1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: Founders, how did you balance between increasing users and revenue?

Ask HN: Founders, how did you balance between increasing users and revenue?

I would want to see a ton of data on revenue and so on for your situation but in terms of what I have done in past...

1. I've increased prices for new customers by 30% to 50%. That can help right away if you are charging too little.

2. I've increased the discount on yearly and higher contracts to give us cash to fund the business upfront. IE, if you know your math you can make it easy. - You can approach existing clients for a contract increase too.

3. Adding to the checkout flow an upgrade recommendation at the final step, ie, for x dollars more a day you get this and this. We had a 30% uptake to our highest plan doing this.

The other way to go, is you can start thinking outside the box on marketing, but without knowing more that is hard. IE, how do you hit your customer segment for 1/100th the price you are now.