1. 程式人生 > >fresco原始碼分析-記憶體回收


           我覺得記憶體管理是三方相簿最重要的點, 而且該知識點能夠應用到專案裡, 所以著重看了一下fresco是如何回收記憶體的。


 1、按照LruCach的方式釋放引用計數為0物件, fresco內部邏輯實現;

 2、應用退到後臺、手機低記憶體等場景下主動釋放fresco的記憶體, 包括引用計數不為0的物件, 需要傳事件給fresco。 參考: https://github.com/facebook/fresco/issues/1457

ImagePipeline imagePipeline = Fresco.getImagePipeline();
imagePipeline.clearMemoryCaches(); //記憶體,包括已解碼和未解碼
imagePipeline.clearDiskCaches();   //刪除檔案

// combines above two lines


          上圖是fresco官方提供的架構圖, 按照三級快取。 即已解碼的圖片,未解碼的圖片和檔案快取。Android5.0以前bitmap是快取在ashmem裡, Android5.0及以上儲存在java堆裡。 為了釋放bitmap, fresco定義了引用計數類SharedPrefrence。

public class SharedReference<T> {

  // Keeps references to all live objects so finalization of those Objects always happens after
  // SharedReference first disposes of it. Note, this does not prevent CloseableReference's from
  // being finalized when the reference is no longer reachable.
  private static final Map<Object, Integer> sLiveObjects = new IdentityHashMap<>();

  private T mValue;
  private int mRefCount;

  private final ResourceReleaser<T> mResourceReleaser;

   * Construct a new shared-reference that will 'own' the supplied {@code value}.
   * The reference count will be set to 1. When the reference count decreases to zero
   * {@code resourceReleaser} will be used to release the {@code value}
   * @param value non-null value to manage
   * @param resourceReleaser non-null ResourceReleaser for the value
  public SharedReference(T value, ResourceReleaser<T> resourceReleaser) {
    mValue = Preconditions.checkNotNull(value);
    mResourceReleaser = Preconditions.checkNotNull(resourceReleaser);
    mRefCount = 1;

   * Increases the reference count of a live object in the static map. Adds it if it's not
   * being held.
   * @param value the value to add.
  private static void addLiveReference(Object value) {
    synchronized (sLiveObjects) {
      Integer count = sLiveObjects.get(value);
      if (count == null) {
        sLiveObjects.put(value, 1);
      } else {
        sLiveObjects.put(value, count + 1);

   * Decreases the reference count of live object from the static map. Removes it if it's reference
   * count has become 0.
   * @param value the value to remove.
  private static void removeLiveReference(Object value) {
    synchronized (sLiveObjects) {
      Integer count = sLiveObjects.get(value);
      if (count == null) {
        // Uh oh.
            "No entry in sLiveObjects for value of type %s",
      } else if (count == 1) {
      } else {
        sLiveObjects.put(value, count - 1);

   * Get the current referenced value. Null if there's no value.
   * @return the referenced value
  public synchronized T get() {
    return mValue;

   * Checks if this shared-reference is valid i.e. its reference count is greater than zero.
   * @return true if shared reference is valid
  public synchronized boolean isValid() {
    return mRefCount > 0;

   * Checks if the shared-reference is valid i.e. its reference count is greater than zero
   * @return true if the shared reference is valid
  public static boolean isValid(SharedReference<?> ref) {
    return ref != null && ref.isValid();

   * Bump up the reference count for the shared reference
   * Note: The reference must be valid (aka not null) at this point
  public synchronized void addReference() {

   * Decrement the reference count for the shared reference. If the reference count drops to zero,
   * then dispose of the referenced value
  public void deleteReference() {
    if (decreaseRefCount() == 0) {
      T deleted;
      synchronized (this) {
        deleted = mValue;
        mValue = null;

   * Decrements reference count for the shared reference. Returns value of mRefCount after
   * decrementing
  private synchronized int decreaseRefCount() {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(mRefCount > 0);

    return mRefCount;

   * Assert that there is a valid referenced value. Throw a NullReferenceException otherwise
   * @throws NullReferenceException, if the reference is invalid (i.e.) the underlying value is null
  private void ensureValid() {
    if (!isValid(this)) {
      throw new NullReferenceException();

