阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-26
<?php /** * ECTouch Open Source Project * ============================================================================ * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 http://ectouch.cn All rights reserved. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 檔名稱:WechatControoller.class.php * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 功能描述:微信公眾平臺API * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Licensed ( http://www.ectouch.cn/docs/license.txt ) * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* 訪問控制 */ defined('IN_ECTOUCH') or die('Deny Access'); class WechatController extends CommonController { private $weObj = ''; private $orgid = ''; private $wechat_id = ''; /** * 建構函式 */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // 獲取公眾號配置 $this->orgid = I('get.orgid'); if (! empty($this->orgid)) { $wxinfo = $this->get_config($this->orgid); $config['token'] = $wxinfo['token']; $config['appid'] = $wxinfo['appid']; $config['appsecret'] = $wxinfo['appsecret']; $this->weObj = new Wechat($config); $this->weObj->valid(); $this->wechat_id = $wxinfo['id']; } } /** * 執行方法 */ public function index() { // 事件型別 $type = $this->weObj->getRev()->getRevType(); $wedata = $this->weObj->getRev()->getRevData(); $keywords = ''; if ($type == Wechat::MSGTYPE_TEXT) { $keywords = $wedata['Content']; } elseif ($type == Wechat::MSGTYPE_EVENT) { if ('subscribe' == $wedata['Event']) { // 使用者掃描帶引數二維碼(未關注) if (isset($wedata['Ticket']) && ! empty($wedata['Ticket'])) { $scene_id = $this->weObj->getRevSceneId(); $flag = true; // 關注 $this->subscribe($wedata['FromUserName'], $scene_id); } else{ // 關注 $this->subscribe($wedata['FromUserName']); // 關注時回覆資訊 $this->msg_reply('subscribe'); exit; } } elseif ('unsubscribe' == $wedata['Event']) { // 取消關注 $this->unsubscribe($wedata['FromUserName']); exit(); } elseif ('MASSSENDJOBFINISH' == $wedata['Event']) { // 群髮結果 $data['status'] = $wedata['Status']; $data['totalcount'] = $wedata['TotalCount']; $data['filtercount'] = $wedata['FilterCount']; $data['sentcount'] = $wedata['SentCount']; $data['errorcount'] = $wedata['ErrorCount']; // 更新群髮結果 $this->model->table('wechat_mass_history') ->data($data) ->where('msg_id = "' . $wedata['MsgID'] . '"') ->update(); exit(); } elseif ('CLICK' == $wedata['Event']) { // 點選選單 $keywords = $wedata['EventKey']; } elseif ('VIEW' == $wedata['Event']) { $this->redirect($wedata['EventKey']); } elseif ('SCAN' == $wedata['Event']) { $scene_id = $this->weObj->getRevSceneId(); } } else { $this->msg_reply('msg'); exit(); } //掃描二維碼 if(!empty($scene_id)){ $qrcode_fun = $this->model->table('wechat_qrcode')->field('function')->where('scene_id = "'.$scene_id.'"')->getOne(); //掃碼引薦 if(!empty($qrcode_fun) && isset($flag)){ //增加掃描量 $this->model->table('wechat_qrcode')->data('scan_num = scan_num + 1')->where('scene_id = "'.$scene_id.'"')