- start 啟動服務,等價於服務腳本里的start命令
- stop 停止服務,等價於副外長指令碼stop命令
- restart 關閉服務,然後重新啟動,等價於指令碼restart命令
- reload 使服不重新啟動而重讀配置檔案,等價與服務指令碼的reload命令
- status 提供服務的當前狀態,等價於服務指令碼的status命令
- condrestart 如果服務鎖定,則這個來關閉服務,然後再次啟動,等價於condrestart命令
Mono 下的Windows服務叫做mono-service,mono-service
Use this option to specify the working directory for the
service. The default is the current directory.
Specifies the file to use for locking, the default is a filename
constructed in /tmp based on the name of the program that hosts
the service.
Name to show in the syslog.
Use this to specify the service to be launched (if the program
contains more than one service). The default is to run the
first defined service.
Use this option to prevent mono-service from redirecting stdin
and stdout and prevent the program to be sent to the background.
Equivalent to --no-daemon
Use this option to prevent mono-service from redirecting stdin
and stdout and prevent the program to be sent to the background.
Equivalent to --debug.
Mono 2.8對wcf的支援也比較好了,這裡的例子就是將Windows下self host的一個wcf服務移植到Linux上。
1、在Window下編寫一個WCF 服務端作為Window服務。我們服務的程式碼結構如下
要將.NET程式移植到Mono,我們一般會使用net 應用遷移到Mono 工具 (Moma)檢查下相容性。下面這個專案的檢查結果,看看是不是Mono2.8完美支援WCF。
mono-service DynIPServiceWS.exe
mono DynIPClient.exe。