   * A test-only method to get the ref count
   * DO NOT USE in regular code
  public synchronized int getRefCountTestOnly() {
    return mRefCount;

   * The moral equivalent of NullPointerException for SharedReference. Indicates that the
   * referenced object is null
  public static class NullReferenceException extends RuntimeException {
    public NullReferenceException() {
      super("Null shared reference");


         在Android5.0後Fresco又封裝了CloseableReference類實現了Cloneable、Closeable介面,它在呼叫.clone()方法時同時會呼叫addReference()來增加一個引用計數,在呼叫.close()方法時同時會呼叫deleteReference()來刪除一個引用計數。 fresco對CloseableReference的註釋:This class allows reference-counting semantics in a Java-friendlier way. A single object can have any number of CloseableReferences pointing to it. When all of these have been closed, the object either has its {@link Closeable#close} method called, if it implements {@link Closeable}, or its designated {@link ResourceReleaser#release}。 翻譯過來就是CloseReference類提供了一種友好的引用計數方式,多個CloseReference物件可以指向同一個物件, 當所有的CloseReference都關閉時則呼叫Closeable介面的close方法(如果實現了Closeable介面),或者ResourceReleaser介面的release方法。

      1、在賦值CloseableReference給新物件的時候,呼叫.clone()進行賦值, 引用計數加1。
      2、在超出作用域範圍的時候,必須呼叫.close(),通常會在finally程式碼塊中呼叫, 引用計數減1。

 * Decrement the reference count for the shared reference. If the reference count drops to zero,
 * then dispose of the referenced value
public void deleteReference() {
  if (decreaseRefCount() == 0) {
    T deleted;
    synchronized (this) {
      deleted = mValue;
mValue = null;
        當引用計數等於0時, 呼叫release方法釋放記憶體。 Fresco程式碼裡隨處可見CloseReference的身影, 這個類是可以抽出來用作我們的記憶體管理類。

        前面提到了已解碼的mBitmapMemoryCache和未解碼的mEncodedMemoryCache圖片快取, 實際上都是用CountingMemoryCache類例項化(InstrumentedMemoryCache的基類)的物件。    其內部成員變數有2個重要的物件,即mCacheEntries和mExclusiveEntries。  正在使用的資料放在mCachedEntries裡,  等待複用(待回收)的資料放在mExclusiveEntries。 而mCachedEntries和mExclusiveEntries都是CountingLruMap的物件,類似於LruCache, 即從最遠使用開始移除。

 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

package com.facebook.imagepipeline.cache;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Log;

import com.facebook.common.internal.Preconditions;
import com.facebook.common.internal.Supplier;
import com.facebook.common.internal.VisibleForTesting;
import com.facebook.common.memory.MemoryTrimType;
import com.facebook.common.memory.MemoryTrimmable;
import com.facebook.common.references.CloseableReference;
import com.facebook.common.references.ResourceReleaser;

import com.android.internal.util.Predicate;

 * Layer of memory cache stack responsible for managing eviction of the the cached items.
 * <p> This layer is responsible for LRU eviction strategy and for maintaining the size boundaries
 * of the cached items.
 * <p> Only the exclusively owned elements, i.e. the elements not referenced by any client, can be
 * evicted.
 * @param <K> the key type
 * @param <V> the value type
public class CountingMemoryCache<K, V> implements MemoryCache<K, V>, MemoryTrimmable {

   * Interface used to specify the trimming strategy for the cache.
  public interface CacheTrimStrategy {
    double getTrimRatio(MemoryTrimType trimType);

   * Interface used to observe the state changes of an entry.
  public interface EntryStateObserver<K> {

     * Called when the exclusivity status of the entry changes.
     * <p> The item can be reused if it is exclusively owned by the cache.
    void onExclusivityChanged(K key, boolean isExclusive);

