1. 程式人生 > >How large enterprises are implementing machine learning: 3 main use cases

How large enterprises are implementing machine learning: 3 main use cases

Professionals within larger organizations (25,000 employees or more) are significantly more satisfied with their machine learning progress than employees in smaller companies (500 employees or less), according to Algorithmia's 2018 State of Enterprise Machine Learning study released on Tuesday. The report surveyed 523 data science and machine learning professionals to learn how companies of different sizes are using machine learning technologies, said the release. Employees from larger companies were 300% more likely to consider their machine learning efforts "sophisticated" and 80% more likely to be "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with the progression of such efforts, in comparison to smaller companies, added the release. Some 92% of respondents from larger organizations said their organization's investment in machine learning has grown by at least 25% in the past year, said the release. Larger companies have been utilizing machine learning in three main ways: Increasing customer loyalty (59%), increasing customer satisfaction (51%), and interacting with customers (48%), according to the report.