1. 程式人生 > >HTTP解析庫http-parser簡介及使用


http-parser是一個用C編寫的HTTP訊息解析器,可以解析請求和響應,被設計用於高效能HTTP應用程式。它不會進行任何系統呼叫及記憶體分配,它不會緩衝資料,它可以被隨時中斷。根據你的體系結構,每個訊息流只需要大約40個位元組的資料(在每個連線的web伺服器中。它的原始碼在https://github.com/nodejs/http-parser ,License為MIT,最新發布版為v2.8.1.

特性:不依賴第三方庫;處理持續流(keep-alive);分塊解碼(decodes chunked encoding);支援Upgrade;防止緩衝區溢位攻擊。


:報頭域及值(Header fields and values);內容長度(Content-Length);請求方法;響應狀態碼;傳輸編碼;HTTP版本;請求URL(網址);訊息體(Message body)。



#include "funset.hpp"
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <http-parser/http_parser.h>

namespace {

#define MAX_HEADERS 13
#define MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE 2048
#define MAX_CHUNKS 16

struct message {
	const char *name; // for debugging purposes
	const char *raw;
	enum http_parser_type type;
	enum http_method method;
	int status_code;
	char response_status[MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE];
	char request_path[MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE];
	char request_url[MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE];
	char fragment[MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE];
	char query_string[MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE];
	char body[MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE];
	size_t body_size;
	const char *host;
	const char *userinfo;
	uint16_t port;
	int num_headers;
	enum { NONE = 0, FIELD, VALUE } last_header_element;
	char headers[MAX_HEADERS][2][MAX_ELEMENT_SIZE];
	int should_keep_alive;

	int num_chunks;
	int num_chunks_complete;
	int chunk_lengths[MAX_CHUNKS];

	const char *upgrade; // upgraded body

	unsigned short http_major;
	unsigned short http_minor;

	int message_begin_cb_called;
	int headers_complete_cb_called;
	int message_complete_cb_called;
	int status_cb_called;
	int message_complete_on_eof;
	int body_is_final;

int num_messages = 0;
http_parser* parser = nullptr;
struct message messages[5];
int currently_parsing_eof = 0;

int message_begin_cb(http_parser* p)
	assert(p == parser);
	messages[num_messages].message_begin_cb_called = true;
	return 0;

size_t strnlen(const char* s, size_t maxlen)
	const char* p = (const char*)memchr(s, '\0', maxlen);
	if (p == NULL)
		return maxlen;

	return p - s;

size_t strlncat(char* dst, size_t len, const char* src, size_t n)
	size_t slen = strnlen(src, n);
	size_t dlen = strnlen(dst, len);

	if (dlen < len) {
		size_t rlen = len - dlen;
		size_t ncpy = slen < rlen ? slen : (rlen - 1);
		memcpy(dst + dlen, src, ncpy);
		dst[dlen + ncpy] = '\0';

	assert(len > slen + dlen);
	return slen + dlen;

int header_field_cb(http_parser* p, const char* buf, size_t len)
	assert(p == parser);
	struct message *m = &messages[num_messages];

	if (m->last_header_element != m->FIELD)

	strlncat(m->headers[m->num_headers - 1][0], sizeof(m->headers[m->num_headers - 1][0]), buf, len);
	m->last_header_element = m->FIELD;
	return 0;

int header_value_cb(http_parser* p, const char* buf, size_t len)
	assert(p == parser);
	message *m = &messages[num_messages];

	strlncat(m->headers[m->num_headers - 1][1], sizeof(m->headers[m->num_headers - 1][1]), buf, len);
	m->last_header_element = m->VALUE;
	return 0;

int request_url_cb(http_parser* p, const char* buf, size_t len)
	assert(p == parser);
	strlncat(messages[num_messages].request_url, sizeof(messages[num_messages].request_url), buf, len);
	return 0;

int response_status_cb(http_parser*p, const char* buf, size_t len)
	assert(p == parser);
	messages[num_messages].status_cb_called = true;

	strlncat(messages[num_messages].response_status, sizeof(messages[num_messages].response_status), buf, len);
	return 0;