   * The internal representation of a key-value pair stored by the cache.
  static class Entry<K, V> {
    public final K key;
    public final CloseableReference<V> valueRef;
    // The number of clients that reference the value.
    public int clientCount;
    // Whether or not this entry is tracked by this cache. Orphans are not tracked by the cache and
    // as soon as the last client of an orphaned entry closes their reference, the entry's copy is
    // closed too.
    public boolean isOrphan;
    @Nullable public final EntryStateObserver<K> observer;

    private Entry(K key, CloseableReference<V> valueRef, @Nullable EntryStateObserver<K> observer) {
      this.key = Preconditions.checkNotNull(key);
      this.valueRef = Preconditions.checkNotNull(CloseableReference.cloneOrNull(valueRef));
      this.clientCount = 0;
      this.isOrphan = false;
      this.observer = observer;

    /** Creates a new entry with the usage count of 0. */
    static <K, V> Entry<K, V> of(
        final K key,
        final CloseableReference<V> valueRef,
        final @Nullable EntryStateObserver<K> observer) {
      return new Entry<>(key, valueRef, observer);

  // How often the cache checks for a new cache configuration.
  static final long PARAMS_INTERCHECK_INTERVAL_MS = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5);

  // Contains the items that are not being used by any client and are hence viable for eviction.
  final CountingLruMap<K, Entry<K, V>> mExclusiveEntries;

  // Contains all the cached items including the exclusively owned ones.
  final CountingLruMap<K, Entry<K, V>> mCachedEntries;

  private final ValueDescriptor<V> mValueDescriptor;

  private final CacheTrimStrategy mCacheTrimStrategy;

  // Cache size constraints.
  private final Supplier<MemoryCacheParams> mMemoryCacheParamsSupplier;
  protected MemoryCacheParams mMemoryCacheParams;
  private long mLastCacheParamsCheck;

  public CountingMemoryCache(
      ValueDescriptor<V> valueDescriptor,
      CacheTrimStrategy cacheTrimStrategy,
      Supplier<MemoryCacheParams> memoryCacheParamsSupplier) {
    mValueDescriptor = valueDescriptor;
    mExclusiveEntries = new CountingLruMap<>(wrapValueDescriptor(valueDescriptor));
    mCachedEntries = new CountingLruMap<>(wrapValueDescriptor(valueDescriptor));
    mCacheTrimStrategy = cacheTrimStrategy;
    mMemoryCacheParamsSupplier = memoryCacheParamsSupplier;
    mMemoryCacheParams = mMemoryCacheParamsSupplier.get();
    mLastCacheParamsCheck = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();

  private ValueDescriptor<Entry<K, V>> wrapValueDescriptor(
      final ValueDescriptor<V> evictableValueDescriptor) {
    return new ValueDescriptor<Entry<K,V>>() {
      public int getSizeInBytes(Entry<K, V> entry) {
        return evictableValueDescriptor.getSizeInBytes(entry.valueRef.get());

   * Caches the given key-value pair.
   * <p> Important: the client should use the returned reference instead of the original one.
   * It is the caller's responsibility to close the returned reference once not needed anymore.
   * @return the new reference to be used, null if the value cannot be cached
  public CloseableReference<V> cache(final K key, final CloseableReference<V> valueRef) {
    return cache(key, valueRef, null);

   * Caches the given key-value pair.
   * <p> Important: the client should use the returned reference instead of the original one.
   * It is the caller's responsibility to close the returned reference once not needed anymore.
   * @return the new reference to be used, null if the value cannot be cached
  public CloseableReference<V> cache(
      final K key,
      final CloseableReference<V> valueRef,
      final EntryStateObserver<K> observer) {


    Entry<K, V> oldExclusive;
    CloseableReference<V> oldRefToClose = null;
    CloseableReference<V> clientRef = null;
    synchronized (this) {
      // remove the old item (if any) as it is stale now
      oldExclusive = mExclusiveEntries.remove(key);
      Entry<K, V> oldEntry = mCachedEntries.remove(key);
      if (oldEntry != null) {
        oldRefToClose = referenceToClose(oldEntry);

      if (canCacheNewValue(valueRef.get())) {
        Entry<K, V> newEntry = Entry.of(key, valueRef, observer);
        mCachedEntries.put(key, newEntry);
        clientRef = newClientReference(newEntry);

    return clientRef;

