1. 程式人生 > >How max_prepared_stmt_count bring down the production MySQL system

How max_prepared_stmt_count bring down the production MySQL system

MySQL Adventures: How max_prepared_stmt_count can bring down production

We recently moved an On-Prem environment to GCP for better scalability and availability. The customer’s main database is MySQL. Due to the nature of customer’s business, it’s a highly transactional workload (one of the hot startups in APAC). To deal with the scale and meet availability requirements, we have deployed MySQL behind ProxySQL — which takes care of routing some of the resource intensive SELECTs to chosen replicas. The setup consists of:

  • One Master
  • Two slaves
  • One Archive database server

Post migration to GCP, everything was nice and calm for a couple of weeks, until MySQL decided to start misbehaving and leading to an outage. We were able to quickly resolve and bring the system back online and what follows are lessons from this experience.

The configuration of the Database:

  • CentOS 7.
  • MySQL 5.6
  • 32 Core CPU
  • 120GB Memory
  • 1 TB SSD for MySQL data volume.
  • The total database size is 40GB. (yeah, it is small in size, but highly transactional)
  • All tables are InnoDB Engine
  • No SWAP partitions.

The Problem

It all started with an alert that said MySQL process was killed by

Linux’s OOM Killer. Apparently MySQL was rapidly consuming all the memory (about 120G) and OOM killer perceived it as a threat to the stability of the system and killed the process. We were perplexed and started investigating.

Sep 11 06:56:39 mysql-master-node kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 4234 (mysqld) score 980 or sacrifice child
Sep 11 06:56:39 mysql-master-node kernel: Killed process 4234 (mysqld) total-vm:199923400kB, anon-rss:120910528kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:0kB
Sep 11 06:57:00 mysql-master-node mysqld: /usr/bin/mysqld_safe: line 183:  4234 Killed   nohup /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mysqldata --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log --open-files-limit=65535 --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid --socket=/mysqldata/mysql.sock < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1

Naturally, we started looking at mysql configuration to see if something is off.

InnoDB Parameters:

innodb-flush-method            = O_DIRECTinnodb-log-files-in-group      = 2innodb-log-file-size           = 512Minnodb-flush-log-at-trx-commit = 1innodb-file-per-table          = 1innodb-buffer-pool-size        = 100G

Other Caching Parameters:

tmp-table-size                 = 32Mmax-heap-table-size            = 32Mquery-cache-type               = 0query-cache-size               = 0thread-cache-size              = 50open-files-limit               = 65535table-definition-cache         = 4096table-open-cache               = 50

We are not really using query cache and one of the heavy front end service is PHP Laravel.

Here is the memory utilization graph.

The three highlighted areas are the points at which we had issues in production. The second issue happened very shortly, so we reduced the innodb-buffer-pool-size to 90GB. But even though the memory utilization never came down. So we scheduled a cronjob to flush OS Cache at least to give some addition memory to the Operating system by using the following command. This was a temporary measure till we found the actual problem.

sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_cache

But This didn’t help really. The memory was still growing and we had to look at what’s really inside the OS Cache?


There is a tool called fincore helped me find out what’s actually the OS cache held. Its actually using Perl modules. use the below commands to install this.

yum install perl-Inline

It never directly shows what files are inside the buffer/cache. We instead have to manually give the path and it’ll check what files are in the cache for that location. I wanted to check about Cached files for the mysql data directory.

cd /mysql-data-directory
fincore -summary * > /tmp/cache_results

Here is the sample output of the cached files results.

page size: 4096 bytesauto.cnf: 1 incore page: 0dbadmin: no incore pages.Eztaxi: no incore pages.ibdata1: no incore pages.ib_logfile0: 131072 incore pages: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10......ib_logfile1: 131072 incore pages: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10......mysql: no incore pages.mysql-bin.000599: 8 incore pages: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7mysql-bin.000600: no incore pages.mysql-bin.000601: no incore pages.mysql-bin.000602: no incore pages.mysql-bin.000858: 232336 incore pages: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10......mysqld-relay-bin.000001: no incore pages.mysqld-relay-bin.index: no incore pages.mysql-error.log: 4 incore pages: 0 1 2 3mysql-general.log: no incore pages.mysql.pid: no incore pages.mysql-slow.log: no incore pages.mysql.sock: no incore pages.ON: no incore pages.performance_schema: no incore pages.mysql-production.pid: 1 incore page: 0
6621994 pages, 25.3 Gbytes in core for 305 files; 21711.46 pages, 4.8 Mbytes per file.
The highlighted points show the graph when OS Cache is cleared.

