1. 程式人生 > >執行時和編譯時超程式設計—編譯時超程式設計


執行時和編譯時超程式設計 第二部分

2 編譯時超程式設計




2.1 AST轉換能做什麼

Groovy有各種各樣的AST轉換來滿足不同的需求:刪除模板(譯者注:原文是reducing boilerplate)(程式碼生成),實現設計模式(委託,…),日誌,同步,克隆,安全指令碼,tweaking the compilation(譯者實在不知道怎麼翻譯這句,直譯太彆扭),實現Swing模式,測試程式碼以及平臺無關等。如果沒有任何一種轉換能滿足你的需求,你可以實現自己的轉換。詳細內容可以在開發自己的



  • 全域性AST轉換應用於顯示的,全域性的轉換。只要它們能在類路徑下被找到
  • 本地AST轉換是使用註解在原始碼標註。不像全域性AST轉換,本地AST轉換支援引數。


2.1.1 程式碼生成轉換



@ToString AST轉換生成一個類的可讀的toString方法。比如說,Person類里加這個註解將會自動生成toString方法:

import groovy.transform.ToString

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName


def p = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
assert p.toString() == 'Person(Jack, Nicholson)'


引數 預設值 描述 示例
IncludeNames false 生成的toString是否包括屬性名
class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
assert p.toString() == 'Person(firstName:Jack, lastName:Nicholson)'

Excludes 空列表(EmptyList) toString裡需要排除的屬性列表
class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
assert p.toString() == 'Person(Nicholson)'
Includes 空列表 toString裡需要包括的域
class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
assert p.toString() == 'Person(Nicholson)'
includeSuper False 是否將超類包含到toString裡
class Id { long id }

class Person extends Id {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p = new Person(id:1, firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
assert p.toString() == 'Person(Jack, Nicholson, Id(1))'
includeSuperProperties False 是否將超類的屬性包含到toString裡
class Person {
    String name

@ToString(includeSuperProperties = true, includeNames = true)
class BandMember extends Person {
    String bandName

def bono = new BandMember(name:'Bono', bandName: 'U2').toString()

assert bono.toString() == 'BandMember(bandName:U2, name:Bono)'
IncludeFields False 是否將額外的引數也包含到toString裡
class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName
    private int age
    void test() {
       age = 42

def p = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
assert p.toString() == 'Person(Jack, Nicholson, 42)'
ignoreNulls False 空值是否顯示
class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p = new Person(firstName: 'Jack')
assert p.toString() == 'Person(Jack)'
includePackage False toString裡是否包含全域性包名
class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName:'Nicholson')
assert p.toString() == 'acme.Person(Jack, Nicholson)'
Cache False 快取toString字串,如果是不可變類,應該設定為true
class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName:'Nicholson')
def s1 = p.toString()
def s2 = p.toString()
assert s1 == s2
assert s1 == 'Person(Jack, Nicholson)'
assert s1.is(s2) // same instance


@EqualsAndHashCode AST轉換就是為了自動幫你生成equals和hashCode方法。Hashcode的生成遵循Josh Bloch在《Effective Java》描述的最佳實踐:

import groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
def p2 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')

assert p1==p2
assert p1.hashCode() == p2.hashCode()

有數個引數可以調整@EqualsAndHashCode 的行為:

引數 預設值 描述 示例
Excludes Empty list equals/hashCode方法排除掉的屬性列表
import groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
def p2 = new Person(firstName: 'Bob', lastName: 'Nicholson')

assert p1==p2
assert p1.hashCode() == p2.hashCode()
Includes Empty list equals/hashCode包含的屬性列表
import groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
def p2 = new Person(firstName: 'Bob', lastName: 'Nicholson')

assert p1==p2
assert p1.hashCode() == p2.hashCode()
callSuper false 是否將超類包含到equals和hashCode計算中
import groovy.transform.EqualsAndHashCode

class Living {
    String race

class Person extends Living {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p1 = new Person(race:'Human', firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
def p2 = new Person(race: 'Human beeing', firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')

assert p1!=p2
assert p1.hashCode() != p2.hashCode()
includeFields false 是否將額外的屬性包含到equals/hashCode計算中
class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName
    private int age
    void test() {
       age = 42

def p = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
assert p.toString() == 'Person(Jack, Nicholson, 42)'
cache false 快取hashCode的計算結果,如果是不可變類,應該設定為true
class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName:'Nicholson')
def s1 = p.toString()
def s2 = p.toString()
assert s1 == s2
assert s1 == 'Person(Jack, Nicholson)'
assert s1.is(s2) // same instance



import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

// traditional map-style constructor
def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
// generated tuple constructor
def p2 = new Person('Jack', 'Nicholson')
// generated tuple constructor with default value for second property
def p3 = new Person('Jack')


