阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-25
* Create an input stream that directly pulls messages from Kafka Brokers
* without using any receiver. This stream can guarantee that each message
* from Kafka is included in transformations exactly once (see points below).
* Points to note :
* - No receivers: This stream does not use any receiver. It directly queries Kafka
* - Offsets: This does not use Zookeeper to store offsets. The consumed offsets are tracked
* by the stream itself. For interoperability with Kafka monitoring tools that depend on
* Zookeeper, you have to update Kafka/Zookeeper yourself from the streaming application.
* You can access the offsets used in each batch from the generated RDDs (see
* [[org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.HasOffsetRanges]]).
* - Failure Recovery: To recover from driver failures, you have to enable checkpointing
* in the [[StreamingContext]]. The information on consumed offset can be
* recovered from the checkpoint. See the programming guide for details (constraints, etc.).
* - End-to-end semantics: This stream ensures that every records is effectively received and
* transformed exactly once, but gives no guarantees on whether the transformed data are
* outputted exactly once. For end-to-end exactly-once semantics, you have to either ensure
* that the output operation is idempotent, or use transactions to output records atomically.
* See the programming guide for more details.
* @param ssc StreamingContext object
* @param kafkaParams Kafka <a href="http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#configuration">
* configuration parameters</a>. Requires "metadata.broker.list" or "bootstrap.servers"
* to be set with Kafka broker(s) (NOT zookeeper servers) specified in
* host1:port1,host2:port2 form.
* @param fromOffsets Per-topic/partition Kafka offsets defining the (inclusive)
* starting point of the stream
* @param messageHandler Function for translating each message and metadata into the desired type