void check_body_is_final(const http_parser* p)
	if (messages[num_messages].body_is_final) {
		fprintf(stderr, "\n\n *** Error http_body_is_final() should return 1 "
			"on last on_body callback call "
			"but it doesn't! ***\n\n");
	messages[num_messages].body_is_final = http_body_is_final(p);

int body_cb(http_parser* p, const char* buf, size_t len)
	assert(p == parser);
	strlncat(messages[num_messages].body, sizeof(messages[num_messages].body), buf, len);
	messages[num_messages].body_size += len;
	return 0;

int headers_complete_cb(http_parser* p)
	assert(p == parser);
	messages[num_messages].method = (http_method)parser->method;
	messages[num_messages].status_code = parser->status_code;
	messages[num_messages].http_major = parser->http_major;
	messages[num_messages].http_minor = parser->http_minor;
	messages[num_messages].headers_complete_cb_called = true;
	messages[num_messages].should_keep_alive = http_should_keep_alive(parser);
	return 0;

int message_complete_cb(http_parser* p)
	assert(p == parser);
	if (messages[num_messages].should_keep_alive != http_should_keep_alive(parser)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "\n\n *** Error http_should_keep_alive() should have same "
			"value in both on_message_complete and on_headers_complete "
			"but it doesn't! ***\n\n");

	if (messages[num_messages].body_size && http_body_is_final(p) && !messages[num_messages].body_is_final) {
		fprintf(stderr, "\n\n *** Error http_body_is_final() should return 1 "
			"on last on_body callback call "
			"but it doesn't! ***\n\n");

	messages[num_messages].message_complete_cb_called = true;
	messages[num_messages].message_complete_on_eof = currently_parsing_eof;
	return 0;

int chunk_header_cb(http_parser* p)
	assert(p == parser);
	int chunk_idx = messages[num_messages].num_chunks;
	if (chunk_idx < MAX_CHUNKS) {
		messages[num_messages].chunk_lengths[chunk_idx] = p->content_length;

	return 0;

int chunk_complete_cb(http_parser* p)
	assert(p == parser);

	/* Here we want to verify that each chunk_header_cb is matched by a
	* chunk_complete_cb, so not only should the total number of calls to
	* both callbacks be the same, but they also should be interleaved
	* properly */
	assert(messages[num_messages].num_chunks == messages[num_messages].num_chunks_complete + 1);

	return 0;

http_parser_settings settings_null = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr };
http_parser_settings settings = { message_begin_cb, request_url_cb, response_status_cb, header_field_cb, header_value_cb,
				headers_complete_cb, body_cb, message_complete_cb, chunk_header_cb, chunk_complete_cb };
http_parser_settings settings_count_body = {};/*{ message_begin_cb, request_url_cb, response_status_cb, header_field_cb, header_value_cb,
				headers_complete_cb, count_body_cb, message_complete_cb, chunk_header_cb, chunk_complete_cb};*/
http_parser_settings settings_pause = {};/* { pause_message_begin_cb, pause_request_url_cb, pause_response_status_cb, pause_header_field_cb, pause_header_value_cb
				pause_headers_complete_cb, pause_body_cb, pause_message_complete_cb, pause_chunk_header_cb, pause_chunk_complete_cb};*/

int test_no_overflow_long_body(int req, size_t length)
	http_parser parser;
	http_parser_init(&parser, req ? HTTP_REQUEST : HTTP_RESPONSE);
	char buf1[3000];
	size_t buf1len = sprintf(buf1, "%s\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nContent-Length: %lu\r\n\r\n",
		req ? "POST / HTTP/1.0" : "HTTP/1.0 200 OK", (unsigned long)length);
	size_t parsed = http_parser_execute(&parser, &settings_null, buf1, buf1len);
	if (parsed != buf1len) return -1;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		char foo = 'a';
		parsed = http_parser_execute(&parser, &settings_null, &foo, 1);
		if (parsed != 1) return -1;

	parsed = http_parser_execute(&parser, &settings_null, buf1, buf1len);
	if (parsed != buf1len) return -1;

	return 0;

void parser_init(http_parser_type type)
	num_messages = 0;
	assert(parser == NULL);
	parser = (http_parser*)malloc(sizeof(http_parser));
	http_parser_init(parser, type);
	memset(&messages, 0, sizeof messages);

void parser_free()
	parser = NULL;

size_t parse(const char* buf, size_t len)
	size_t nparsed;
	currently_parsing_eof = (len == 0);
	nparsed = http_parser_execute(parser, &settings, buf, len);
	return nparsed;