@TupleConstructor AST轉換支援下面的配置選項:

引數 預設值 描述 示例
excludes 空列表 從生成的建構函式中排除的屬性
import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
def p2 = new Person('Jack')
try {
    // will fail because the second property is excluded
    def p3 = new Person('Jack', 'Nicholson')
} catch (e) {
    assert e.message.contains ('Could not find matching constructor')
Includes 空列表 從模板建構函式中包含的屬性列表
import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
def p2 = new Person('Jack')
try {
    // will fail because the second property is not included
    def p3 = new Person('Jack', 'Nicholson')
} catch (e) {
    assert e.message.contains ('Could not find matching constructor')
includeFields False 是否包含額外的欄位到列表
import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName
    private String occupation
    public String toString() {
        "$firstName $lastName: $occupation"

def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson', occupation: 'Actor')
def p2 = new Person('Jack', 'Nicholson', 'Actor')

assert p1.firstName == p2.firstName
assert p1.lastName == p2.lastName
assert p1.toString() == 'Jack Nicholson: Actor'
assert p1.toString() == p2.toString()
includeProperties true 模板建構函式是否包含全部屬性
import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName

def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')

try {
    def p2 = new Person('Jack', 'Nicholson')
} catch(e) {
    // will fail because properties are not included
includeSuperFields false 是否包含超類的欄位到建構函式
import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

class Base {
    protected String occupation
    public String occupation() { this.occupation }

class Person extends Base {
    String firstName
    String lastName
    public String toString() {
        "$firstName $lastName: ${occupation()}"

def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson', occupation: 'Actor')

def p2 = new Person('Actor', 'Jack', 'Nicholson')

assert p1.firstName == p2.firstName
assert p1.lastName == p2.lastName
assert p1.toString() == 'Jack Nicholson: Actor'
assert p2.toString() == p1.toString()
includeSuperProperties true 是否包含超類的屬性到模板建構函式
import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

class Base {
    String occupation

class Person extends Base {
    String firstName
    String lastName
    public String toString() {
        "$firstName $lastName: $occupation"

def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')

def p2 = new Person('Actor', 'Jack', 'Nicholson')

assert p1.firstName == p2.firstName
assert p1.lastName == p2.lastName
assert p1.toString() == 'Jack Nicholson: null'
assert p2.toString() == 'Jack Nicholson: Actor'
callSuper false 呼叫父類建構函式時是否使用父類屬性
import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor

class Base {
    String occupation
    Base() {}
    Base(String job) { occupation = job?.toLowerCase() }

@TupleConstructor(includeSuperProperties = true, callSuper=true)
class Person extends Base {
    String firstName
    String lastName
    public String toString() {
        "$firstName $lastName: $occupation"

def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')

def p2 = new Person('ACTOR', 'Jack', 'Nicholson')

assert p1.firstName == p2.firstName
assert p1.lastName == p2.lastName
assert p1.toString() == 'Jack Nicholson: null'
assert p2.toString() == 'Jack Nicholson: actor'
force false 預設情況下,如果建構函式已經定義,將不會有任何轉換。如果將這個引數設定為true,只要你保證不會重複定義,也會自動生成建構函式 參考 JavaDoc


@Canonical AST轉換組合了@ToString,@EqualsAndHashCode和@TupleConstructor註解的功能:

import groovy.transform.Canonical

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName
def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
assert p1.toString() == 'Person(Jack, Nicholson)' // Effect of @ToString

def p2 = new Person('Jack','Nicholson') // Effect of @TupleConstructor
assert p2.toString() == 'Person(Jack, Nicholson)'

assert p1==p2 // Effect of @EqualsAndHashCode
assert p1.hashCode()==p2.hashCode() // Effect of @EqualsAndHashCode

不可變類可以用類似的@Immutable AST轉換來代替。@Canonical AST轉換支援下表的配置:

引數 預設值 描述 示例
excludes 空列表 從模板建構函式排除的屬性
import groovy.transform.Canonical

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName
def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
assert p1.toString() == 'Person(Jack)' // Effect of @ToString

def p2 = new Person('Jack') // Effect of @TupleConstructor
assert p2.toString() == 'Person(Jack)'

assert p1==p2 // Effect of @EqualsAndHashCode
assert p1.hashCode()==p2.hashCode() // Effect of @EqualsAndHashCode
includes 空列表 從模板建構函式包含的屬性
import groovy.transform.Canonical

class Person {
    String firstName
    String lastName
def p1 = new Person(firstName: 'Jack', lastName: 'Nicholson')
assert p1.toString() == 'Person(Jack)' // Effect of @ToString

def p2 = new Person('Jack') // Effect of @TupleConstructor
assert p2.toString() == 'Person(Jack)'

assert p1==p2 // Effect of @EqualsAndHashCode
assert p1.hashCode()==p2.hashCode() // Effect of @EqualsAndHashCode


@InheritConstructors AST 轉換的作用就是自動為你生成匹配超類建構函式的建構函式。當過載異常類時很有用:

import groovy.transform.InheritConstructors

class CustomException extends Exception {}

// all those are generated constructors
new CustomException()
new CustomException("A custom message")
new CustomException("A custom message", new RuntimeException())
new CustomException(new RuntimeException())

// Java 7 only
// new CustomException("A custom message", new RuntimeException(), false, true)

@InheritConstructor AST轉換支援下面的配置選項:

引數 預設值 描述 示例
constructorAnnotations False 是否將建構函式註解包含進來
public @interface ConsAnno {}

class Base {
  @ConsAnno Base() {}

class Child extends Base {}

assert Child.constructors[0].annotations[0].annotationType().name == 'ConsAnno'
parameterAnnotations False 是否將建構函式引數的註解拷貝進來
public @interface ParamAnno {}

class Base {
  Base(@ParamAnno String name) {}

class Child extends Base {}

assert Child.constructors[0].parameterAnnotations[0][0].annotationType().name == 'ParamAnno'


@Category AST轉換建行了Groovy類別的建立,以前,Groovy類別需要些下面的程式碼:

class TripleCategory {
    public static Integer triple(Integer self) {
use (TripleCategory) {
    assert 9 == 3.triple()


class TripleCategory {
    public Integer triple() { 3*this }
use (TripleCategory) {
    assert 9 == 3.triple()




class SomeBean {
    @IndexedProperty String[] someArray = new String[2]
    @IndexedProperty List someList = []

def bean = new SomeBean()
bean.setSomeArray(0, 'value')
bean.setSomeList(0, 123)

assert bean.someArray[0] == 'value'
assert bean.someList == [123]


@Lazy AST轉換實現延遲初始化欄位,示例如下:

class SomeBean {
    @Lazy LinkedList myField


List $myField
List getMyField() {
    if ($myField!=null) { return $myField }
    else {
        $myField = new LinkedList()
        return $myField


class SomeBean {
    @Lazy LinkedList myField = { ['a','b','c']}()


List $myField
List getMyField() {
    if ($myField!=null) { return $myField }
    else {
        $myField = { ['a','b','c']}()
        return $myField



@Newify AST轉換用於提供可替換的語法風格到構造物件中去:

  • 使用Python風格
class TreeBuilder {
    Tree tree = Tree(Leaf('A'),Leaf('B'),Tree(Leaf('C')))
  • 或者使用Ruby風格
  • @Newify([Tree,Leaf])
    class TreeBuilder {
        Tree tree = Tree.new(Leaf.new('A'),Leaf.new('B'),Tree.new(Leaf.new('C')))



    @Sortable AST轉換用於幫助幫助寫Comparable的類,使其非常容易按數字大小排序。下面的程式碼提供了示例:

    import groovy.transform.Sortable
    @Sortable class Person {
        String first
        String last
        Integer born


