1. 程式人生 > >Microsoft and Amazon workers protest firms' military AI contract and 'authoritarian surveillance' tech

Microsoft and Amazon workers protest firms' military AI contract and 'authoritarian surveillance' tech

Employees at Amazon and Microsoft have raised concerns about ethical decisions being made at the highest level of their companies. Both tech firms have drawn criticism over their involvement in controversial military and police projects, prompting anonymous workers to write public letters denouncing them. The protests come after Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said that part of his job is to make unpopular decisions, such as choosing to work with the US military or providing tools that enable police surveillance. In response, an Amazon employee wrote in a post published to Medium: "Companies like ours should not be in the business of facilitating authoritarian surveillance. The I.F.O. is fuelled by eight electric engines, which is able to push the flying object to an estimated top speed of about 120mph.