  /** Checks the cache constraints to determine whether the new value can be cached or not. */
  private synchronized boolean canCacheNewValue(V value) {
    int newValueSize = mValueDescriptor.getSizeInBytes(value);
    return (newValueSize <= mMemoryCacheParams.maxCacheEntrySize) &&
        (getInUseCount() <= mMemoryCacheParams.maxCacheEntries - 1) &&
        (getInUseSizeInBytes() <= mMemoryCacheParams.maxCacheSize - newValueSize);

   * Gets the item with the given key, or null if there is no such item.
   * <p> It is the caller's responsibility to close the returned reference once not needed anymore.
  public CloseableReference<V> get(final K key) {
    Entry<K, V> oldExclusive;
    CloseableReference<V> clientRef = null;
    synchronized (this) {
      oldExclusive = mExclusiveEntries.remove(key);
      Entry<K, V> entry = mCachedEntries.get(key);
      if (entry != null) {
        clientRef = newClientReference(entry);
    return clientRef;

  /** Creates a new reference for the client. */
  private synchronized CloseableReference<V> newClientReference(final Entry<K, V> entry) {
    return CloseableReference.of(
        new ResourceReleaser<V>() {
          public void release(V unused) {

  /** Called when the client closes its reference. */
  private void releaseClientReference(final Entry<K, V> entry) {
    boolean isExclusiveAdded;
    CloseableReference<V> oldRefToClose;
    synchronized (this) {
      isExclusiveAdded = maybeAddToExclusives(entry);
      oldRefToClose = referenceToClose(entry);
    maybeNotifyExclusiveEntryInsertion(isExclusiveAdded ? entry : null);

  /** Adds the entry to the exclusively owned queue if it is viable for eviction. */
  private synchronized boolean maybeAddToExclusives(Entry<K, V> entry) {
    if (!entry.isOrphan && entry.clientCount == 0) {
      mExclusiveEntries.put(entry.key, entry);
      return true;
    return false;

   * Gets the value with the given key to be reused, or null if there is no such value.
   * <p> The item can be reused only if it is exclusively owned by the cache.
  public CloseableReference<V> reuse(K key) {
    CloseableReference<V> clientRef = null;
    boolean removed = false;
    Entry<K, V> oldExclusive = null;
    synchronized (this) {
      oldExclusive = mExclusiveEntries.remove(key);
      if (oldExclusive != null) {
        Entry<K, V> entry = mCachedEntries.remove(key);
        Preconditions.checkState(entry.clientCount == 0);
        // optimization: instead of cloning and then closing the original reference,
        // we just do a move
        clientRef = entry.valueRef;
        removed = true;
    if (removed) {
    return clientRef;

   * Removes all the items from the cache whose key matches the specified predicate.
   * @param predicate returns true if an item with the given key should be removed
   * @return number of the items removed from the cache
  public int removeAll(Predicate<K> predicate) {
    ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> oldExclusives;
    ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> oldEntries;
    synchronized (this) {
      oldExclusives = mExclusiveEntries.removeAll(predicate);
      oldEntries = mCachedEntries.removeAll(predicate);
    return oldEntries.size();

  /** Removes all the items from the cache. */
  public void clear() {
    ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> oldExclusives;
    ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> oldEntries;
    synchronized (this) {
      oldExclusives = mExclusiveEntries.clear();
      oldEntries = mCachedEntries.clear();

   * Check if any items from the cache whose key matches the specified predicate.
   * @param predicate returns true if an item with the given key matches
   * @return true is any items matches from the cache
  public synchronized boolean contains(Predicate<K> predicate) {
    return !mCachedEntries.getMatchingEntries(predicate).isEmpty();

  /** Trims the cache according to the specified trimming strategy and the given trim type. */
  public void trim(MemoryTrimType trimType) {
    ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> oldEntries;
    final double trimRatio = mCacheTrimStrategy.getTrimRatio(trimType);
    synchronized (this) {
      int targetCacheSize = (int) (mCachedEntries.getSizeInBytes() * (1 - trimRatio));
      int targetEvictionQueueSize = Math.max(0, targetCacheSize - getInUseSizeInBytes());
      oldEntries = trimExclusivelyOwnedEntries(Integer.MAX_VALUE, targetEvictionQueueSize);