    • 實現了Comparable介面
    • 包含一個基於自然排序的compareTo方法
    • 有三個方法可以返回比較器:compartorByFirst,compartorByLast和comparatorByBorn


    public int compareTo(java.lang.Object obj) {
        if (this.is(obj)) {
            return 0
        if (!(obj instanceof Person)) {
            return -1
        java.lang.Integer value = this.first <=> obj.first
        if (value != 0) {
            return value
        value = this.last <=> obj.last
        if (value != 0) {
            return value
        value = this.born <=> obj.born
        if (value != 0) {
            return value
        return 0


    public int compare(java.lang.Object arg0, java.lang.Object arg1) {
        if (arg0 == arg1) {
            return 0
        if (arg0 != null && arg1 == null) {
            return -1
        if (arg0 == null && arg1 != null) {
            return 1
        return arg0.first <=> arg1.first


    def people = [
        new Person(first: 'Johnny', last: 'Depp', born: 1963),
        new Person(first: 'Keira', last: 'Knightley', born: 1985),
        new Person(first: 'Geoffrey', last: 'Rush', born: 1951),
        new Person(first: 'Orlando', last: 'Bloom', born: 1977)
    assert people[0] > people[2]
    assert people.sort()*.last == ['Rush', 'Depp', 'Knightley', 'Bloom']
    assert people.sort(false, Person.comparatorByFirst())*.first == ['Geoffrey', 'Johnny', 'Keira', 'Orlando']
    assert people.sort(false, Person.comparatorByLast())*.last == ['Bloom', 'Depp', 'Knightley', 'Rush']
    assert people.sort(false, Person.comparatorByBorn())*.last == ['Rush', 'Depp', 'Bloom', 'Knightley']


    @Sortable(includes='first,born') class Person {
        String last
        int born
        String first


    public int compareTo(java.lang.Object obj) {
        if (this.is(obj)) {
            return 0
        if (!(obj instanceof Person)) {
            return -1
        java.lang.Integer value = this.first <=> obj.first
        if (value != 0) {
            return value
        value = this.born <=> obj.born
        if (value != 0) {
            return value
        return 0


    def people = [
        new Person(first: 'Ben', last: 'Affleck', born: 1972),
        new Person(first: 'Ben', last: 'Stiller', born: 1965)
    assert people.sort()*.last == ['Stiller', 'Affleck']


    @Builder AST轉換用於幫助寫那些可用生成流API呼叫的類。這個轉換支援多種構造策略來滿足各種使用場景。同時支援許多配置選項給使用者來配置構造過程。如果你是一個AST駭客,你可以定義自己的策略類。下表列出了Groovy的全部可用測策略,每條策略都支援配置選項。

    策略 描述 builderClassName builderMethodName buildMethodNameprefix includes/excludes
    SimpleStrategy chained setters n/a n/a n/a yes, default “set” yes
    ExternalStrategy explicit builder class, class being built untouched n/a n/a yes, default “build” yes, default “” yes
    DefaultStrategy creates a nested helper class yes, default Builder yes, default “builder” yes, default “build” yes, default “” yes
    InitializerStrategy creates a nested helper class providing type-safe fluent creation yes, default Initializer yes, default “createInitializer” yes, default “create” but usually only used internally yes, default “” yes




    import groovy.transform.builder.*
    class Person {
        String first
        String last
        Integer born


    def p1 = new Person().setFirst('Johnny').setLast('Depp').setBorn(1963)
    assert "$p1.first $p1.last" == 'Johnny Depp'


    public Person setFirst(java.lang.String first) {
        this.first = first
        return this


    import groovy.transform.builder.*
    @Builder(builderStrategy=SimpleStrategy, prefix="")
    class Person {
        String first
        String last
        Integer born


    def p = new Person().first('Johnny').last('Depp').born(1963)
    assert "$p.first $p.last" == 'Johnny Depp'


    def p2 = new Person(first: 'Keira', last: 'Knightley', born: 1985)
    def p3 = new Person().with {
        first = 'Geoffrey'
        last = 'Rush'
        born = 1951