->update(); } $keywords = $qrcode_fun; } // 回覆 if (! empty($keywords)) { $keywords = html_in($keywords); //記錄使用者操作資訊 $this->record_msg($wedata['FromUserName'], $keywords); // 多客服 $rs = $this->customer_service($wedata['FromUserName'], $keywords); if (empty($rs) && $keywords != 'kefu') { // 功能外掛 $rs1 = $this->get_function($wedata['FromUserName'], $keywords); if (empty($rs1)) { // 關鍵詞回覆 $rs2 = $this->keywords_reply($keywords); if (empty($rs2)) { //推薦商品 $rs_rec = $this->recommend_goods($wedata['FromUserName'], $keywords); if(empty($rs_rec)){ // 訊息自動回覆 $this->msg_reply('msg'); } } } } } } /** * 關注處理 * * @param array $info */ private function subscribe($openid = '', $scene_id = 0) { if(!empty($openid)){ // 使用者資訊 $info = $this->weObj->getUserInfo($openid); if (empty($info)) { $info = array(); } // 查詢使用者是否存在 $where['openid'] = $openid; $rs = $this->model->table('wechat_user') ->field('ect_uid, subscribe') ->where($where) ->find(); // 未關注 if (empty($rs)) { $ect_uid = 0; //檢視公眾號是否繫結 if(isset($info['unionid'])){ $ect_uid = $this->model->table('wechat_user')->field('ect_uid')->where(array('unionid'=>$info['unionid']))->getOne(); } //使用者未繫結 if(empty($ect_uid)){ // 設定的使用者註冊資訊 $register = $this->model->table('wechat_extend') ->field('config') ->where('enable = 1 and command = "register_remind" and wechat_id = '.$this->wechat_id) ->find(); if (! empty($register)) { $reg_config = unserialize($register['config']); $username = msubstr($reg_config['user_pre'], 3, 0, 'utf-8', false) . time().mt_rand(1, 99); // 密碼隨機數 $rs = array(); $arr = range(0, 9); $reg_config['pwd_rand'] = $reg_config['pwd_rand'] ? $reg_config['pwd_rand'] : 5; for ($i = 0; $i < $reg_config['pwd_rand']; $i ++) { $rs[] = array_rand($arr); } $pwd_rand = implode('', $rs); // 密碼 $password = $reg_config['pwd_pre'] . $pwd_rand; // 通知模版 $template = str_replace(array( '[$username]', '[$password]' ), array( $username, $password ), $reg_config['template']); } else { $username = 'wx_' . time().mt_rand(1, 99); $password = 'ecmoban'; // 通知模版 $template = '預設使用者名稱:' . $username . "\r\n" . '預設密碼:' . $password; } // 使用者註冊 $scene_id = empty($scene_id) ? 0 : $scene_id; $scene_user_id = $this->model->table("users")->field('user_id')->where(array('user_id'=>$scene_id))->getOne(); $scene_user_id = empty($scene_user_id) ? 0 : $scene_user_id; $domain = get_top_domain(); if (model('Users')->register($username, $password, $username . '@' . $domain, array('parent_id'=>$scene_user_id)) !== false) { model('Users')->update_user_info(); } else { die(''); } $data['ect_uid'] = $_SESSION['user_id']; } else{ //微信使用者已繫結 $username = model('Base')->model->table('users')->field('user_name')->where(array('user_id'=>$ect_uid))->getOne(); $template = '您已擁有帳號,使用者名稱為'.$username; $data['ect_uid'] = $ect_uid; } // 獲取使用者所在分組ID //$group_id = $this->weObj->getUserGroup($openid); $data['group_id'] = isset($info['groupid']) ? $info['groupid'] : $this->weObj->getUserGroup($openid); // 獲取被關注公眾號資訊 $data['wechat_id'] = $this->wechat_id; $data['subscribe'] = $info['subscribe']; $data['openid'] = $info['openid']; $data['nickname'] = $info['nickname']; $data['sex'] = $info['sex']; $data['city'] = $info['city']; $data['country'] = $info['country']; $data['province'] = $info['province']; $data['language'] = $info['country']; $data['headimgurl'] = $info['headimgurl']; $data['subscribe_time'] = $info['subscribe_time']; $data['remark'] = $info['remark']; $data['unionid'] = isset($info['unionid']) ? $info['unionid'] : ''; $this->model->table('wechat_user')->data($data)->insert(); // 紅包資訊 $content = $this->send_message($openid, 'bonus', $this->weObj, 1); $bonus_msg = ''; if (! empty($content)) { $bonus_msg = $content['content']; } if(!empty($template) || !empty($bonus_msg)){ // 微信端傳送訊息 $msg = array( 'touser' => $openid, 'msgtype' => 'text', 'text' => array( 'content' => $template . "\r\n" . $bonus_msg ) ); $this->weObj->sendCustomMessage($msg); //記錄使用者操作資訊 $this->record_msg($openid, $template . $bonus_msg, 1); } } else { //授權使用者送紅包 $uid = model('Base')->model->table('wechat_user')->field('ect_uid')->where('openid = "'.