Why are Data Scientists crucial for AI?
Today, we are talking about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) – positive or negative – and how it will surpass the human workforce. The possibilities of AI are numerous but everything depends on big data. Big data is still as relevant as it was 10 years ago as it is still underutilized. In the world of science fiction, AI systems often overpower human civilization. Similarly, artificial intelligence is already predominant in the real-world around us.
Why are Data Scientists crucial for AI?
Today, we are talking about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) – positive or negative – and how it will surpass the human workforce. The possibilit
Why Landing Page is Crucial for your App Success
You may have already got your mobile app listed in the mainstream app stores like Apple’s App Store and Google Play.You may also have a website dedicated t
Why Data Scientists Are Your AI Project's Biggest Enemy
It's obvious that machine learning (ML) can't exist without data scientists. But some of the patterns I've noticed recently suggest that maybe it can't liv
Why so many data scientists are leaving their jobs
Big data is like teenage sex: everyone talks about it, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they
Why Apache Spark is a Crossover Hit for Data Scientists [FWD]
Spark is a compelling multi-purpose platform for use cases that span investigative, as well as operational, analytics. Data science is a broad church. I a
Ask HN: Why are cellphone numbers increasingly used for 2FA?
I get that most people have them and carry them around, but it still seems like a naive solution given that they can be lost/dropped/broken/stolen so easil
How AI & Machine Learning Are Redefining The War For Talent
These and many other fascinating insights are from Gartner's recent research note, Cool Vendors in Human Capital Management for Talent Acquisition (PDF, 13
Recommended IDE for Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers
Integrated Development Environment, or IDE, is a tool that allows software developers to write, test and debug their programming code easier than in genera
Data Storage Keeping Pace for AI and Deep Learning
Data Storage Keeping Pace for AI and Deep LearningData is the new currency driving accelerated levels of innovation powered by AI. Enterprises require mode
Five steps for getting started in machine learning: Top data scientists share their tips
If you want to carve out a career in machine learning then knowing where to start can be daunting. Not only is the technology built on college-level math,
Why Are Stock Photos for Business Websites So Darned Boring?
Why Are Stock Photos for Business Websites So Darned Boring?Image Licensed from © MOELLERTHOMSEN/DepositPhoto.comLet’s play a game. Give yourself one point
Automated Machine Learning for Data Scientists
Get the best machine learning results using advanced feature engineering and model tuning. Review the powerful pan
Pachyderm for data scientists
Pachyderm in actionLet’s setup a local Pachyderm cluster. The example here is on Max OS, using homebrew, for other operating systems one can refer to the P
Cheat Sheets for AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Big Data
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Why Most Execs Believe Their Enterprises Aren't Ready for AI
There isn't much, if any, dispute that artificial intelligence will eliminate certain types of jobs done by humans, but experts here at the Techonomy confe
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