Oracle官方併發教程之Guarded Blocks
多執行緒之間經常需要協同工作,最常見的方式是使用Guarded Blocks,它迴圈檢查一個條件(通常初始值為true),直到條件發生變化才跳出迴圈繼續執行。在使用Guarded Blocks時有以下幾個步驟需要注意:
public void guardedJoy() { // Simple loop guard. Wastes // processor time. Don't do this! while(!joy) {} System.out.println("Joy has been achieved!"); }
public synchronized void guardedJoy() { // This guard only loops once for each special event, which may not // be the event we're waiting for. while(!joy) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } System.out.println("Joy and efficiency have been achieved!"); }
public synchronized notifyJoy() { joy = true; notifyAll(); }
現在我們使用Guarded blocks建立一個生產者/消費者應用。這類應用需要在兩個執行緒之間共享資料:生產者生產資料,消費者使用資料。兩個執行緒通過共享物件通訊。在這裡,執行緒協同工作的關鍵是:生產者釋出資料之前,消費者不能夠去讀取資料;消費者沒有讀取舊資料前,生產者不能釋出新資料。
public class Drop { // Message sent from producer // to consumer. private String message; // True if consumer should wait // for producer to send message, // false if producer should wait for // consumer to retrieve message. private boolean empty = true; public synchronized String take() { // Wait until message is // available. while (empty) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } // Toggle status. empty = true; // Notify producer that // status has changed. notifyAll(); return message; } public synchronized void put(String message) { // Wait until message has // been retrieved. while (!empty) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } // Toggle status. empty = false; // Store message. this.message = message; // Notify consumer that status // has changed. notifyAll(); } }
import java.util.Random; public class Producer implements Runnable { private Drop drop; public Producer(Drop drop) { this.drop = drop; } public void run() { String importantInfo[] = { "Mares eat oats", "Does eat oats", "Little lambs eat ivy", "A kid will eat ivy too" }; Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < importantInfo.length; i++) { drop.put(importantInfo[i]); try { Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(5000)); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } drop.put("DONE"); } }
import java.util.Random; public class Consumer implements Runnable { private Drop drop; public Consumer(Drop drop) { this.drop = drop; } public void run() { Random random = new Random(); for (String message = drop.take(); ! message.equals("DONE"); message = drop.take()) { System.out.format("MESSAGE RECEIVED: %s%n", message); try { Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(5000)); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } } }
public class ProducerConsumerExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Drop drop = new Drop(); (new Thread(new Producer(drop))).start(); (new Thread(new Consumer(drop))).start(); } }
注意:Drop類是用來演示Guarded Blocks如何工作的。為了避免重新發明輪子,當你嘗試建立自己的共享資料物件時,請檢視Java Collections Framework中已有的資料結構。如需更多資訊,請參考Questions and Exercises。