$openid.'"')->getOne(); if(!empty($uid)){ $bonus_num = model('Base')->model->table('user_bonus')->where('user_id = "'.$uid.'"')->count(); if($bonus_num <= 0){ // 紅包資訊 $content = $this->send_message($openid, 'bonus', $this->weObj, 1); $bonus_msg = ''; if (! empty($content)) { $bonus_msg = $content['content']; } if(!empty($bonus_msg)){ // 微信端傳送訊息 $msg = array( 'touser' => $openid, 'msgtype' => 'text', 'text' => array( 'content' => $bonus_msg ) ); $this->weObj->sendCustomMessage($msg); //記錄使用者操作資訊 $this->record_msg($openid, $bonus_msg, 1); } } } // 獲取使用者所在分組ID $data['group_id'] = isset($info['groupid']) ? $info['groupid'] : $this->weObj->getUserGroup($openid); // 獲取被關注公眾號資訊 $data['wechat_id'] = $this->wechat_id; $data['subscribe'] = $info['subscribe']; $data['openid'] = $info['openid']; $data['nickname'] = $info['nickname']; $data['sex'] = $info['sex']; $data['city'] = $info['city']; $data['country'] = $info['country']; $data['province'] = $info['province']; $data['language'] = $info['country']; $data['headimgurl'] = $info['headimgurl']; $data['subscribe_time'] = $info['subscribe_time']; $data['remark'] = $info['remark']; $data['unionid'] = isset($info['unionid']) ? $info['unionid'] : ''; $this->model->table('wechat_user')->data($data)->where($where)->update(); } } } /** * 取消關注 * * @param string $openid */ public function unsubscribe($openid = '') { // 未關注 $where['openid'] = $openid; $rs = $this->model->table('wechat_user') ->where($where) ->count(); // 修改關注狀態 if ($rs > 0) { $data['subscribe'] = 0; $this->model->table('wechat_user') ->data($data) ->where($where) ->update(); } } /** * 被動關注,訊息回覆 * * @param string $type * @param string $return */ private function msg_reply($type, $return = 0) { $replyInfo = $this->model->table('wechat_reply') ->field('content, media_id') ->where('type = "' . $type . '" and wechat_id = ' . $this->wechat_id) ->find(); if (! empty($replyInfo)) { if (! empty($replyInfo['media_id'])) { $replyInfo['media'] = $this->model->table('wechat_media') ->field('title, content, file, type, file_name') ->where('id = ' . $replyInfo['media_id']) ->find(); if ($replyInfo['media']['type'] == 'news') { $replyInfo['media']['type'] = 'image'; } // 上傳多媒體檔案 $rs = $this->weObj->uploadMedia(array( 'media' => '@' . ROOT_PATH . $replyInfo['media']['file'] ), $replyInfo['media']['type']); // 回覆資料重組 if ($rs['type'] == 'image' || $rs['type'] == 'voice') { $replyData = array( 'ToUserName' => $this->weObj->getRev()->getRevFrom(), 'FromUserName' => $this->weObj->getRev()->getRevTo(), 'CreateTime' => time(), 'MsgType' => $rs['type'], ucfirst($rs['type']) => array( 'MediaId' => $rs['media_id'] ) ); } elseif ('video' == $rs['type']) { $replyData = array( 'ToUserName' => $this->weObj->getRev()->getRevFrom(), 'FromUserName' => $this->weObj->getRev()->getRevTo(), 'CreateTime' => time(), 'MsgType' => $rs['type'], ucfirst($rs['type']) => array( 'MediaId' => $rs['media_id'], 