The Dirt on Clean Electric Cars
The Dirt on Clean Electric Cars
New research shows some drivers might spew out less CO2 with a diesel engine.
By Niclas Rolander, Jesper Starn and Elisabeth Behrmann
Beneath the hoods of millions of the clean electric cars rolling onto the world’s roads in the next few years will be a dirty battery.
The Dirt on Clean Electric Cars
The Dirt on Clean Electric CarsNew research shows some drivers might spew out less CO2 with a diesel engine.By Niclas Rolander, Jesper Starn and Elisabeth
install the mongodb on linux system
config each x86_64 not n-n nor shel release new Configure the package management system (yum). Create a /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org
dispatch_sync:As an optimization, this function invokes the block on the current thread when possible
沒有 pos bsp syn nbsp 優化 func 是否 GC 兩件事情: 1、是否是一個線程; 2、queue task 的目標線程是否有未完成的task。 模型:一個線程處理當前的task還有通過gc d派發來的待執行task。 猜測: 如果目標thread
『ZOJ 3547』The Boss on Mars (容斥原理)
ostream idt employee ant mars pri mes because reason 傳送門戳這裏qwq 題目描述 On Mars, there is a huge company called ACM (A huge Company on M
ACM-ICPC 2018 南京賽區網路預賽 B. The writing on the wall(暴力)
題目連結:傳送門 題意:詢問你在一個n*m的矩陣中,有一些方塊被塗成了黑色,其他的方格為白色,讓你統計白方格形成的子矩陣的個數。 思路:比賽的時候沒有想去做,賽後補題的時候發現優美的暴力就能過,也有點遺憾。 觀看了大佬的部落格後~~~ 首先我們會求
The writing on the wall (暴力列舉)
題意: 有一個含有n*m個方格的矩陣,其中有幾格塗黑了,求不包含黑方塊的子矩陣個數。 列舉每個點作為左上角的貢獻即可,這個可以先預處理每個點最下面能到達的位置(或者最上面,看自己喜歡),然後從左到右遍歷一遍就能得到那個點作為左上角的子矩陣個數,求和即為答案。
B. The writing on the wall
題意: 給你n*m的矩陣,給你k個黑點。問你有幾個矩陣完全沒有黑點。 POINT: 遍歷右下角,再用O(m)的效率以這個右下角往左延伸能有多少個數。具體看程式碼註解。 #includ
The Reserve Bank of India: Supreme Court Shouldn’t Interfere With the Decision on Cryptocurrency
The Reserve Bank of India submitted an affidavit to the Supreme Court of India in response to a petition against its crypto banking ban. A
ReactNative執行Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for details錯誤
Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for details. Make sure you have an Android emulator running or a device connected
hdu-4836-The Query on the Tree(線段樹+LCA)
題目連結 思路:對於每次詢問,主要是看x和root的關係,求出root和xlca root=x ,ans為總的和 lca=x 那麼ans=總的和-(root到x這條鏈上父節點為x的那個點的子樹和) 否則,ans就是x的子樹和 求子樹和和修改直接線段樹維護。節點的編
RN開發(四:Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for details. Make sure you ...)
前言 手賤升級mac系統, 然後就報標題錯誤, 然後virtualBox 失效,重新安裝後,導致genymotion 開啟 react-native run-android 報上面錯誤, 一開始以為環境變數問題,去其他rn專案 沒這問題, 然後以為genymo
2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine: Cancer therapy: Inhibiting the brakes on the immune system
Cancer kills millions of people every year and is one of humanity's greatest health challenges. By stimulating the inherent ability of our immune system t
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While it's human to let our feelings influence our decisions, can we count on AI programs to be fair? As AI helps to automate tasks and use data to support
Pumping the Brakes on Artificial Intelligence
While the push-pull between defenders and attackers using artificial intelligence continues, there's another security dimension to machine intelligence tha
Q&A: Andrew Ng, the Authority on A.I.
ANDREW NG, A 42-YEAR-OLD COMPUTER SCIENCE professor at Stanford University, made his name leading artificial intelligence efforts at two of the world's big
The Brain on Trial
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Ask HN: What's going on with the angst on Hacker News?
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IBM, Focused on AI for the Enterprise, on a Mission to Defend Its Turf
But аsk IBM, аnd it will tell you it hаs the home-field аdvаntаge. Αfter аll, in 1957, the сompаny helped prove thаt AI hаd prасtiсаl uses when it progrаm
The Committee on Animal Care solicits feedback
The Committee on Animal Care (CAC) and the vice president for research welcome any information which would aid efforts to assure the humane care of resear
2018ACM/ICPC南京網路賽B-The writing on the wall (補題)
題目連結 題意:求n*m的區域中不含有黑色格子的矩形數量。 這題給了2s的時限,m只給了100,暴力複雜度可以是O(n*m*m),接近1e9,能過,大概1300+ms。。。因為高中的時候懶得學組合數學,導致現在對計數的東西一竅不通,連沒有黑色格子的情況居然都想不清楚Q