How Chatbots Can Help A Startup Grow
For anyone starting up a business, there is never enough time and always too much to do. The same is true of information flow within a startup, with often way too much input and not enough output. Chatbots can play a key role in helping the business manage that information and organise customer contact. With many businesses increasingly reliant on websites as the first point of customer contact, the old-style contact form is becoming less useful. People would like to communicate with the business now, and a chatbot is an ideal way of starting a conversation without tying up you or your team.
How Chatbots Can Help A Startup Grow
For anyone starting up a business, there is never enough time and always too much to do. The same is true of information flow within a startup, with often
How ML Can Help With Your BI Insights
Companies in all industries must stay up to date with the latest tech to survive in this digital world. This is especially true in the case of machine lear
How Enterprises Can Help Build Ethical AI Strategies
As 2018 continues on its downward slope toward a new year, artificial intelligence technologies are becoming more and more useful in every aspect of our li
Bitcoin Liquidity: How It Can Hurt You, and How It Can Help You
Imagine you’re watching the 15-minute chart of Bitcoin on your favorite exchange. All the signals in your trading strategy are indicating the price of Bitc
Contributing to Ruby on Rails is not hard. Here’s how you can suggest a new feature.
Contributing to Ruby on Rails is not hard. Here’s how you can suggest a new feature.Once you have a contribution merged into Ruby on Rails you will be adde
How AI Can Help You Scale Your Digital Marketing Efforts
Doing more with less is the height of efficiency. Digital marketing is becoming more competitive every day, and as a result, digital marketers need to
How embracing failure can help designing a better system
How embracing failure can help designing a better systemSince the school days we have always been advised to be proactive (compared to reactive) — rather t
How automation and cloud data can help fish farmers: A story from e
How automation and cloud data can benefit fish farmersGibran Huzaifah of e-Fishery proves that even the fisheries sector can be disrupted by technologyCopy
How Machine Learning Can Help Our Health
Machine learning has become a big deal in a variety of industries, healthcare being a prime example. There are a variety of applications for machine learni
How AI can to help traders make better decisions?
Dark pools are electronic trading platforms that have emerged in the past decade in advanced markets. They allow traders to buy or sell large blocks of sha
Ask HN: How to start a startup that requires a high amount of initial capital?
I want to start a payments bank in India but it requires a 13M+ USD initial capital just to get the licensing fee.Wondering if people have any examples of
How Active Learning can help you train your models with less Data
How Active Learning can help you train your models with less DataEven with massive computational resources, training a Machine Learning model on large data
Ask HN: How do you make a decision between different startup ideas you have?
I choose the one that has the highest probability of success multiplied by the size to which its likely to grow. Intuitively ofcourse.
seated biases in science: A new statistical method that explicitly tests for equivalence, rather than difference, can help comba
Awareness of female birdsong is growing worldwide, thanks in part to a breakthrough paper by Karan Odom, Ph.D. '16, biological sciences, but it's still un
AI doctors: how artificial intelligence can help medicine
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Two Wrongs Can Make a Right (and Are Difficult to Fix)
write work visible fun mar pop sig per cati Two Wrongs Can Make a Right (and Are Difficult to Fix) Allan Kelly CODE NEVER LIE
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sqlplus -prelim / aAPPLIES TO:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 10.2 to 12.1]Information in this document applie
How do I clone a generic list in C#?
code sele listt list ati class ocl list() () static class Extensions { public static IList<T> Clone<T>(this IList<T>
talend工具中往oracle插資料報ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG colum
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How to forcefully delete a daemonset or a pod in kubernetes cluster
I have setup a kubernetes cluster which is working fine. I created deployment with type as daemonset which then created few p