阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-27
BOOL m_bRecording ; //recording now ? also used by event recv thread
LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 m_pCapDev ; //capture device ptr
LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER m_pCapBuf ; //capture loop buffer ptr
LPDIRECTSOUNDNOTIFY8 m_pNotify ; //capture auto-notify event callback handler ptr
GUID m_guidCapDevId ; //capture device id
WAVEFORMATEX m_wfxInput; //input wave format description struct
DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY m_aPosNotify[NUM_REC_NOTIFICATIONS +1]; //notify flag array
HANDLE m_hNotifyEvent; //notify event
BOOL m_abInputFmtSupported[20];
DWORD m_dwCapBufSize; //capture loop buffer size
DWORD m_dwNextCapOffset;//offset in loop buffer
DWORD m_dwNotifySize; //notify pos when loop buffer need to emit the event
CAdoFrameHandler* m_frame_handler ; // outer frame data dealer ptr
public: // callback func to add enum devices string name
static BOOL CALLBACK enum_dev_proc(LPGUID lpGUID, LPCTSTR lpszDesc,
LPCTSTR lpszDrvName, LPVOID lpContext ) ;
static UINT notify_capture_thd(LPVOID data) ;
HRESULT InitDirectSound(GUID dev_id = GUID_NULL) ;
HRESULT FreeDirectSound() ;
HRESULT InitNotifications() ;
HRESULT CreateCaptureBuffer(WAVEFORMATEX * wfx) ;
HRESULT StartOrStopRecord(BOOL bStartRec) ;
HRESULT RecordCapturedData() ;
void SetWavFormat(WAVEFORMATEX * wfx) ;
BOOL EnumDevices(HWND hList) ;
BOOL Open(void) ;
BOOL Close() ;
void GrabAudioFrames(BOOL bGrabAudioFrames, CAdoFrameHandler* frame_handler) ;
BOOL m_bRecording ; //recording now ? also used by event recv thread
LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 m_pCapDev ; //capture device ptr
LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER m_pCapBuf ; //capture loop buffer ptr
LPDIRECTSOUNDNOTIFY8 m_pNotify ; //capture auto-notify event callback handler ptr
GUID m_guidCapDevId ; //capture device id
WAVEFORMATEX m_wfxInput; //input wave format description struct
DSBPOSITIONNOTIFY m_aPosNotify[NUM_REC_NOTIFICATIONS +1]; //notify flag array
HANDLE m_hNotifyEvent; //notify event
BOOL m_abInputFmtSupported[20];
DWORD m_dwCapBufSize;
DWORD m_dwNextCapOffset;//offset in loop buffer
DWORD m_dwNotifySize; //notify pos when loop buffer need to emit the event
CAdoFrameHandler* m_frame_handler ; // outer frame data dealer ptr
public: // callback func to add enum devices string name
static BOOL CALLBACK enum_dev_proc(LPGUID lpGUID, LPCTSTR lpszDesc,
static UINT notify_capture_thd(LPVOID data) ;
HRESULT InitDirectSound(GUID dev_id = GUID_NULL) ;
HRESULT FreeDirectSound() ;
HRESULT InitNotifications() ;
HRESULT CreateCaptureBuffer(WAVEFORMATEX * wfx) ;
HRESULT StartOrStopRecord(BOOL bStartRec) ;
HRESULT RecordCapturedData() ;
void SetWavFormat(WAVEFORMATEX * wfx) ;
BOOL EnumDevices(HWND hList) ;
BOOL Open(void) ;
BOOL Close() ;
void GrabAudioFrames(BOOL bGrabAudioFrames, CAdoFrameHandler* frame_handler) ;