Catch Us If You Can
Catch Us If You Can
We like impostor stories because we’re afraid we’re impostors ourselves
By Bruce Watson
O n a brisk autumn afternoon in 1952, 16 wounded soldiers were brought aboard the Canadian destroyer Cayuga patrolling the Yellow Sea off the coast of Inchon, South Korea. Casualties of the Korean War, the men were in bad shape. Several would not survive without surgery. Luckily, the ship’s doctor had told the crew he was a trauma surgeon. Now, the portly, middle-aged man donned scrubs and ordered nurses to prepare the patients.
Catch Us If You Can
Catch Us If You CanWe like impostor stories because we’re afraid we’re impostors ourselvesBy Bruce WatsonO n a brisk autumn afternoon in 1952, 16 wounded s
Catch me if you can
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If you can take it, you can make it.
緣起lemon師傅在安全客裡發表的一篇文章,總結的很詳細,學到了很多姿勢。但是在此我還想畫蛇添足的做一些補充及解釋。補充一下命令執行的漏洞。 空格繞過 < 符號 %09 符號需要php環境,這裡就不搭建啦,見諒) $IFS$9 符號${IFS} 符號 這裡解釋一下${IFS},$IFS,$IFS
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You Think You Can Control Us?
I was explaining how Zerocracy works to one of our prospective clients yesterday. He texted me today: “[At Zerocracy] there is no commitment and anybody is
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Please move or remove them before you can merge
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