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Socialist Millennials will Usher in Basic Income

Socialist Millennials will Usher in Basic Income

One of the interesting things about capitalism is its failure results in value shifts among younger generations. It’s no secret Millennials have been seeking and pioneering new forms of work-life balance that are inclusive and experiential.

Millennials are that generation that are mostly likely to view the work grind as a form of wage slavery, and they take it pretty seriously. While a new generation of international leaders are young GenXers, in a few years time those same new leaders will be older Millennials.

The funny thing about Millennials is that they don’t just support figures like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, they actually will implement sweeping changes in the future of work, money and well-being. Ever heard of a little thing called cryptocurrencies? Socialist leaning Millennials are also the most likely to elect in sweeping reform for an unconditional universal basic income (UUBI).

Essentially, a large percentage of millennials are embracing socialism and a majority disapprove of Trump, a new poll indicates. Millennials unite with their younger breathren GenZ to be champions of inclusion, well-being and more caring values than the kind of Capitalism that brought us the 2008 great recession.

Millions of Millennials already make sacrifices for work-life balance that trade financial incentives for more balanced and fulfilling lives (whatever that may be). This is because these aren’t people who are good capitalists, these are people who widely care about the planet differently: the environment, sustainability, social equality, social justice, human rights, you name it. The implementation of universal basic income and a growing list of bundled basic human need services — means Millennials will usher in a different kind of society in the 2025 to 2035 period.

The cited Poll indicates nearly half of all American millennial Democrats (48%) identify as democratic socialists or socialists, according to Business Insider. What these Millennial/GenZ cohorts care about is an entire restructuring of power, of the very infrastructure of trust in government, technology and a more decentralized governance. Experiments are happening in free healthcare, free education, public blockchains and basic income trials that represent a new model of what society will be like.

It’s not that these democratic socialists care so much about freedom, so much as they care about purpose. They want to be a generation that did good for the world, the values of corporate social responsibility and the transparency that blockchain represents syncs with their generational values. Basic income is the first step they will implement in introducing to the world a greater emphasis on wealth equality.

Roughly one out of three millennials (31%) say they are a democratic socialist, a socialist, or would identify as either, the poll showed. That’s like your everyday person from progressive cities such as Austin Texas, or Denver Colorado, or Portland Oregon. They, are more common than you think. As Canada legalizes cannabis nationally this October, 2018, the world is changing. The political arena of Donald Trump is not forever.

The reason many advocates of UBI say that it’s inevitable is because they know in the future socialist millennials will be the majority. When AI and automation disrupts jobs more vigorous, these are the young leaders and a new generation of parents and voters who will demand it.

Amazon will quickly be worth more than Apple, and by the end of 2019 it could be as much as 30% more in terms of market cap. However Amazon’s median salary is only $28,000. What am I getting at? Massive underemployment (not the same as unemployment) is coming to America. Boomers and GenX will continue to balloon healthcare costs. Serious economic issues are coming, with a likely recession in 2020. Socialist Millennials may not have their day in the 2020 elections, it might be rather then 2024 one. That is the beginning of when an unconditional universal basic income and its implementation on a wide spread basis becomes more feasible.

Trump and Facebook is the hack on America, but Sanders and UBI is the goal. Capitalism must become something more ethical. Governance must become something more decentralized. The future of work and wealth equality depend upon it.