1. 程式人生 > >ABAP-Generate dynpro動態螢幕

ABAP-Generate dynpro動態螢幕


  call function 'RS_SCRP_GET_SCREEN_INFOS'


      dynnr                       = '1000'

      progname                    = 'ZSDA008_SO_HEADER'


      fieldlist                   = lt_field_list


= 1 no_field_list = 2 cancelled = 3 others = 4 . if sy-subrc <> 0. * implement suitable error handling here endif.





  lv_dynpro = sy-repid.

  lv_dynpro+40(4) = '
0100'. lt_flow_logic-line = 'process before output.'. append lt_flow_logic. lt_flow_logic-line = 'module status_0100.'. append lt_flow_logic. lt_flow_logic-line = 'process after input.'. append lt_flow_logic. lt_flow_logic-line = 'module exit_screen at exit-command.
'. append lt_flow_logic. lt_flow_logic-line = 'module user_command_0100.'. append lt_flow_logic. lt_flow_logic-line = 'process on value-request.'. append lt_flow_logic. lt_flow_logic-line = 'field tlow module t_low_help.'. append lt_flow_logic. syntax-check for dynpro lt_screen_header lt_field_list lt_flow_logic lt_attrib message lv_message_text line lv_screen_line word lv_incorrectword. if sy-subrc <> 0. endif. generate dynpro lt_screen_header lt_field_list lt_flow_logic lt_attrib id lv_dynpro message lv_message_text line lv_screen_line word lv_incorrectword. "#EC CI_GENERATE if sy-subrc <> 0. endif.




