1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: My country is getting worse. Where to go?

Ask HN: My country is getting worse. Where to go?

You probably read a lot about that 90% of the start-ups fail. So consider your options and propabilities of success.

a) Try to legally migrate to a first world country. Given your background the chances are very slim. Your best chance is probably to find a western partner willing to marry you.

b) Illegally migrate to another country. This is very difficult for the countries you mentioned because you have to cross an ocean. Illegal immigration into Europe is possible but 1,000 USD is not enough. From what I read you would need about 10,000 USD. It also comes with certain risks. About 0.1-3% of the migrants die during the journey depending on the route. Many get abused on the way. Do you want to play this kind of Russian roulette? Assuming that you have the money and you are willing to take the risk, your chances are not that bad, probably above 30% to make it within a year. If you make it, a lot of things will be better, but a lot of other things will be much worse than you expect. Your chances to be better off than the median are very slim. Most likely you will be sourended by 90% people being better off than you. If you work hard, chances for your children are much better though.

c) Migrate within your country to a better comunity. This should be feasable, even though you seem to have only about a few month of savings. Maybe you find a better comunity in your own country? This has many advantages over above options. You stay within your own language and culture, you can continue to use your existing network and you can easily reverse your move if the new community turns out worse than expected. I would assume, this option has the highest success rage. If you succeed here another option may open at a later point with higher success probabilities.