>FrameTest</title> </head> <body> <iframe src="a.html" id="frame1" name="myframe"></iframe> </body> </html>
from selenium import webdriver driver = webdriver.Firefox() driver.switch_to.frame(0) # 1.用frame的index來定位,第一個是0 # driver.switch_to.frame("frame1") # 2.用id來定位 # driver.switch_to.frame("myframe") # 3.用name來定位 # driver.switch_to.frame(driver.find_element_by_tag_name("iframe")) # 4.用WebElement物件來定位
<iframe src="myframetest.html" />
<html> <iframe id="frame1"> <iframe id="frame2" / > </iframe> </html>
driver.switch_to.frame("frame1") driver.switch_to.frame("frame2")
driver.switch_to.parent_frame() # 如果當前已是主文件,則無效果
driver.switch_to.frame(reference) driver.switch_to.parent_frame() driver.switch_to.default_content()
如何在Server side(伺服器端)檢查使用者有沒開 chromedriver?
上面文章不用去看了,我檢查過新的版本的 selenium 完全不會多產生上面的 key 值。
拓元在 2018-05-12 之後更新的javascript 如下:
function order_check() { var count = valueCount(["WMeBWmQEOdoAKQq0wKU8kv4k5VcwA3GjyISDUmtPZek="]), maxQuota = 4; if(!$("#TicketForm_agree").prop("checked")) { alert("\u8acb\u5148\u8a73\u95b1\u4e14\u540c\u610f\u6703\u54e1\u670d\u52d9\u689d\u6b3e\u5f8c\u518d\u884c\u9001\u51fa\u52d5\u4f5c\u3002"); } else if (count > maxQuota) { alert("\u55ae\u7b46\u4ea4\u6613\u6700\u591a\u53ef\u8cb7 \" + maxQuota + \" \u5f35"); } else if (count == 0) { alert("\u8acb\u81f3\u5c11\u9078\u64c7\u4e00\u7a2e\u7968\u7a2e"); } else { var ticketType = ["WMeBWmQEOdoAKQq0wKU8kv4k5VcwA3GjyISDUmtPZek="], ticketTypeSelector = $("[name=\"" + ticketType.join("\"], [name=\"") + "\"]"); ticketTypeSelector.each(function() { $(this).attr("name", "TicketForm[ticketPrice][" + $(this).get(0).name + "]"); }); return true; } return false; } function valueCount(elements) { elements = countValById(elements); return elements.reduce(function(total, element) { return total + element; }, 0); } $("select[id=\"WMeBWmQEOdoAKQq0wKU8kv4k5VcwA3GjyISDUmtPZek=\"]").on("click", function(event) { if (!!event.originalEvent.isTrusted && !event.isTrigger) { $("#TicketForm_checked").attr("name", "TicketForm[ticketPrice][vQmwBD+sVq5AOWaOJrdiOQ5oIjAlhU38AxsBgnL1qkU=]"); } }); $("#TicketForm_agree").on("click", function(event) { if (!!event.originalEvent.isTrusted && !$(this).checked && !event.isTrigger) { $(this).attr("name", "TicketForm[agree][YnuMm9Vok/JcdY82p5pho4QaTg8m+p735VSWpPyjOfE=]"); } }) $("#TicketForm").on("change", function(event) { var ticketType = ["WMeBWmQEOdoAKQq0wKU8kv4k5VcwA3GjyISDUmtPZek="]; if (ticketType.indexOf( != -1) { var count = valueCount(ticketType), maxQuota = 4; if (count > maxQuota) { var num = parseInt($( + (maxQuota - count); alert("\u55ae\u7b46\u4ea4\u6613\u6700\u591a\u53ef\u8cb7 \" + maxQuota + \" \u5f35\uff0c\u60a8\u5171\u9078\u64c7\u4e86 \" + count + \" \u5f35"); while ($("option[value=" + num + "]").length < 1 && num != 0) { num--; } $(; } $("#ticketQuota").text(maxQuota - valueCount(ticketType)); } }); $("#TicketForm select").change();
<select class="mobile-select" name="WMeBWmQEOdoAKQq0wKU8kv4k5VcwA3GjyISDUmtPZek=" id="WMeBWmQEOdoAKQq0wKU8kv4k5VcwA3GjyISDUmtPZek="> <option value="0">0</option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> </select>
driver.execute_script("$('#TicketForm_agree').prop('checked', true);")
並不會觸發 onclick 事件。請改服用:
form_checkbox = None try: form_checkbox = driver.find_element(By.ID, 'TicketForm_agree') if form_checkbox is not None: try: except Exception as exc: print "click TicketForm_agree fail" pass except NoSuchElementException: print "find TicketForm_agree fail"
附註, select box 比照 checkbox 的 code, 先產生 click 再去選取預期的張數即可。
2018年09月某一天 發現拓元的 javascript 又增加了幾個新的檢查點,javascript 如下:
function countValById(arr) { return { return parseInt($("[id=\"" + val + "\"]").val()); }); } function order_check() { var count = valueCount(["gqQB0FXCgar2OyOvqUFZR1xujK9R1sO+OR6V6m\/unzY="]), maxQuota = 4; if(!$("#TicketForm_agree").prop("checked")) { alert("\u8acb\u5148\u8a73\u95b1\u4e14\u540c\u610f\u6703\u54e1\u670d\u52d9\u689d\u6b3e\u5f8c\u518d\u884c\u9001\u51fa\u52d5\u4f5c\u3002"); } else if (count > maxQuota) { alert("單筆交易最多可買 " + maxQuota + " 張"); } else if (count == 0) { alert("\u8acb\u81f3\u5c11\u9078\u64c7\u4e00\u7a2e\u7968\u7a2e"); } else { var ticketType = ["gqQB0FXCgar2OyOvqUFZR1xujK9R1sO+OR6V6m\/unzY="], ticketTypeSelector = $("[name=\"" + ticketType.join("\"], [name=\"") + "\"]"); ticketTypeSelector.each(function() { $(this).attr("name", "TicketForm[ticketPrice][" + $(this).get(0).name + "]"); }); return true; } return false; } function valueCount(elements) { elements = countValById(elements); return elements.reduce(function(total, element) { return total + element; }, 0); } $(document).ready(function() { var ticketType = ["gqQB0FXCgar2OyOvqUFZR1xujK9R1sO+OR6V6m\/unzY="], ticketTypeSelector = "[id='" + ticketType.join("'], [id='") + "']"; $("#TicketForm_agree").attr("name", "TicketForm[agrees]"); $("#TicketForm_checked").attr("name", "TicketForm[ticketPrice][checks][ + $(ticketTypeSelector).length + ]"); ravenCheck(ticketTypeSelector); $("#TicketForm").on("mousedown click touchstart", ticketTypeSelector, function(event) { $("#TicketForm_checked").attr("name", "s_" + event.originalEvent.isTrusted + "_" + event.isTrigger); if (event.originalEvent.isTrusted !== false && !event.isTrigger) { $("#TicketForm_checked").attr("name", "TicketForm[ticketPrice][5BQBWTBCQoAEPama/ehw8qJhA1lkdF0fH8J5eua5HSw=]"); } }).on("mousedown click touchstart", "#TicketForm_agree", function(event) { $(this).attr("name", "s_" + event.originalEvent.isTrusted + "_" + event.isTrigger); if (event.originalEvent.isTrusted !== false && !$(this).checked &&