report  zexp_screen_test.
data:lv_message_text type string,
     lv_screen_line type string,
     lv_incorrectword type string,
     lv_fields type i,
     lv_max_length type i,
     ls_field_list type d021s,
     lt_field_list type table of d021s with header line,
     lt_flow_logic type table of d022s with header line,
     lt_screen_header type table of d020s with header line,
     ls_header type d020s,
     lv_dynpro type char44,
     lt_attrib type table of d023s with header line,
     lo_ref type ref to data,
     lo_line type ref to data,
     lt_fields type lvc_t_fcat,
     lt_fields_temp type lvc_t_fcat,
     ls_fields type lvc_s_fcat.
data:begin of etab occurs 0,
     check type c,
     posnr type posnr,
     deflg type c,
     htetr like vbap-netwr,
     vbelv like likp-vbeln,
     sktxt type char50,
     rqtxt type char50,
     jsdat like sy-datum,
     zdays type posnr,
     hkdat like sy-datum,
     ysetr type netwr,
     bezei type char80,
     ernam type char15,
     erdat type datum,
     end of etab.
field-symbols:<fs_tab> type any table,
              <fs> type any.
data:tlow type vbeln_va,
     tlow1 type vbeln_vl,
     thigh type vbeln_va,
     thigh1 type vbeln_va,
     tpush type char10.
"controls:imptb type tableview using screen 0100.
  assign tlow to <fs>.
  perform build_screen_fields.
  lv_dynpro = sy-repid.
  lv_dynpro+40(4) = '0100'.
  lt_flow_logic-line = 'process before output.'.               append lt_flow_logic.
  lt_flow_logic-line = 'module status_0100.'.                  append lt_flow_logic.
  lt_flow_logic-line = 'process after input.'.                 append lt_flow_logic.
  lt_flow_logic-line = 'module exit_screen at exit-command.'.  append lt_flow_logic.
  lt_flow_logic-line = 'module user_command_0100.'.            append lt_flow_logic.
  lt_flow_logic-line = 'process on value-request.'.            append lt_flow_logic.
  lt_flow_logic-line = 'field tlow module t_low_help.'.        append lt_flow_logic.
  syntax-check for dynpro lt_screen_header
  message lv_message_text line lv_screen_line word lv_incorrectword.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
  generate dynpro  lt_screen_header
            id     lv_dynpro
            message lv_message_text line lv_screen_line word lv_incorrectword. "#EC CI_GENERATE
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
  call screen 0100.  " starting at 3 3 ending at 60 60.
form build_screen_fields .
*  call function 'RS_SCRP_GET_SCREEN_INFOS'
*    exporting
*      dynnr                       = '1000'
*      progname                    = 'ZSDA008_SO_HEADER'
*    tables
*      fieldlist                   = lt_field_list
*    exceptions
*      dynpro_does_not_exist       = 1
*      no_field_list               = 2
*      cancelled                   = 3
*      others                      = 4 .
*  if sy-subrc <> 0.
**   implement suitable error handling here
*  endif.
*    ls_field_list-fnam = ''.    欄位名
*    ls_field_list-didx = ''.    frame high
*    ls_field_list-flg1 = ''.
*    ls_field_list-flg2 = ''.
*    ls_field_list-flg3 = ''.    A0  obligatory  00 entry and clear  80 entry
*    ls_field_list-fill = ''.    C   checkbutton   R   frame    T     P   pushbutton
*    ls_field_list-fmb1 = ''.
*    ls_field_list-fmb2 = ''.
*    ls_field_list-colr = ''.    color
*    ls_field_list-leng = ''.    textarea length
*    ls_field_list-line = ''.    row
*    ls_field_list-coln = ''.    col
*    ls_field_list-ltyp = ''.    circulated type
*    ls_field_list-lanf = ''.    circulated starting line
*    ls_field_list-lblk = ''.    circulated area
*    ls_field_list-lrep = ''.    circulated elenments
*    ls_field_list-fmky = ''.    function menu butttons
*    ls_field_list-paid = ''.    set memory id
*    ls_field_list-ucnv = ''.
*    ls_field_list-type = ''.    field type
*    ls_field_list-auth = ''.    authority no
*    ls_field_list-wnam = ''.    current button
*    ls_field_list-dmac = ''.
*    ls_field_list-grp1 = ''.
*    ls_field_list-grp2 = ''.
*    ls_field_list-grp3 = ''.
*    ls_field_list-grp4 = ''.
*    ls_field_list-ityp = ''.
*    ls_field_list-aglt = ''.
*    ls_field_list-adez = ''.
*    ls_field_list-stxt = ''.
*    ls_field_list-res1 = ''.
*    ls_field_list-res2 = ''.
*    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
*    clear ls_field_list.
    ls_field_list-fnam = 'FRAME'.
    ls_field_list-didx = '000B'.
    ls_field_list-flg1 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-flg2 = '02'.
    ls_field_list-flg3 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-fill = 'R'.
    ls_field_list-leng = '76'.
    ls_field_list-line = '01'.
    ls_field_list-coln = '02'.
    ls_field_list-type = 'CHAR'.
    ls_field_list-ityp = 'C'.
    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
    clear ls_field_list.
    ls_field_list-fnam = 'S_VBELN-TEXT'.
    ls_field_list-leng = '19'.
    ls_field_list-line = '02'.
    ls_field_list-coln = '04'.
    ls_field_list-type = 'CHAR'.
    ls_field_list-ityp = 'C'.
    ls_field_list-stxt = '訂單號'.
    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
    clear ls_field_list.
    ls_field_list-fnam = 'TLOW'.
    ls_field_list-flg1 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-flg2 = '00'.
    ls_field_list-flg3 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-leng = '0A'.
    ls_field_list-line = '02'.
    ls_field_list-coln = '24'.
    ls_field_list-ucnv = 'ALPHA'.
    ls_field_list-type = 'CHAR'.
    ls_field_list-ityp = 'C'.
    ls_field_list-stxt = ''.
    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
    clear ls_field_list.
    ls_field_list-fnam = 'S_VBELN-TXT2'.
    ls_field_list-leng = '04'.
    ls_field_list-line = '02'.
    ls_field_list-coln = '37'.
    ls_field_list-type = 'CHAR'.
    ls_field_list-ityp = 'C'.
    ls_field_list-stxt = ''.
    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
    clear ls_field_list.
    ls_field_list-fnam = 'THIGH'.
    ls_field_list-flg1 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-flg2 = '00'.
    ls_field_list-flg3 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-leng = '0A'.
    ls_field_list-line = '02'.
    ls_field_list-coln = '3C'.
    ls_field_list-ucnv = 'ALPHA'.
    ls_field_list-type = 'CHAR'.
    ls_field_list-ityp = 'C'.
    ls_field_list-stxt = ''.
    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
