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Here's How (Complete with Code!) | AITopics

You're busy and (depending on effective keyword targeting) you've come here looking for something to shave months off the process of learning to produce your own chat bot. If you're convinced you need this and just want the how-to, skip to "What my bot does." If you want the background on why you should be building for platforms like Google Home, Alexa, and Facebook Messenger, read on. Do you remember when it wasn't necessary to have a website? Now Gartner is telling us that customers will manage 85% of their relationship with brands without interacting with a human by 2020 and publications like Forbes are saying that chat bots are the cause. The situation now is the same as every time a new platform develops: if you don't have something your customers can access, you're giving that medium to your competition. At the moment, an automated presence on Google Home or Slack may not be central to your strategy, but those who claim ground now could dominate it in the future.