'Title' => $replyInfo['media']['title'], 'Description' => strip_tags($replyInfo['media']['content']) ) ); } $this->weObj->reply($replyData); //記錄使用者操作資訊 $this->record_msg($this->weObj->getRev()->getRevTo(), '圖文資訊', 1); } else { // 文本回復 $replyInfo['content'] = html_out($replyInfo['content']); if($replyInfo['content']){ $this->weObj->text($replyInfo['content'])->reply(); //記錄使用者操作資訊 $this->record_msg($this->weObj->getRev()->getRevTo(), $replyInfo['content'], 1); } } } } /** * 關鍵詞回覆 * * @param string $keywords * @return boolean */ private function keywords_reply($keywords) { $endrs = false; $sql = 'SELECT r.content, r.media_id, r.reply_type FROM ' . $this->model->pre . 'wechat_reply r LEFT JOIN ' . $this->model->pre . 'wechat_rule_keywords k ON r.id = k.rid WHERE k.rule_keywords = "' . $keywords . '" and r.wechat_id = ' . $this->wechat_id . ' order by r.add_time desc LIMIT 1'; $result = $this->model->query($sql); if (! empty($result)) { // 素材回覆 if (! empty($result[0]['media_id'])) { $mediaInfo = $this->model->table('wechat_media') ->field('id, title, content, digest, file, type, file_name, article_id, link') ->where('id = ' . $result[0]['media_id']) ->find(); // 回覆資料重組 if ($result[0]['reply_type'] == 'image' || $result[0]['reply_type'] == 'voice') { // 上傳多媒體檔案 $rs = $this->weObj->uploadMedia(array( 'media' => '@' . ROOT_PATH . $mediaInfo['file'] ), $result[0]['reply_type']); $replyData = array( 'ToUserName' => $this->weObj->getRev()->getRevFrom(), 'FromUserName' => $this->weObj->getRev()->getRevTo(), 'CreateTime' => time(), 'MsgType' => $rs['type'], ucfirst($rs['type']) => array( 'MediaId' => $rs['media_id'] ) ); // 回覆 $this->weObj->reply($replyData); $endrs = true; } elseif ('video' == $result[0]['reply_type']) { // 上傳多媒體檔案 $rs = $this->weObj->uploadMedia(array( 'media' => '@' . ROOT_PATH . $mediaInfo['file'] ), $result[0]['reply_type']); $replyData = array( 'ToUserName' => $this->weObj->getRev()->getRevFrom(), 'FromUserName' => $this->weObj->getRev()->getRevTo(), 'CreateTime' => time(), 'MsgType' => $rs['type'], ucfirst($rs['type']) => array( 'MediaId' => $rs['media_id'], 'Title' => $replyInfo['media']['title'], 'Description' => strip_tags($replyInfo['media']['content']) ) ); // 回覆 $this->weObj->reply($replyData); $endrs = true; } elseif ('news' == $result[0]['reply_type']) { // 圖文素材 $articles = array(); if (! empty($mediaInfo['article_id'])) { $artids = explode(',', $mediaInfo['article_id']); foreach ($artids as $key => $val) { $artinfo = $this->model->table('wechat_media') ->field('id, title, digest, file, content, link') ->where('id = ' . $val) ->find(); //$artinfo['content'] = strip_tags(html_out($artinfo['content'])); $articles[$key]['Title'] = $artinfo['title']; $articles[$key]['Description'] = $artinfo['digest']; $articles[$key]['PicUrl'] = __URL__ . '/' . $artinfo['file']; $articles[$key]['Url'] = empty($artinfo['link']) ? __HOST__ . url('article/wechat_news_info', array('id'=>$artinfo['id'])) : strip_tags(html_out($artinfo['link'])); } } else { $articles[0]['Title'] = $mediaInfo['title']; //$articles[0]['Description'] = strip_tags(html_out($mediaInfo['content'])); $articles[0]['Description'] = $mediaInfo['digest']; $articles[0]['PicUrl'] = __URL__ . '/' . $mediaInfo['file']; $articles[0]['Url'] = empty($mediaInfo['link']) ? __HOST__ . url('article/wechat_news_info', array('id'=>$mediaInfo['id'])) : strip_tags(html_out($mediaInfo['link'])); } // 回覆 $this->weObj->news($articles)->reply(); //記錄使用者操作資訊 $this->record_msg($this->weObj->getRev()->getRevTo(), '圖文資訊', 1); $endrs = true; } } else { // 文本回復 $result[0]['content'] = html_out($result[0]['content']); $this->weObj->text($result[0]['content'])->reply(); //記錄使用者操作資訊 $this->record_msg($this->weObj->getRev()->getRevTo(), $result[0]['content'], 1); $endrs = true; } } return $endrs; } /** * 功能變數查詢 * * @param unknown $tousername * @param unknown $fromusername * @param unknown $keywords * @return boolean */ public function get_function($fromusername, $keywords) { $return = false; $rs = $this->model->table('wechat_extend') ->field('name, command, config') ->where('keywords like "%' . $keywords . '%" and enable = 1 and wechat_id = ' . $this->wechat_id) ->order('id asc') ->find(); $file = ROOT_PATH . 'plugins/wechat/' . $rs['command'] . '/' . $rs['command'] . '.class.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { require_once ($file); $wechat = new $rs['command'](); $data = $wechat->show($fromusername, $rs); if (! empty($data)) { // 資料回覆型別 if ($data['type'] == 'text') { $this->weObj->text($data['content'])->reply(); //記錄使用者操作資訊 $this->record_msg($fromusername, $data['content'], 1); } elseif ($data['type'] == 'news') { $this->weObj->news($data['content'])->reply(); //記錄使用者操作資訊 $this->record_msg($fromusername, '圖文訊息', 1); } $return = true; } } return $return; } /** * 商品推薦查詢 * * @param unknown $tousername * @param unknown $fromusername * @param unknown $keywords * @return boolean */ public function recommend_goods($fromusername, $keywords) { $return = false; $rs = $this->model->table('wechat_extend') ->field('name, keywords, command, config') ->where('command = "recommend" and enable = 1 and wechat_id = ' . $this->wechat_id) ->order('id asc') ->find(); $file = ROOT_PATH . 'plugins/wechat/' . $rs['command'] . '/' . $rs['command'] . '.class.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { require_once ($file); $wechat = new $rs['command'](); $rs['user_keywords'] = $keywords; $data = $wechat->show($fromusername, $rs); if (! empty($data)) { // 資料回覆型別 if ($data['type'] == 'text') { $this->weObj->text($data['content'])->reply(); //記錄使用者操作資訊 $this->record_msg($fromusername, $data['content'], 1); } elseif ($data['type'] == 'news') { $this->weObj->news($data['content'])->reply(); //記錄使用者操作資訊 $this->record_msg($fromusername, '圖文訊息', 1); } $return = true; } } return $return; } /** * 主動傳送資訊 * * @param unknown $tousername * @param unknown $fromusername * @param unknown $keywords * @param unknown $weObj * @param unknown $return * @return boolean */ public function send_message($fromusername, $keywords, $weObj, $return = 0) { $result = false; $rs = $this->model->table('wechat_extend') ->field('name, command, config') ->where('keywords like "%' . $keywords . '%" and enable = 1 and wechat_id = ' . $this->wechat_id) ->order('id asc') ->find(); $file = ROOT_PATH . 'plugins/wechat/' . $rs['command'] . '/' . $rs['command'] . '.class.