Why do you like your desk job?
Why do you like your desk job?
They give me money. They give me food. Not directly, but through the money. reply
Ask HN: As a job seeker or a recruiter, do you like video resume?
I am exploring an idea of a job portal where video resume would be a key aspect. Before I plunge into the development side of it, I want to know in general
重慶賽區ACM熱身賽 8527. Do you like 玩遊戲?
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重慶賽區ACM熱身賽-8527. Do you like 玩遊戲?
【問題描述】 何花花喜歡玩遊戲,他想請你設計一款以他為主角的簡單遊戲,滿足他深邃暗黑的幻想Da☆Ze。這真的是一款簡單的遊戲,你要控制花花在一個10*10的區域內自由移動,玩家輸入“w”,“s”,“a”,“d”分別控制角色向上下左右移動,如果輸入命令“f x y”則會在區域
1539.Do you like Hot Dog ?SDNUOJ1539(2018總結賽)
Description Hot dog is a very delicious food,and Goc like it very much. The picture below shows how much does Goc like it. hhhhh… Given a set of
Do you have a Dream Job? Read our experience and learn the pros and cons of being an entrepreneur…
To start from a right side:Learning is a keyImagine that a few years ago I didn’t know about the existence of Slack, Jira, Intercom, Canva, Calendly, Crowd
Ask HN: How do you measure your funnel?
We are working on a tool to help people measure their conversion funnels. For example:Unique visitors to website -> User Signups -> Paid CustomersTh
Ask HN: How do you organize your stuff?
So, I'm having an issue right now that is accruing rapidly. I have a lot of documents, images, pdfs, videos, code snippets, files, etc, etc that I have tri
Dear Ueno: How do you organize your design files?
Carolyn Zhang, designer at Ueno NY, happily replies:Hey Ricki (and the many other people who have emailed with similar questions)!Once upon a time, in the
Ask HN: How do you notify your readers when you blog?
In the past I have allowed readers to provide their email address to receive new-post notifications, however I discontinued this as I don't want the respon
Ask HN: How do you automate your server provisioning?
My goal is to fully automate spinning up servers/environments, with, for example, a MySQL installation with users/data. I would like to automate this provi
Ask HN: How do you help your kids with schoolwork?
How do you help your kids with their schooling (beyond homework)?I'm interested in things that you feel advance their understanding of math, sciences etc.M
Ask HN: How do you manage your day
Work environment and needs are very personal but maybe you can learn from my solution.My frustration with most task manager is that they require me to manu
Ask HN: How do you pick your investments? What tools do you use?
If you are talking about equities:Very simple trick when investing in stocks. Look for companies with great management. The better the management the mor
Ask HN: How do you get your weather forecast?
The news that Weather Underground is shuttering its API is the latest change that is pushing me to look for a new website or app for weather forecasts. I'm
What is heuristic evaluation and why do you need it?
Should You Pay for a Heuristic Evaluation or Do It Yourself?Many companies are sitting on the fence about whether or not they should pay for a heuristic an
Ask HN: How do you design your features?
Hello everyone,I would like to take advantage from your expertise to understand how we can improve our design phase.Stated that we don't spend months or we
Ask HN: How do you overcome your self doubt?
1. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone breaks things. Happens at your first job, happens after 30 years. A good organization will have processes in place to
Ask HN: How do you tackle your Cloud Cost Management?
Hello Community, We are a team of engineers and product guys, that have built SaaS products in the past and got bitten too many times with cloud cost surpr