    要使用ExternalStrategy,需要使用@Builder註解建立並註解一個Groovy builder類,需要使用forClass屬性指明使用ExternalStrategy策略的類。假如你有下面的一個Person類需要構建:

    class Person {
        String first
        String last
        int born


    import groovy.transform.builder.*
    @Builder(builderStrategy=ExternalStrategy, forClass=Person)
    class PersonBuilder { }
    def p = new PersonBuilder().first('Johnny').last('Depp').born(1963).build()
    assert "$p.first $p.last" == 'Johnny Depp'


    public Person build() {
        Person _thePerson = new Person()
        _thePerson.first = first
        _thePerson.last = last
        _thePerson.born = born
        return _thePerson


    import groovy.transform.builder.*
    @Builder(builderStrategy=ExternalStrategy, forClass=javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel)
    class ButtonModelBuilder {}
    def model = new ButtonModelBuilder().enabled(true).pressed(true).armed(true).rollover(true).selected(true).build()
    assert model.isArmed()
    assert model.isPressed()
    assert model.isEnabled()
    assert model.isSelected()
    assert model.isRollover()


    import groovy.transform.builder.*
    import groovy.transform.Canonical
    class Person {
        String first
        String last
        int born
    @Builder(builderStrategy=ExternalStrategy, forClass=Person, includes=['first', 'last'], buildMethodName='create', prefix='with')
    class PersonBuilder { }
    def p = new PersonBuilder().withFirst('Johnny').withLast('Depp').create()
    assert "$p.first $p.last" == 'Johnny Depp'




    import groovy.transform.builder.Builder
    class Person {
        String firstName
        String lastName
        int age
    def person = Person.builder().firstName("Robert").lastName("Lewandowski").age(21).build()
    assert person.firstName == "Robert"
    assert person.lastName == "Lewandowski"
    assert person.age == 21


    import groovy.transform.builder.Builder
    @Builder(buildMethodName='make', builderMethodName='maker', prefix='with', excludes='age')
    class Person {
        String firstName
        String lastName
        int age
    def p = Person.maker().withFirstName("Robert").withLastName("Lewandowski").make()
    assert "$p.firstName $p.lastName" == "Robert Lewandowski"


    import groovy.transform.builder.*
    import groovy.transform.*
    class Person {
      String first, last
      int born
      @Builder(builderClassName='MovieBuilder', builderMethodName='byRoleBuilder')
      Person(String roleName) {
         if (roleName == 'Jack Sparrow') {
             this.first = 'Johnny'; this.last = 'Depp'; this.born = 1963
      @Builder(builderClassName='NameBuilder', builderMethodName='nameBuilder', prefix='having', buildMethodName='fullName')
      static String join(String first, String last) {
          first + ' ' + last
      @Builder(builderClassName='SplitBuilder', builderMethodName='splitBuilder')
      static Person split(String name, int year) {
          def parts = name.split(' ')
          new Person(first: parts[0], last: parts[1], born: year)
    assert Person.splitBuilder().name("Johnny Depp").year(1963).build().toString() == 'Person(Johnny, Depp, 1963)'
    assert Person.byRoleBuilder().roleName("Jack Sparrow").build().toString() == 'Person(Johnny, Depp, 1963)'
    assert Person.nameBuilder().havingFirst('Johnny').havingLast('Depp').fullName() == 'Johnny Depp'
    assert Person.builder().first("Johnny").last('Depp').born(1963).build().toString() == 'Person(Johnny, Depp, 1963)'




    import groovy.transform.builder.*
    import groovy.transform.*
    class Person {
        String firstName
        String lastName
        int age


    def firstLastAge() {
        assert new Person(Person.createInitializer().firstName("John").lastName("Smith").age(21)).toString() == 'Person(John, Smith, 21)'



    import groovy.transform.builder.*
    import groovy.transform.*
    class Person {
        String first
        String last
        int born
    def createFirstLastBorn() {
      def p = new Person(Person.createInitializer().first('Johnny').last('Depp').born(1963))
      assert "$p.first $p.last $p.born" == 'Johnny Depp 1963'


    2.1.2 類設計註解


    @Delegate AST轉換時為了實現委託設計模式。具體見下面的示例:

    class Event {
        @Delegate Date when
        String title

    when 這個欄位宣告為了@Delegate,意味著Event類將會委託呼叫Date方法來填寫when欄位。生成的程式碼如下:

    class Event {
        Date when
        String title
        boolean before(Date other) {
        // ...


    def ev = new Event(title:'Groovy keynote', when: Date.parse('yyyy/MM/dd', '2013/09/10'))
    def now = new Date()
    assert ev.before(now)

    @Delegate AST轉換的行為可以通過如下引數改變:

    引數 預設值 描述 示例
    Interfaces True 是否介面的欄位實現類也應該繼承
    interface Greeter { void sayHello() }
    class MyGreeter implements Greeter { void sayHello() { println 'Hello!'} }
    class DelegatingGreeter { // no explicit interface
        @Delegate MyGreeter greeter = new MyGreeter()
    def greeter = new DelegatingGreeter()
    assert greeter instanceof Greeter // interface was added transparently
    deprecated false 如果為true,魏國方法將會註解為@Deprecated
    class WithDeprecation {
        void foo() {}
    class WithoutDeprecation {
        void bar() {}
    class Delegating {
        @Delegate(deprecated=true) WithDeprecation with = new WithDeprecation()
        @Delegate WithoutDeprecation without = new WithoutDeprecation()
    def d = new Delegating()
    d.foo() // passes thanks to deprecated=true
    d.bar() // fails because of @Deprecated
    methodAnnotations false 是否將委託的方法覆蓋你的方法
    class WithAnnotations {
        void method() {
    class DelegatingWithoutAnnotations {
        @Delegate WithAnnotations delegate
    class DelegatingWithAnnotations {
        @Delegate(methodAnnotations = true) WithAnnotations delegate
    def d1 = new DelegatingWithoutAnnotations()
    def d2 = new DelegatingWithAnnotations()
    assert d1.class.getDeclaredMethod('method').annotations.length==0
    assert d2.class.getDeclaredMethod('method').annotations.length==1
    parameterAnnotations false 是否將委託方法的引數覆蓋你的引數
    class WithAnnotations {
        void method(@NotNull String str) {
    class DelegatingWithoutAnnotations {
        @Delegate WithAnnotations delegate
    class DelegatingWithAnnotations {
        @Delegate(parameterAnnotations = true) WithAnnotations delegate
    def d1 = new DelegatingWithoutAnnotations()
    def d2 = new DelegatingWithAnnotations()
    assert d1.class.getDeclaredMethod('method',String).parameterAnnotations[0].length==0
    assert d2.class.getDeclaredMethod('method',String).parameterAnnotations[0].length==1
    excludes 空列表 從委託機制排除的方法,需更加聚焦的控制,可以參考excludeTypes
    class Worker {
        void task1() {}
        void task2() {}
    class Delegating {
        @Delegate(excludes=['task2']) Worker worker = new Worker()
    def d = new Delegating()
    d.task1() // passes
    d.task2() // fails because method is excluded
    Includes 空列表 從委託機制包含的方法,需更加聚焦的控制,可以參考includeTypes
    class Worker {
        void task1() {}
        void task2() {}
    class Delegating {
        @Delegate(includes=['task1']) Worker worker = new Worker()
    def d = new Delegating()
    d.task1() // passes
    d.task2() // fails because method is not included
    excludeTypes 空列表 從委託機制排除掉的方法列表
    interface AppendStringSelector {
        StringBuilder append(String str)
    class UpperStringBuilder {
        StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder()
        StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder()
        String toString() { sb1.toString() + sb2.toString().toUpperCase() }
    def usb = new UpperStringBuilder()
    assert usb.toString() == '3.5trueHELLO'
    includeTypes 空列表 從委託機制包含的方法列表
    interface AppendBooleanSelector {
        StringBuilder append(boolean b)
    interface AppendFloatSelector {
        StringBuilder append(float b)
    class NumberBooleanBuilder {
        @Delegate(includeTypes=AppendBooleanSelector, interfaces=false)
        StringBuilder nums = new StringBuilder()
        @Delegate(includeTypes=[AppendFloatSelector], interfaces=false)
        StringBuilder bools = new StringBuilder()
        String result() { "${nums.toString()}

    @Immutable AST轉換簡化了建立不可變類,也就是說是用於建立那些成員變數不可變的類。示例如下:

    import groovy.transform.Immutable
    class Point {
        int x
        int y

    使用@Immutable宣告的不可變類自動變成了final。如果一個類是不可變的,你必須確保屬性是不可變型別(原始型別或裝箱型別),或者一個使用了@Immutable宣告的不可變類。使用@Immutable來宣告一個類的和使用@Canonical AST轉換宣告一個類非常相似,但是對於一個不可變類,會自動生成toString,equals和hashcode方法。如果你試圖去修改一個屬性將會丟擲ReadOnlyPropertyException異常。