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { require_once ($file); $wechat = new $rs['command'](); $data = $wechat->show($fromusername, $rs); if (! empty($data)) { if ($return) { $result = $data; } else { $weObj->sendCustomMessage($data['content']); $result = true; } } } return $result; } /** * 多客服 * * @param unknown $fromusername * @param unknown $keywords */ public function customer_service($fromusername, $keywords) { /*$kfevent = $this->weObj->getRevKFClose(); logResult(var_export($kfevent, true));*/ $result = false; //是否超時 $timeout = false; //查詢使用者 $uid = $this->model->table('wechat_user')->field('uid')->where(array('openid'=>$fromusername))->getOne(); if($uid){ $time_list = $this->model->table('wechat_custom_message')->field('send_time')->where(array('uid'=>$uid))->order('send_time desc')->limit(2)->select(); if($time_list[0]['send_time'] - $time_list[1]['send_time'] > 3600 * 2){ $timeout = true; } } // 是否處在多客服流程 $kefu = $this->model->table('wechat_user') ->field('openid') ->where('openid = "' . $fromusername . '"') ->getOne(); if($kefu){ if ($keywords == 'kefu') { $rs = $this->model->table('wechat_extend') ->field('config') ->where('command = "kefu" and enable = 1 and wechat_id = ' . $this->wechat_id) ->getOne(); if (! empty($rs)) { $config = unserialize($rs); $msg = array( 'touser' => $fromusername, 'msgtype' => 'text', 'text' => array( 'content' => '歡迎進入多客服系統' ) ); $this->weObj->sendCustomMessage($msg); //記錄使用者操作資訊 $this->record_msg($fromusername, $msg['text']['content'], 1); // 線上客服列表 $online_list = $this->weObj->getCustomServiceOnlineKFlist(); if ($online_list['kf_online_list']) { foreach ($online_list['kf_online_list'] as $key => $val) { if ($config['customer'] == $val['kf_account'] && $val['status'] > 0 && $val['accepted_case'] < $val['auto_accept']) { $customer = $config['customer']; } else { $customer = ''; } } } // 轉發客服訊息 $this->weObj->transfer_customer_service($customer)->reply(); $result = true; } } } return $result; } /** * 獲取使用者暱稱,頭像 * * @param unknown $user_id * @return multitype: */ static function get_avatar($user_id) { $u_row = model('Base')->model->table('wechat_user') ->field('nickname, headimgurl') ->where('ect_uid = ' . $user_id) ->find(); if (empty($u_row)) { $u_row = array(); } return $u_row; } public static function snsapi_base(){ if(is_wechat_browser() && ($_SESSION['user_id'] === 0 || empty($_SESSION['openid']))){ $_SESSION['openid'] = isset($_COOKIE['openid']) ? addslashes($_COOKIE['openid']) : ''; $wxinfo = model('Base')->model->table('wechat')->field('token, appid, appsecret, status')->find(); if($wxinfo['status']){ self::snsapi_userinfo(); }else{ $config = model('Base')->model->table('wechat')->field('token, appid, appsecret, status')->find(); if($config['status']){ $obj = new Wechat($config); // 用code換token if(isset($_GET['code']) && $_GET['state'] == 'repeat'){ $token = $obj->getOauthAccessToken(); $_SESSION['openid'] = $token['openid']; setcookie('openid', $token['openid'], gmtime() + 86400 * 7); } // 生成請求連結 if (! empty($wxinfo['oauth_redirecturi'])) { $callback = rtrim($wxinfo['oauth_redirecturi'], '/') .'/'. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } if (! isset($callback)) { $callback = __HOST__ . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } $obj->getOauthRedirect($callback, 'repeat', 'snsapi_base'); } } } } /** * 跳轉到第三方登入 */ public static function snsapi_userinfo(){ if(is_wechat_browser() && ($_SESSION['user_id'] === 0 || empty($_SESSION['openid'])) && ACTION_NAME != 'third_login'){ $wxinfo = model('Base')->model->table('wechat')->field('token, appid, appsecret, status')->find(); if(!