@吳穹Adam (新浪微博)
Scrum Guide很薄(21頁),行文也很簡潔,讀起來很快,但是,讀完了之後,更加深了我對“純粹Scrum框架”在中國很難落地的判斷,其中原委細細道來吧:
1. 文中上來開宗明義,將Scrum定位成為一個框架,需要補充其他實踐才能應用,這個我一直贊同,只是因為看到許多人還有混淆,在此再囉嗦一下。原文如下:“Scrum is not a process or a technique for building products; rather, it is a framework within which you can employ various processes and techniques.”
2. 在下面,Guide中明確了Scrum框架當中的內容,“The Scrum framework consists of a set of Scrum Teams and their associated roles; Time-Boxes, Artifacts, and Rules.”,好,下面就仔細看一看內容吧
3. 首先看角色,“Each Scrum Team has three roles: 1) the ScrumMaster, who is responsible for ensuring the process is understood and followed; 2) the Product Owner
a) Developers,在Release Notes裡面,作者給出瞭解釋” The team of people performing the work of creating an Increment is the Development Team. Regardless of the work performed by individual team members, they are known as Developers.” 所以,只要參與了交付的人,都被稱為了Developers,包括開發,測試,使用者體驗,文件等等
b) 另外,需要注意的是角色裡面是沒有Manager或者Lead,團隊是自組織的,有關自組織的論述,Guide中有如下幾段:
i. The ScrumMaster helps the Scrum Team understand and use self-organization and cross-functionality. Teams are also self-organizing.
ii. No one – not even the ScrumMaster - tells the Team how to turn Product Backlog into increments of shippable functionality.
iii. The Team self-organizes to undertake the work in the Sprint Backlog, either during the Sprint Planning meeting or just-in-time during the Sprint.
c) 由於Scrum框架裡面沒有給Manager和Lead留出位置,在Scrum框架落地過程中,就經常會走形了。Manager和Lead偽裝成了Scrum Master,然後一切照舊,而真正該做Scrum Master的人反而沒有位置了。這是因為,由於團隊都很年輕,並不敢真正實施自組織,又想時髦地實施Scrum於是就照貓畫虎了。其實,管理人是最難的一件事情,自組織只是一種可能的管理方式,而這種管理方式恰恰是在中國很難成功的管理方式。這就是為什麼純粹Scrum在中國很難落地的原因之一。
其實,在敏捷的另一個流派-精益(Lean)當中,就非常強調Manager發揮好Coach的作用,並且將此作為Lean的基礎,我覺得這種思維很可能更適合中國的現狀,因為大多數團隊中的成員都非常年輕缺乏經驗,因此,他們需要的很可能並不是自組織,而是真正能Coach他們的Manager或者Lead(在大多數情況下)。即使現在Manager和Lead 還不稱職,那麼企業的重點也更可能應該是儘快提升這些Manager和Lead的Coach能力,轉變他們的思想,而並不是去推行自組織。
2. Scrum與QA
3. Scrum與架構
4. Scrum與迭代規劃,使用者故事
5. Scrum的商業運作分析
分門別類地列出目前Scrum框架中的問題,歡迎持續關注,討論、反饋、拍磚請移步在我的新浪微博 http://weibo.com/adamwu73/profile,多謝!