   * Updates the cache params (constraints) if enough time has passed since the last update.
  private synchronized void maybeUpdateCacheParams() {
    if (mLastCacheParamsCheck + PARAMS_INTERCHECK_INTERVAL_MS > SystemClock.uptimeMillis()) {
    mLastCacheParamsCheck = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    mMemoryCacheParams = mMemoryCacheParamsSupplier.get();

   * Removes the exclusively owned items until the cache constraints are met.
   * <p> This method invokes the external {@link CloseableReference#close} method,
   * so it must not be called while holding the <code>this</code> lock.
  private void maybeEvictEntries() {
    ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> oldEntries;
    synchronized (this) {
      int maxCount = Math.min(
          mMemoryCacheParams.maxCacheEntries - getInUseCount());
      int maxSize = Math.min(
          mMemoryCacheParams.maxCacheSize - getInUseSizeInBytes());
      oldEntries = trimExclusivelyOwnedEntries(maxCount, maxSize);
      if (oldEntries != null) {
        Log.d("gaorui", "oldEntries no memory");

   * Removes the exclusively owned items until there is at most <code>count</code> of them
   * and they occupy no more than <code>size</code> bytes.
   * <p> This method returns the removed items instead of actually closing them, so it is safe to
   * be called while holding the <code>this</code> lock.
  private synchronized ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> trimExclusivelyOwnedEntries(int count, int size) {
    count = Math.max(count, 0);
    size = Math.max(size, 0);
    // fast path without array allocation if no eviction is necessary
    if (mExclusiveEntries.getCount() <= count && mExclusiveEntries.getSizeInBytes() <= size) {
      return null;
    ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> oldEntries = new ArrayList<>();
    while (mExclusiveEntries.getCount() > count || mExclusiveEntries.getSizeInBytes() > size) {
      K key = mExclusiveEntries.getFirstKey();
    return oldEntries;

   * Notifies the client that the cache no longer tracks the given items.
   * <p> This method invokes the external {@link CloseableReference#close} method,
   * so it must not be called while holding the <code>this</code> lock.
  private void maybeClose(@Nullable ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> oldEntries) {
    if (oldEntries != null) {
      for (Entry<K, V> oldEntry : oldEntries) {

  private void maybeNotifyExclusiveEntryRemoval(@Nullable ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> entries) {
    if (entries != null) {
      for (Entry<K, V> entry : entries) {

  private static <K, V> void maybeNotifyExclusiveEntryRemoval(@Nullable Entry<K, V> entry) {
    if (entry != null && entry.observer != null) {
      entry.observer.onExclusivityChanged(entry.key, false);

  private static <K, V> void maybeNotifyExclusiveEntryInsertion(@Nullable Entry<K, V> entry) {
    if (entry != null && entry.observer != null) {
      entry.observer.onExclusivityChanged(entry.key, true);

  /** Marks the given entries as orphans. */
  private synchronized void makeOrphans(@Nullable ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> oldEntries) {
    if (oldEntries != null) {
      for (Entry<K, V> oldEntry : oldEntries) {

  /** Marks the entry as orphan. */
  private synchronized void makeOrphan(Entry<K, V> entry) {
    entry.isOrphan = true;

  /** Increases the entry's client count. */
  private synchronized void increaseClientCount(Entry<K, V> entry) {

  /** Decreases the entry's client count. */
  private synchronized void decreaseClientCount(Entry<K, V> entry) {
    Preconditions.checkState(entry.clientCount > 0);

  /** Returns the value reference of the entry if it should be closed, null otherwise. */
  private synchronized CloseableReference<V> referenceToClose(Entry<K, V> entry) {
    return (entry.isOrphan && entry.clientCount == 0) ? entry.valueRef : null;

  /** Gets the total number of all currently cached items. */
  public synchronized int getCount() {
    return mCachedEntries.getCount();