//size_t parse_count_body(const char *buf, size_t len)
//	size_t nparsed;
//	currently_parsing_eof = (len == 0);
//	nparsed = http_parser_execute(parser, &settings_count_body, buf, len);
//	return nparsed;

//size_t parse_pause(const char *buf, size_t len)
//	size_t nparsed;
//	http_parser_settings s = settings_pause;
//	currently_parsing_eof = (len == 0);
//	current_pause_parser = &s;
//	nparsed = http_parser_execute(parser, current_pause_parser, buf, len);
//	return nparsed;

//size_t parse_connect(const char *buf, size_t len)
//	size_t nparsed;
//	currently_parsing_eof = (len == 0);
//	nparsed = http_parser_execute(parser, &settings_connect, buf, len);
//	return nparsed;

int test_simple_type(const char* buf, http_errno err_expected, http_parser_type type)
	parse(buf, strlen(buf));
	http_errno err = HTTP_PARSER_ERRNO(parser);
	parse(NULL, 0);

	// In strict mode, allow us to pass with an unexpected HPE_STRICT as long as the caller isn't expecting success.
	if (err_expected != err && err_expected != HPE_OK && err != HPE_STRICT) {
		fprintf(stderr, "\n*** test_simple expected %s, but saw %s ***\n\n%s\n", http_errno_name(err_expected), http_errno_name(err), buf);
		return -1;

	return 0;

} // namespace

int test_http_parser()
	// reference: http-parser/test.c
{ // get http-parser version
	unsigned long version = http_parser_version();
	unsigned int major = (version >> 16) & 255;
	unsigned int minor = (version >> 8) & 255;
	unsigned int patch = version & 255;
	fprintf(stdout, "http_parser version: %u.%u.%u\n", major, minor, patch);

{ // test preserve data
	char my_data[] = "application-specific data";
	http_parser parser;
	parser.data = my_data;
	http_parser_init(&parser, HTTP_REQUEST);
	if (parser.data != my_data) {
		fprintf(stderr, "\n*** parser.data not preserved accross http_parser_init ***\n\n");
		return -1;

{ // test method str
	const char* str1 = http_method_str(HTTP_GET);
	const char* str2 = http_method_str((http_method)1337);
	fprintf(stdout, "http method: str1: %s, str2: %s\n", str1, str2);

{ // test header nread value
	http_parser parser;
	http_parser_init(&parser, HTTP_REQUEST);
	const char* buf = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nheader: value\nhdr: value\r\n";
	size_t len = strlen(buf);
	size_t parsed = http_parser_execute(&parser, &settings_null, buf, len);
	if (parsed != len || parser.nread != len) {
		fprintf(stderr, "fail to http_parser_execute: parsed: %d, len: %d, parser.nread: %d\n", parsed, len, parser.nread);
		return -1;

{ // test no overflow parse url
	http_parser_url u;
	int rv = http_parser_parse_url("http://example.com:8001", 22, 0, &u);
	if (rv != 0 || u.port != 800) {
		fprintf(stderr, "return value: %d, prot number: %d\n", rv, u.port);
		return -1;

{ // test no overflow long body
	if (test_no_overflow_long_body(HTTP_REQUEST, 1000) || test_no_overflow_long_body(HTTP_REQUEST, 100000) ||
		test_no_overflow_long_body(HTTP_RESPONSE, 1000) || test_no_overflow_long_body(HTTP_RESPONSE, 100000)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "fail to test no overflow long body\n");
		return -1;

{ // test simple type
	if (test_simple_type(
		"POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
		"Content-Length:  42 \r\n"  // Note the surrounding whitespace.
		fprintf(stderr, "fail to test simple type\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;


GitHub: https://github.com/fengbingchun/OpenSSL_Test