1. 程式人生 > >Is there something like Google Photos I can pay for with money, not data?

Is there something like Google Photos I can pay for with money, not data?

I have about 15 years of photos spread across multiple hard drives. In the past I've tried a few different tools for cataloguing and organizing them, but I've never really kept it up.

In a perfect world, I'd have a tool like Shotwell with Linux, Android, Mac, and web apps which did the cataloguing, deduping, etc. client side, but stored encrypted versions of my photos and their metadata online, but I'm guessing this doesn't exist.

I don't care about searching for photos of "beaches" or any ML fanciness.

In some ways Google Photos would be a clear choice, but I'm trying to reduce the amount of Google in my life, not increase it.

Is there anything like this? I know Amazon had a consumer-focused photo storage app, but Amazon gives me similar concerns to Google.