    引數 預設值 描述 示例
    knowImmutableClass 空列表 要視為不可變類的列表
    import groovy.transform.Immutable
    import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor
    final class Point {
        final int x
        final int y
        public String toString() { "($x,$y)" }
    class Triangle {
        Point a,b,c
    knowImmutables 空列表 要視為不可變的屬性列表
    import groovy.transform.Immutable
    import groovy.transform.TupleConstructor
    final class Point {
        final int x
        final int y
        public String toString() { "($x,$y)" }
    class Triangle {
        Point a,b,c
    copyWith false 是否生成copyWith(Map)方法
    import groovy.transform.Immutable
    @Immutable( copyWith=true )
    class User {
        String  name
        Integer age
    def bob   = new User( 'bob', 43 )
    def alice = bob.copyWith( name:'alice' )
    assert alice.name == 'alice'
    assert alice.age  == 43


    @Memoized AST轉換通過支援方法呼叫結果的快取簡化了快取的實現。僅僅需要在方法前面新增@Memoized註解。想象下面的方法:

    long longComputation(int seed) {
        // slow computation


    def x = longComputation(1)
    def y = longComputation(1)
    assert x!=y


    long longComputation(int seed) {
        // slow computation
    def x = longComputation(1) // returns after 1 second
    def y = longComputation(1) // returns immediatly
    def z = longComputation(2) // returns after 2 seconds
    assert x==y
    assert x!=z


    • protectedCacheSize,保證不被垃圾回收器回收掉的結果大小
    • maxCacheSize,可以儲存的最大快取大小




    class GreetingService {
        String greeting(String name) { "Hello, $name!" }
    assert GreetingService.instance.greeting('Bob') == 'Hello, Bob!'


    class GreetingService {
        String greeting(String name) { "Hello, $name!" }
    assert GreetingService.theOne.greeting('Bob') == 'Hello, Bob!'


    class Collaborator {
        public static boolean init = false
    class GreetingService {
        static void init() {}
        GreetingService() {
            Collaborator.init = true
        String greeting(String name) { "Hello, $name!" }
    GreetingService.init() // make sure class is initialized
    assert Collaborator.init == false
    assert Collaborator.init == true
    assert GreetingService.instance.greeting('Bob') == 'Hello, Bob!'




    2.1.3 日誌模組


    • 添加了一個static final log欄位作為logger
    • 包裝呼叫log.level()到合適的log.isLevelEnable,取決於具體的框架。


    • value(預設是log)logger欄位的名字
    • category(預設是類名)logger類別的名字



    class Greeter {
        void greet() {
            log.info 'Called greeter'
            println 'Hello, world!'


    import java.util.logging.Level
    import java.util.logging.Logger
    class Greeter {
        private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Greeter.name)
        void greet() {
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
                log.info 'Called greeter'
            println 'Hello, world!'


    Groovy通過使用@Commons註解來支援Apache Commons Logging框架,示例如下:

    class Greeter {
        void greet() {
            log.debug 'Called greeter'
            println 'Hello, world!'


    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log
    class Greeter {
        private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Greeter)
        void greet() {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug 'Called greeter'
            println 'Hello, world!'


    Groovy通過@Log4j註解來支援Apache Log4j 1.x框架,示例如下:

    class Greeter {
        void greet() {
            log.debug 'Called greeter'
            println 'Hello, world!'


    import org.apache.log4j.Logger
    class Greeter {
        private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Greeter)
        void greet() {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug 'Called greeter'
            println 'Hello, world!'

    Groovy通過@Log4j2註解來支援Apache Log4j 2.x框架。示例如下:

    class Greeter {
        void greet() {
            log.debug 'Called greeter'
            println 'Hello, world!'


    import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager
    import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger
    class Greeter {
        private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(Greeter)
        void greet() {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug 'Called greeter'
            println 'Hello, world!'


    class Greeter {
        void greet() {
            log.debug 'Called greeter'
            println 'Hello, world!'


    import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
    import org.slf4j.Logger
    class Greeter {
        private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Greeter)
        void greet() {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug 'Called greeter'
            println 'Hello, world!'

