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Case Study: Should I Incorporate??

We started with low-fidelity wireframes that we put in front of users for first impression testing. Testing revealed two issues:

  • Our users were confused by the legal language
  • Some users didn’t understand the purpose of the tool at all, since there was no introductory text on the landing page

Based on these results, we asked the client to rewrite some of the questions and added information icons that the users could click on to get a plain language explanation of legal terms. We expanded landing page, so it

Introduced the tool to the usersProvided some facts about incorporationDescribed the three-step process users needed to go through to get their resultsIncluded a helpful checklist of things users needed to complete the assessment, like annual company revenue and monthly expenses

We dedicated a lot of brainstorming hours to finding out how to capture leads and at what point in the process we should ask users for their email. We’d structured the process like a quiz — users answered the questions and got their results at the end. If we asked for the email at the beginning, we were guaranteed to capture leads but since users were unfamiliar with Founded and never visited the site before, we knew from user behaviour that they would be uncomfortable sharing their contact information and most likely quit. Alternately, if we left it until the end, we would lose all the users who abandoned the assessment process for any reason before getting their results. The new design gave us the opportunity to gain users’ trust before they began the assessment process, and ask for the email up front.