  /** Gets the total size in bytes of all currently cached items. */
  public synchronized int getSizeInBytes() {
    return mCachedEntries.getSizeInBytes();

  /** Gets the number of the cached items that are used by at least one client. */
  public synchronized int getInUseCount() {
    return mCachedEntries.getCount() - mExclusiveEntries.getCount();

  /** Gets the total size in bytes of the cached items that are used by at least one client. */
  public synchronized int getInUseSizeInBytes() {
    return mCachedEntries.getSizeInBytes() - mExclusiveEntries.getSizeInBytes();

  /** Gets the number of the exclusively owned items. */
  public synchronized int getEvictionQueueCount() {
    return mExclusiveEntries.getCount();

  /** Gets the total size in bytes of the exclusively owned items. */
  public synchronized int getEvictionQueueSizeInBytes() {
    return mExclusiveEntries.getSizeInBytes();

       fresco定義了MemoryTrimmable和DiskTrimmable介面類, 用於在app記憶體不足時回收記憶體。fresco已經幫實現了函式體, 只要在適當的地方呼叫一下就可以了。  但奇怪的是搜尋fresco原始碼找不到在哪裡呼叫trim方法!!!  網上有人說用fresco遇到了OOM的問題, 我覺得跟沒呼叫trim方法有關。

        從github的issue看出大部分OOM問題的解決方式是setDownSampleEnabled(true)或android:largeHeap="true"。 當手機記憶體低時應該釋放一些資源, 包括引用計數不為0的圖片, 即最終執行CountingMemoryCache類的trim方法。

我提了issue: https://github.com/facebook/fresco/issues/1455  和 https://github.com/facebook/fresco/issues/1457 ,  關鍵在於如何拿到圖片快取物件例項。

issue裡已經有我的解決方案了,   為了幫助英文不熟的同學,在這裡再翻譯一下大笑

1. 宣告一個靜態變數,  用於快取記憶體物件。
private static ArrayList sMemoryTrimmable;
public static ArrayList getMemoryTrimmable() {
return sMemoryTrimmable;
2.  在呼叫setMemoryTrimmableRegistry函式時, 在registerMemoryTrimmable裡將MemoryTrimmable物件儲存到靜態物件裡。
public static ImagePipelineConfig getImagePipelineConfig(Context context) {
      if (sImagePipelineConfig == null) {
          sMemoryTrimmable = new ArrayList<>();
          configBuilder.setMemoryTrimmableRegistry(new MemoryTrimmableRegistry() {
                public void registerMemoryTrimmable(MemoryTrimmable trimmable) {
                       Log.d("brycegao", "registerMemoryTrimmable size: " + sMemoryTrimmable.size());
3.  覆蓋Application的onTrimMemory方法或者Activity的onTrimMemory的方法,  遍歷靜態變數並呼叫trim方法。 注意引數不同, fresco釋放的記憶體大小不同!
public void onTrimMemory(int level) {
      ArrayList array = ImagePipelineConfigFactory.getMemoryTrimmable();
      if (array != null) {
           for (MemoryTrimmable trimmable:array) {
           //just demo, it should be proper params according to level.

09-07 09:57:15.088 2235-2235/com.facebook.samples.comparison D/brycegao: registerMemoryTrimmable size: 4

實際測試驗證, fresco預設有4個MemoryTrimmable物件。


public void trim(MemoryTrimType trimType) {
    ArrayList<Entry<K, V>> oldEntries;
    <span style="color:#FF0000;">final double trimRatio = mCacheTrimStrategy.getTrimRatio(trimType);</span>
    synchronized (this) {
      int targetCacheSize = (int) (mCachedEntries.getSizeInBytes() * (1 - trimRatio));
      int targetEvictionQueueSize = Math.max(0, targetCacheSize - getInUseSizeInBytes());
      oldEntries = trimExclusivelyOwnedEntries(Integer.MAX_VALUE, targetEvictionQueueSize);

BasePool.java :

public void trim(MemoryTrimType memoryTrimType) {
public void trim(MemoryTrimType trimType) {
  if (!mSemaphore.tryAcquire()) {
  try {
} finally {