阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-27
這裡我們用到的是windows自帶的certutil命令,有關其命令的詳解,大家直接執行certutil /? 就可以檢視。
1.readme.txt 說明文件
使用說明: 1.將你要加密的檔案複製到Material資料夾下,如果沒有Material可以自己新建2.雙擊ClickToEncodeFiles.bat檔案,加密Material資料夾下的檔案 3.開啟encodeFiles資料夾,其中就是加密後的檔案 注意: 1.加密的檔名不能有空格 2.每次會輸出加密的結果注意檢視。
2.ClickToEncodeFiles.bat 執行文件
@echo off chcp 936 if not "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" exit title EncodeFiles color 0a more readme.txt pause chcp 65001>nul setlocal EnableDelayedExpansionrem 建立需要的資料夾 REM if not exist decodeFiles mkdir decodeFiles if not exist encodeFiles mkdir encodeFiles if not exist Material ( mkdir Material echo Please put the files which you want to encrypt in the "Material" folder of the current directory. pause exit ) REM Encrypt Files in the "Material" folder of the current directoryecho Please ensure your encrypt files in Material folder . echo= set finallyPath=-1 for /F "tokens=1 delims=/" %%i in ('dir /b /on Material') do ( echo Start encode %%i set finallyPath=".\encodeFiles\%%i.bat" REM echo !finallyPath! rem decode code echo @echo off > !finallyPath! echo certutil -f -decode "%%0" %%temp%%\%%i ^>nul >>!finallyPath! echo start %%temp%%\%%i>>!finallyPath! REM echo pause >>!finallyPath! echo exit >>!finallyPath! echo= >>!finallyPath! certutil -F -encode ".\Material\%%i" "%temp%\%%i.txt" | find "FAILED" >nul && ( echo %%i encode defeated ^!^!^!^! & echo= )|| ( echo %%i encode passed & echo= ) more "%temp%\%%i.txt" >>!finallyPath! if exist "%temp%\%%i.txt" del "%temp%\%%i.txt" ) start .\encodeFiles\ pause exit
3.Material 中是要加密的檔案
4.encodeFiles 是加密完成後的檔案,雙擊可執行