Why do we never hear of Google security problems?
A company that big has an almost 100% chance of making a security mistake at least once, so why don't we hear about it?
Yes, I am implying that they maybe use their internet search dominion to censor these news (among other things), but I am open to changing my mind. What do you guys think?
Why do we never hear of Google security problems?
Having in view the latest Facebook security blunders, I have no memory of ever seeing a news as big about Google.A company that big has an almost 100% chan
3% of users browse with IE9 and 14% of users have a disability. Why do we only cater for the former?
我的網站 作品 form 我不 post ability img gpo 想要 我想要用一個否定聲明來開始我的文章:對於怎樣創造一個易於用戶體驗的站點,我也不是了解非常多。 讓作為一個資深開發人員的我操心的是,我在並沒有獲得太多關於這個主題(指怎樣創造一個
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If aligned memory writes are atomic, why do we need the sync/atomic package?
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Ask HN: Why do solitaire random deals never seem random
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Ask HN: Why don't we seriously seek an alternative if we're unhappy with Google?
> It would be great if a superior alternative existed but other search engines don't come close.I disagree. I use DDG and vast majority of cases fall in
Why do Google webapps use so many iframes (and web workers)?
Poking around Google with a browser dev console open, I noticed that Google apps like Gmail use almost 10 unique JavaScript contexts, iframes and webworker
Ask HN: Why do Google and FB interview when they already have data on you?
Given the amount of data both these platforms have on each and every individual in the western world - why do they even bother doing interviews? Surely bei
error: ‘kEmptyString’ is not a member of ‘google::protobuf::internal’
ring anaconda uil ble /usr nac space locate bin 最近安裝caffe,突然報這個錯: .build_release/src/caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h: In member function ‘void caf
Why containers? Why should we care?
ica mage sign share kernel install vid sep names https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/what-is-kubernetes/ The Old
32-bit Linux Android emulator binaries are DEPRECATED, to use them you will have to do at least one of the following
environ 解決 一行 body blog _for side bit allow ERROR: 32-bit Linux Android emulator binaries are DEPRECATED, to use them you will have to do
[Angular] Why should we using Protal
https access lac spa dset containe ant rds contact Origianl article Protal from Angular CDK, is a way to create dynammic component.
Data structure you've never heard of(列舉+dp)
沒有來源。 題目大意: 給 n n n個長度為 k k k的01串,求不下降序列的個數。 n≤100000,k≤16
What Do We Understand About Convolutional Networks翻譯(一)
最近讀了篇深度學習綜述類的論文,讀完對整個深度學習網路會有個新的瞭解,該論文是在2018年3月23號發表在了arXiv,論文正文部分長達80頁,我會將翻譯分成幾塊。 Introduction 1.1 動機 在過去幾年中,主要的計算機視覺研究都集中在卷積神經網路上,通常稱為C
Google Security Architecture
https://cloud.google.com/security/encryption-in-transit/application-layer-transport-security/resources/alts-whitepaper.pdf https://github.com/grpc
Why do golf balls have dimples?
You're out on the golf course one pleasant afternoon. Your ball is set on the tee. You lean over the ball. You grip the club just right. Your arms
Why do I get this particular color pattern when using rand()?
I was initially going to have the same answer as everyone else had and chalk this up to the issues with rand(). However, I thought better of doing so and
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Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Oracle RAC Issue Log file shows following message : Raw kernel: program nmhs is using a d
Do We Need User Acceptance Test?
(Betteridge’s law of headlines does not apply.) I was wondering long time why we do UAT. Do not be mistaken. I do not want to say not to do that type o