1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: Is Quitting One's Job a Hiring Black Mark?

Ask HN: Is Quitting One's Job a Hiring Black Mark?

I've been in technology for a very long time now, most recently in a large, rather dysfunctional tech company. Most of my tenure, I was working with and for competent, pleasant people and ran my own show under their auspices.

Recently, a major reorganization moved me into a group that, at least among their customers, is regarded with well-deserved scorn. I thought I could be a part of the solution, but after 3 months of abuse, I reached my limit but a transfer out was explicitly disallowed.

After a really pleasant outside job interview, I realized how intolerably horrible my environment had become and submitted my resignation. I have enough resources to be safe for a good while and really notice the absence of dread every morning, and am sleeping normally again.

However, I'm coming up to the time where I have to update my resume to reflect my non-employee status. I'd really like some current input as to whether this is/will be seen as a negative sign for hiring. I have to live with it either way, but maybe there's some way of mitigating it?