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Food Saver Android Application

Fight hunger now

Food Saver app enables anyone to fight hunger now – yes, immediately, by providing you with 15 closest food collection centers based on your GPS coordinates. I will describe the key features later in a video demo below but for now, let me tell you a bit about why this is one of the most important projects I have solely worked on. Here is how the home screen looks like – watch video below this post for a demo:

Why I Developed This App

The fight against hunger is personal to me. It is that simple. Not once, not twice, not even thrice, my siblings and I went to bed hungry for the obvious reason – lack of food. It got even worse for me; it reached a point where I suffered malnutrition and had to go stay with my uncle who could help provide food and medical attention that I needed. I have no idea what would have happened had it not been for that chance to restore my health.

So, every time I hear that 21,000 people (mostly children) die of hunger every single day worldwide, it reminds me of something much closer to home. There are more people going to bed every day without food – there is a good chance this happens near you, and worst case, it could be you or your friend.

I developed Food Saver to help you and I fight hunger now. There is enough food for everyone on earth – according the a study by the United Nations. You want to know something else? We waste a lot of food daily. This app will help you make a big difference. Read a long to find out more.

How Food Saver App Works

Final Thoughts

It is normally hard for us to do things that we feel have no immediate visible returns. Perhaps we feel like hunger does not affect us directly. It affects “other” people – those far away from us. We tend to take action only when it comes knocking at our own doors. We don’t want to look like¬†we don’t care very much when it comes to such issues – but deep down, we know that we CARE.

To those people who have no food to eat, no clean water to drink, this is real. They have no choices to make. For us however, we sometimes spend hours making decisions on what to eat – because the choices are unlimited. For them, the mothers always choose which child should eat and which one should not (their decisions determine who will die and who will live to see another day).

I am confident that we can use this app to avoid wasting food and donate that food to help fight this global hunger problem.

Hunger is one of humanity’s worst nightmares. Food Saver is hunger’s worst nightmare. Let us make this happen for the 21,000 children who die every day. They deserve to LIVE, like you and me.


Android app on Google Play


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