    clear ls_field_list.
    ls_field_list-fnam = 'TPUSH'.
    ls_field_list-didx = '0003'.
    ls_field_list-flg1 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-flg2 = '02'.
    ls_field_list-flg3 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-fill = 'P'.   "C checkbutton  R  frame  T     P pushbutton
    ls_field_list-leng = '03'.
    ls_field_list-line = '02'.
    ls_field_list-coln = '50'.
    ls_field_list-fmky = '&ZZZ'.
    ls_field_list-wnam = '&RICO'.
    ls_field_list-type = 'CHAR'.
    ls_field_list-auth = '102'.
    ls_field_list-ityp = 'C'.
    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
    clear ls_field_list.
    ls_field_list-fnam = 'S_VBELN-TEXT1'.
    ls_field_list-leng = '19'.
    ls_field_list-line = '03'.
    ls_field_list-coln = '04'.
    ls_field_list-type = 'CHAR'.
    ls_field_list-ityp = 'C'.
    ls_field_list-stxt = '訂單型別'.
    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
    clear ls_field_list.
    ls_field_list-FNAM = 'TAB-ALLTP'.
    ls_field_list-DIDX = '000C'.
    ls_field_list-FLG1 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-FLG2 = '00'.
    ls_field_list-FLG3 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-FMB1 = '00'.
    ls_field_list-FMB2 = '08'.
    ls_field_list-LENG = '09'.
    ls_field_list-LINE = '0A'.
    ls_field_list-COLN = '0D'.
    ls_field_list-LANF = '00'.
    ls_field_list-LBLK = '00'.
    ls_field_list-LREP = '00'.
    ls_field_list-TYPE = 'CHAR'.
    ls_field_list-ITYP = 'C'.
    ls_field_list-AGLT = '00'.
    ls_field_list-ADEZ = '00'.
    ls_field_list-RES1 = 'DL K'.
    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
    clear ls_field_list.
    ls_field_list-fnam = '<FS>'.
    ls_field_list-flg1 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-flg2 = '00'.
    ls_field_list-flg3 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-leng = '0A'.
    ls_field_list-line = '03'.
    ls_field_list-coln = '24'.
    ls_field_list-ucnv = 'ALPHA'.
    ls_field_list-type = 'CHAR'.
    ls_field_list-ityp = 'C'.
    ls_field_list-stxt = ''.
    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
    clear ls_field_list.
    ls_field_list-fnam = 'S_VBELN-TXT1'.
    ls_field_list-leng = '04'.
    ls_field_list-line = '03'.
    ls_field_list-coln = '37'.
    ls_field_list-type = 'CHAR'.
    ls_field_list-ityp = 'C'.
    ls_field_list-stxt = ''.
    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
    clear ls_field_list.
    ls_field_list-fnam = 'THIGH1'.
    ls_field_list-flg1 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-flg2 = '00'.
    ls_field_list-flg3 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-leng = '0A'.
    ls_field_list-line = '03'.
    ls_field_list-coln = '3C'.
    ls_field_list-ucnv = 'ALPHA'.
    ls_field_list-type = 'CHAR'.
    ls_field_list-ityp = 'C'.
    ls_field_list-stxt = ''.
    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
    clear ls_field_list.
    ls_field_list-fnam = 'TPUSH1'.
    ls_field_list-didx = '0003'.
    ls_field_list-flg1 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-flg2 = '02'.
    ls_field_list-flg3 = '80'.
    ls_field_list-fill = 'P'.   "C checkbutton  R  frame  T     P pushbutton
    ls_field_list-leng = '03'.
    ls_field_list-line = '03'.
    ls_field_list-coln = '50'.
    ls_field_list-fmky = '&ZZZ'.
    ls_field_list-type = 'CHAR'.
    ls_field_list-auth = '102'.
    ls_field_list-ityp = 'C'.
    append ls_field_list to lt_field_list.
    clear ls_field_list.
endform.                    " BUILD_SCREEN_FIELDS
form build_flow_logic_etc .
 field-symbols:<fs_flow_logic> type d022s,
               <fs_flow_logic1> type d022s,
               <fs_flow_logic2> type d022s.
  data:lt_field_list type table of d021s with header line.
  call function 'RS_DYNPRO_CREATE_INITIAL'
      program       = sy-repid
      dynnr         = '0100'
      dynpro_header = ls_header
      dynpro_fields = lt_field_list
      dynpro_flow   = lt_flow_logic
      dynpro_params = lt_attrib.
 loop at lt_flow_logic assigning <fs_flow_logic>.
    if <fs_flow_logic>+0(1) = '*'.
       clear <fs_flow_logic>+0(1).
 insert initial line into lt_flow_logic index 5 assigning <fs_flow_logic>.
  <fs_flow_logic>-line = 'MODULE exit_screen AT EXIT-COMMAND.'. "#EC NOTEXT
endform.                    " BUILD_FLOW_LOGIC
module status_0100 output.
  set pf-status '100'.
endmodule.                    "status_0100 OUTPUT
module exit_screen.
  set screen 0.
  leave screen.
endmodule.                    "exit_screen
module user_command_0100 input.
 " break-point.
*  loop at screen.
*    if screen-name = ''.
*    endif.
*  endloop.
  case sy-ucomm.
    when '&F4'.
      "perform t_low_help.
    when '&SAVE'.
      leave to screen 0.
    when others.
  set screen 100.
endmodule.                    "user_command_0100 INPUT
*module etab_pbo output.
*  read table etab into etab index imptb-current_line.
*module etab_pai input.
*  modify etab from etab index imptb-current_line.
*endmodule.                 " etab_pail  input
module t_low_help.
 " break-point.
  data:zwerks like standard table of t001w with header line.
  clear:zwerks. refresh:zwerks.
  select * into corresponding fields of table zwerks from t001w.
  call function 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST'
      retfield        = 'WERKS'
      value_org       = 'S'
      dynpprog        = sy-repid
      dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
      dynprofield     = 'TLOW'
      value_tab       = zwerks
      parameter_error = 1
      no_values_found = 2
      others          = 3.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
  clear:zwerks. refresh:zwerks.
form t_low_help.
  data:zwerks like standard table of t001w with header line.
  clear:zwerks. refresh:zwerks.
  select * into corresponding fields of table zwerks from t001w.
  call function 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST'
      retfield        = 'WERKS'
      value_org       = 'S'
      dynpprog        = sy-repid
      dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
      dynprofield     = 'TLOW'
      value_tab       = zwerks
      parameter_error = 1
      no_values_found = 2
      others          = 3.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
  clear:zwerks. refresh:zwerks.
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