    2.1.4 宣告同步



    @Synchronized AST註解的工作模式和synchronized關鍵字類似,但是為了更加安全的同步,鎖住的不同的物件。可以用於任何方法或靜態方法:

    import groovy.transform.Synchronized
    import java.util.concurrent.Executors
    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
    class Counter {
        int cpt
        int incrementAndGet() {
        int get() {


    class Counter {
        int cpt
        private final Object $lock = new Object()
        int incrementAndGet() {
            synchronized($lock) {
        int get() {


    import groovy.transform.Synchronized
    import java.util.concurrent.Executors
    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
    class Counter {
        int cpt
        private final Object myLock = new Object()
        int incrementAndGet() {
        int get() {


    @WithReadLock AST轉換配合著@WithWriteLock轉換使用可以提供一個類似於JDK提供的ReentrantReadWriteLock鎖的讀寫同步功能。這個註解可以加在方法或靜態方法前面。它將會常見一個$reentrantLock final欄位(對於靜態方法是$REENTRANTLOCK)並且適當的同步程式碼將會自動新增,示例程式碼如下:

    import groovy.transform.WithReadLock
    import groovy.transform.WithWriteLock
    class Counters {
        public final Map<String,Integer> map = [:].withDefault { 0 }
        int get(String id) {
        void add(String id, int num) {
            Thread.sleep(200) // emulate long computation
            map.put(id, map.get(id)+num)


    import groovy.transform.WithReadLock as WithReadLock
    import groovy.transform.WithWriteLock as WithWriteLock
    public class Counters {
        private final Map<String, Integer> map
        private final java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock $reentrantlock
        public int get(java.lang.String id) {
            try {
            finally {
        public void add(java.lang.String id, int num) {
            try {
                map.put(id, map.get(id) + num )
            finally {


    import groovy.transform.WithReadLock
    import groovy.transform.WithWriteLock
    import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock
    class Counters {
        public final Map<String,Integer> map = [:].withDefault { 0 }
        private final ReentrantReadWriteLock customLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock()
        int get(String id) {
        void add(String id, int num) {
            Thread.sleep(200) // emulate long computation
            map.put(id, map.get(id)+num)


    2.1.5 更簡單的cloning和externalizing

    Groovy 提供了兩種註解來支援Cloneable和Exteranlizable介面的實現。分別叫做@AutoClone和@AutoExternalize


    • 預設的AutoCloneStyle.CLONE策略先呼叫super.clone()方法然後呼叫每個可克隆屬性的clone()方法
    • AutoCloneStyle.SIMPLE策略使用普通建構函式來複制所有屬性
    • AutoCloneStyle.COPY_CONSTRUCTOR策略生成和使用一個copy建構函式
    • AutoCloneStyle.SERIALIZATION策略使用序列化來克隆一個物件
    import groovy.transform.AutoClone
    class Book {
        String isbn
        String title
        List<String> authors
        Date publicationDate


    class Book implements Cloneable {
        String isbn
        String title
        List<String> authors
        Date publicationDate
        public Book clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
            Book result = super.clone()
            result.authors = authors instanceof Cloneable ? (List) authors.clone() : authors
            result.publicationDate = publicationDate.clone()



    引數 預設值 描述 示例
    excludes 空列表
    import groovy.transform.AutoClone
    import groovy.transform.AutoCloneStyle
    class Book {
        String isbn
        String title
        List authors
        Date publicationDate
    includeFields false 預設只會clone屬性值,將這個引數設定為true,將會使欄位也clone
    import groovy.transform.AutoClone
    import groovy.transform.AutoCloneStyle
    class Book {
        String isbn
        String title
        List authors
        protected Date publicationDate


    @AutoExternalize AST轉換是java.io.Externalizable類的輔助類。它會自動新增介面到類並且生成writeExternal和readExternal方法。示例程式碼如下:

    import groovy.transform.AutoExternalize
    class Book {
        String isbn
        String title
        float price


    class Book implements java.io.Externalizable {
        String isbn
        String title
        float price
        void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
            out.writeFloat( price )
        public void readExternal(ObjectInput oin) {
            isbn = (String) oin.readObject()
            title = (String) oin.readObject()
            price = oin.readFloat()


    引數 預設值 描述 示例
    excludes 空列表
    import groovy.transform.AutoExternalize
    class Book {
        String isbn
        String title
        float price
    includeFields false 預設情況下,只有屬性值會複製,如果設定為true,則欄位名也複製
    import groovy.transform.AutoExternalize
    class Book {
        String isbn