1. 程式人生 > >New Artificial Intelligence Colonoscopy Aims To Catch 20 Percent More Abnormalities Than Traditional Testing

New Artificial Intelligence Colonoscopy Aims To Catch 20 Percent More Abnormalities Than Traditional Testing

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Colonoscopies are the best way to prevent colon cancer and now researchers are using artificial intelligence to make them more accurate by finding abnormalities that might otherwise go undetected. With colon cancer common on both his mother and father's sides, John Gifford is diligent about getting a colonoscopy every five years. So when his doctor offered a new test using artificial intelligence, Gifford immediately said yes. "We're living in a tech world and so this seems like the next obvious evolution," said Gifford. The artificial intelligence colonoscopy was designed to spot polyps -- where all colorectal cancers begin -- in a new and better way. Doctors say the artificial intelligence colonoscopy can identify up to 20 percent more abnormalities than a traditional test.