$wxinfo['status']){return false;} $url = url('user/third_login', array('type'=>'weixin')); if (! empty($wxinfo['oauth_redirecturi'])) { $_SESSION['redirect_url'] = rtrim($wxinfo['oauth_redirecturi'], '/') .'/'. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } if (! isset($_SESSION['redirect_url'])) { $_SESSION['redirect_url'] = __HOST__ . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } header("Location: ".$url); exit; } } /** * 記錄使用者操作資訊 */ public function record_msg($fromusername, $keywords, $iswechat = 0){ $uid = $this->model->table('wechat_user')->field('uid')->where(array('openid'=>$fromusername))->getOne(); if($uid){ $data['uid'] = $uid; $data['msg'] = $keywords; $data['send_time'] = time(); //是公眾號回覆 if($iswechat){ $data['iswechat'] = 1; } $this->model->table('wechat_custom_message') ->data($data) ->insert(); } } /** * 檢查是否是微信瀏覽器訪問 */ static function is_wechat_browser() { $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (strpos($user_agent, 'MicroMessenger') === false) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * 外掛頁面顯示方法 * * @param string $plugin */ public function plugin_show() { $plugin = I('get.name'); $file = ADDONS_PATH . 'wechat/' . $plugin . '/' . $plugin . '.class.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once ($file); $wechat = new $plugin(); $wechat->html_show(); } } /** * 外掛處理方法 * * @param string $plugin */ public function plugin_action() { $plugin = I('get.name'); $file = ADDONS_PATH . 'wechat/' . $plugin . '/' . $plugin . '.class.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once ($file); $wechat = new $plugin(); $wechat->action(); } } /** * 獲取公眾號配置 * * @param string $orgid * @return array */ private function get_config($orgid) { $config = $this->model->table('wechat') ->field('id, token, appid, appsecret') ->where('orgid = "' . $orgid . '" and status = 1') ->find(); if (empty($config)) { $config = array(); } return $config; } /** * 獲取access_token的介面 * @return [type] [description] */ public function check_auth(){ $appid = I('get.appid'); $appsecret = I('get.appsecret'); if(empty($appid) || empty($appsecret)){ echo json_encode(array('errmsg'=>'資訊不完整,請提供完整資訊', 'errcode'=>1)); exit; } $config = $this->model->table('wechat') ->field('token, appid, appsecret') ->where('appid = "' . $appid . '" and appsecret = "'.$appsecret.'" and status = 1') ->find(); if(empty($config)){ echo json_encode(array('errmsg'=>'資訊錯誤,請檢查提供的資訊', 'errcode'=>1)); exit; } $obj = new Wechat($config); $access_token = $obj->checkAuth(); if($access_token){ echo json_encode(array('access_token'=>$access_token, 'errcode'=>0)); exit; } else{ echo json_encode(array('errmsg'=>$obj->errmsg, 'errcode'=>$obj->errcode)); exit; } } /** * 推薦分成二維碼 * @param string $user_name [description] * @param integer $user_id [description] * @param integer $time [description] * @param string $fun [description] * @return [type] [description] */ static function rec_qrcode($user_name = '', $user_id = 0, $expire_seconds = 0, $fun = '', $force = false){ if(empty($user_id)){ return false; } // 預設公眾號資訊 $wxinfo = model('Base')->model->table('wechat')->field('id, token, appid, appsecret, oauth_redirecturi, type, oauth_status')->where('default_wx = 1 and status = 1')->find(); if (! empty($wxinfo) && $wxinfo['type'] == 2) { $config['token'] = $wxinfo['token']; $config['appid'] = $wxinfo['appid']; $config['appsecret'] = $wxinfo['appsecret']; // 微信通驗證 $weObj = new Wechat($config); if($force){ $weObj->clearCache(); model('Base')->model->table('wechat_qrcode')->where(array('scene_id'=>$user_id, 'wechat_id'=>$wxinfo['id']))->delete(); } $qrcode = model('Base')->model->table('wechat_qrcode')->field('id, scene_id, type, expire_seconds, qrcode_url')->where(array('scene_id'=>$user_id, 'wechat_id'=>$wxinfo['id']))->find(); if($qrcode['id'] && !empty($qrcode['qrcode_url'])){ return $qrcode['qrcode_url']; } elseif($qrcode['id'] && empty($qrcode['qrcode_url'])){ $ticket = $weObj->getQRCode((int)$qrcode['scene_id'], $qrcode['type'], $qrcode['expire_seconds']); if (empty($ticket)) { //$weObj->errCode, $weObj->errMsg return false; } $data['ticket'] = $ticket['ticket']; $data['expire_seconds'] = $ticket['expire_seconds']; $data['endtime'] = time() + $ticket['expire_seconds']; // 二維碼地址 $data['qrcode_url'] = $weObj->getQRUrl($ticket['ticket']); M()->table('wechat_qrcode')->data($data)->where(array('id'=>$qrcode['id']))->update(); return $data['qrcode_url']; } else{ $data['function'] = $fun; $data['scene_id'] = $user_id; $data['username'] = $user_name; $data['type'] = empty($expire_seconds) ? 1 : 0; $data['wechat_id'] = $wxinfo['id']; $data['status'] = 1; //生成二維碼 $ticket = $weObj->getQRCode((int)$data['scene_id'], $data['type'], $expire_seconds); if (empty($ticket)) { //$weObj->errCode, $weObj->errMsg return false; } $data['ticket'] = $ticket['ticket']; $data['expire_seconds'] = $ticket['expire_seconds']; $data['endtime'] = time() + $ticket['expire_seconds']; // 二維碼地址 $data['qrcode_url'] = $weObj->getQRUrl($ticket['ticket']); M()->table('wechat_qrcode')->data($data)->insert(); return $data['qrcode_url']; } } return false; } /** * 傳送訊息詳情,傳入openid */ public function sendTemplateMessage($data){ $info = model('Base')->model->table('wechat_template') ->field('switch,template_id') ->where('open_id="'.$data['open_id'].'"') ->find(); if($info['switch'] == 1 && $info['template_id']){ //傳送 $format = array( 'touser' => $data['openid'], 'template_id' => $info['template_id'], 'url' => $data['url'], 'topcolor' => '#FF0000', "topcolor"=>"#FF0000", 'data' =>array( 'first' => array( 'value' =>$data['first'], 'color'=>'#173177' ), 'keyword1'=>array( 'value'=>$data['keyword1'], 'color'=>'#FF0000' ), 'keyword2'=>array( 'value'=>$data['keyword2'], 'color'=>'#FF0000' ), 'keyword3'=>array( 'value'=>$data['keyword3'], 'color'=>'#FF0000' ), 'keyword4'=>array( 'value'=>$data['keyword4'], 'color'=>'#FF0000' ), 'keyword5'=>array( 'value'=>$data['keyword5'], 'color'=>'#FF0000' ), 'remark'=>array( 'value'=>$data['remark'], 'color'=>'#FF0000' ) ) ); // 預設公眾號資訊 $wxinfo = model('Base')->model->table('wechat')->field('id, token, appid, appsecret, oauth_redirecturi, type, oauth_status')->where('default_wx = 1 and status = 1')->find(); if (! empty($wxinfo) && $wxinfo['type'] == 2) { $config['token'] = $wxinfo['token']; $config['appid'] = $wxinfo['appid']; $config['appsecret'] = $wxinfo['appsecret']; // 微信通驗證 $weObj = new Wechat($config); $weObj->sendTemplateMessage($format); } } } }