1. 程式人生 > >Building a Search-Engine Optimized PWA with Angular 

Building a Search-Engine Optimized PWA with Angular 

Making our Web App…Progressive!

It is quite easy to turn our app progressive in Angular 6. Simply run the following command in your terminal.

$ ng add @angular/pwa

This command will install the @angular/pwa and @angular/service-worker packages. It will also import the ServiceWorkerModule in the app.module.ts

file’s imports array.

imports: [      BrowserModule.withServerTransition({ appId: 'serverApp' }),      HttpClientModule,      AppRoutingModule,      UiModule,      ServiceWorkerModule.register('/ngsw-worker.js', {          enabled: environment.production      })  ],

The src/manifest.json file is where we can define how our PWA behaves when it gets installed on our user’s device.

{    "name": "Store",    "short_name": "store",    "theme_color": "#343a40",    "background_color": "#fafafa",    "display": "standalone",    "scope": "/",    "start_url": "/",}

In the head tag of src/index.html file, re-write the meta tag for theme-color by setting it to #343a40.

<meta name="theme-color" content="#343a40">

Run the command npm run build && npm start.

Service Worker

Service workers are used to help us run our application when the browser is in an offline mode. But if we go offline now, we will get a huge error in our dev tools because the app is still trying to download data from the API.

What we need to do is create a cache for the API and assets by configuring the Service Worker inside the ngsw-config.json file. Lets define a new object called externals inside the assetsGroup array as shown below:

{       "name":"externals",       "installMode":"prefetch",       "updateMode":"prefetch",       "resources": {             "urls":[                   "https://ajax.googleapis.com/**"             ]       } }

Similarly, create another object named images.

{      "name": "images",      "installMode": "prefetch",      "updateMode": "prefetch",      "resources": {          "urls": [              "http://dc-rebirth.now.sh/images/**"          ]      }}

Below the assetsGroup array, create another array called dataGroups.

"dataGroups":[{       "name":"rest-api",       "urls":[             "http://dc-rebirth.now.sh/api/**"             ],           "cacheConfig":{                 "strategy": "freshness",                 "maxSize": 100,                 "maxAge": "1h",                 "timeout": "5s"           } }]

There is only one scenario left that we need to take care of: Fallback content if JavaScript is not available.

Go to index.html file and add a <no-script> tag to the body.

<body>    <noscript>        <div class="alert alert-info">      View this page in JS    </div>    </noscript>    <app-root></app-root></body>


To improve the SEO Score of our Angular App, create a new file called robots.txt inside the src folder. Inside, set the content to User-agent:*, and Allow: /.

Then open the angular.json file, and inside the builds object in the assets array, add src/robots.txt. Do the same for tests object.