How we investigated this issue:

The first document that everyone refers is How mysql uses the memory from MySQL’s documentation. So we started with where are all the places that mysql needs memory. I’ll explain this about in a different blog. Lets continue with the steps which we did.

Make sure MySQL is the culprit:

Run the below command and this will give you the exact memory consumption about MySQL.

ps --no-headers -o "rss,cmd" -C mysqld | awk '{ sum+=$1 } END { printf ("%d%s\n", sum/NR/1024,"M") }'

Additional Tips:

If you want to know each mysql’s threads memory utilization, run the below command.

# Get the PID of MySQL:ps aux | grep mysqld
mysql     4378 41.1 76.7 56670968 47314448 ?   Sl   Sep12 6955:40 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mysqldata --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log --open-files-limit=65535 --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid --socket=/mysqldata/mysql.sock
# Get all threads memory usage:pmap -x 4378
4378:   /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/mysqldata --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log --open-files-limit=65535 --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid --socket=/mysqldata/mysql.sockAddress           Kbytes     RSS   Dirty Mode  Mapping0000000000400000   11828    4712       0 r-x-- mysqld000000000118d000    1720     760     476 rw--- mysqld000000000133b000     336     312     312 rw---   [ anon ]0000000002b62000 1282388 1282384 1282384 rw---   [ anon ]00007fd4b4000000   47816   37348   37348 rw---   [ anon ]00007fd4b6eb2000   17720       0       0 -----   [ anon ]00007fd4bc000000   48612   35364   35364 rw---   [ anon ]...........................00007fe1f0075000    2044       0       0 ----- libpthread-2.17.so00007fe1f0274000       4       4       4 r---- libpthread-2.17.so00007fe1f0275000       4       4       4 rw--- libpthread-2.17.so00007fe1f0276000      16       4       4 rw---   [ anon ]00007fe1f027a000     136     120       0 r-x-- ld-2.17.so00007fe1f029c000    2012    2008    2008 rw---   [ anon ]00007fe1f0493000      12       4       0 rw-s- [aio] (deleted)00007fe1f0496000      12       4       0 rw-s- [aio] (deleted)00007fe1f0499000       4       0       0 rw-s- [aio] (deleted)00007fe1f049a000       4       4       4 rw---   [ anon ]00007fe1f049b000       4       4       4 r---- ld-2.17.so00007fe1f049c000       4       4       4 rw--- ld-2.17.so00007fe1f049d000       4       4       4 rw---   [ anon ]00007ffecc0f1000     132      72      72 rw---   [ stack ]00007ffecc163000       8       4       0 r-x--   [ anon ]ffffffffff600000       4       0       0 r-x--   [ anon ]---------------- ------- ------- ------- total kB         122683392 47326976 47320388

InnoDB Buffer Pool:

Initially we suspected the InnoDB. We have checked the innoDB usage from the monitoring system. But the result was negative. It never utilized more than 40GB. That thickens the plot. If buffer pool only has 40 GB, who is eating all that memory?

Is this correct? Does Buffer Pool only hold 40GB?

What’s Inside the BufferPool and whats its size?

SELECT    page_type AS page_type,    sum(data_size) / 1024 / 1024 AS size_in_mbFROM    information_schema.innodb_buffer_pageGROUP BY    page_typeORDER BY    size_in_mb DESC;
+-------------------+----------------+| Page_Type         | Size_in_MB     |+-------------------+----------------+| INDEX             | 39147.63660717 || IBUF_INDEX        |     0.74043560 || UNDO_LOG          |     0.00000000 || TRX_SYSTEM        |     0.00000000 || ALLOCATED         |     0.00000000 || INODE             |     0.00000000 || BLOB              |     0.00000000 || IBUF_BITMAP       |     0.00000000 || EXTENT_DESCRIPTOR |     0.00000000 || SYSTEM            |     0.00000000 || UNKNOWN           |     0.00000000 || FILE_SPACE_HEADER |     0.00000000 |+-------------------+----------------+

A quick guide about this query.

  • INDEX: B-Tree index
  • UNKNOWN: not allocated / unknown state
  • TRX_SYSTEM: transaction system data


To get the buffer pool usage by index

SELECT    table_name AS table_name,    index_name AS index_name,    count(*) AS page_count,    sum(data_size) / 1024 / 1024 AS size_in_mbFROM    information_schema.innodb_buffer_pageGROUP BY    table_name, index_nameORDER BY    size_in_mb DESC;