PTA 資料結構與演算法題目集(中文)6-6 帶頭結點的鏈式表操作集
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-24
6-6 帶頭結點的鏈式表操作集(20 分)
List MakeEmpty();
Position Find( List L, ElementType X );
bool Insert( List L, ElementType X, Position P );
bool Delete( List L, Position P );
typedef struct LNode *PtrToLNode; struct LNode { ElementType Data; PtrToLNode Next; }; typedef PtrToLNode Position; typedef PtrToLNode List;
List MakeEmpty()
Position Find( List L, ElementType X )
bool Insert( List L, ElementType X, Position P )
:將X插入在位置P指向的結點之前,返回true。如果引數P指向非法位置,則列印“Wrong Position for Insertion”,返回false;
bool Delete( List L, Position P )
:將位置P的元素刪除並返回true。若引數P指向非法位置,則列印“Wrong Position for Deletion”並返回false。
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define ERROR NULL typedef enum {false, true} bool; typedef int ElementType; typedef struct LNode *PtrToLNode; struct LNode { ElementType Data; PtrToLNode Next; }; typedef PtrToLNode Position; typedef PtrToLNode List; List MakeEmpty(); Position Find( List L, ElementType X ); bool Insert( List L, ElementType X, Position P ); bool Delete( List L, Position P ); int main() { List L; ElementType X; Position P; int N; bool flag; L = MakeEmpty(); scanf("%d", &N); while ( N-- ) { scanf("%d", &X); flag = Insert(L, X, L->Next); if ( flag==false ) printf("Wrong Answer\n"); } scanf("%d", &N); while ( N-- ) { scanf("%d", &X); P = Find(L, X); if ( P == ERROR ) printf("Finding Error: %d is not in.\n", X); else { flag = Delete(L, P); printf("%d is found and deleted.\n", X); if ( flag==false ) printf("Wrong Answer.\n"); } } flag = Insert(L, X, NULL); if ( flag==false ) printf("Wrong Answer\n"); else printf("%d is inserted as the last element.\n", X); P = (Position)malloc(sizeof(struct LNode)); flag = Insert(L, X, P); if ( flag==true ) printf("Wrong Answer\n"); flag = Delete(L, P); if ( flag==true ) printf("Wrong Answer\n"); for ( P=L->Next; P; P = P->Next ) printf("%d ", P->Data); return 0; } /* 你的程式碼將被嵌在這裡 */
12 2 4 87 10 2
2 12 87 5
2 is found and deleted.
12 is found and deleted.
87 is found and deleted.
Finding Error: 5 is not in.
5 is inserted as the last element.
Wrong Position for Insertion
Wrong Position for Deletion
10 4 2 5
作者: 陳越單位: 浙江大學時間限制: 400ms記憶體限制: 64MBList MakeEmpty(){
List head = (List)malloc(sizeof(List));
head->Next = NULL;
return head;
Position Find( List L, ElementType X ){
List head = L->Next;
if(head->Data == X){
return head;
head = head->Next;
return ERROR;
bool Insert( List L, ElementType X, Position P ){
List head = L;
if(head->Next == P){
List Node = (List)malloc(sizeof(List));
Node->Data = X;
Node->Next = head->Next;
head->Next = Node;
return true;
head = head->Next;
printf("Wrong Position for Insertion\n");
return false;
bool Delete( List L, Position P ){
List head = L;
if(head->Next == P){
head->Next = head->Next->Next;
return true;
head = head->Next;
printf("Wrong Position for Deletion\n");
return false;