Ask HN: Great iOS / Swift Blogs?
Also, for an improved experience when importing an OPML, please consider nesting all outline elements inside another outline element that is treated as a folder when importing. I imported an OPML to Feedly, and have to manually move them individually into a “iOS Developer Blogs” folder.
Ask HN: Great iOS / Swift Blogs?
Overwhelming is good. One or two points. I’ll DM you on Twitter with a list of RSS feeds that are no longer responsive (I think one has switched to feed bu
Ask HN: What are good blogs on cartography/mapping?
I love Justin O'Beirne's blog ( but I wonder if there are similar ones out there!
Ask HN: Great resources for product management
I think it depends on the product field you are facing.Personally, I will recommend Donella’s “Thinking In systems”
Ask HN: Great books about the moon?
I've been captivated by our grey friend in the sky lately. Looking for anything you got related to the moon: historical accounts of the moon missions, scie
Ask HN: What are some great projects to gain experience in InfoSec?
I am taking a course in security, privacy, and distributed systems, and am wondering in case y'all have any suggestions for a research or programing projec
Ask HN: Books/podcasts/blogs discussing Microsoft's culture change post Nadella?
Over the last few years, I'm quite blown away by the sort of change in MSFT's culture. While Satya Nadella wouldn't be the only factor, it has been under h
Ask HN: What are some of the tech blogs you follow regularly?
Came here to say Julia Evans and Cloudflare blogs.Julia is high throughput blogger (both, quality and quantity). Usually, I come across a topic and want to
Ask HN: What makes a GREAT hackathon?
I'm helping organize the next hackathon where I work. We have something like 30-50 people participating across technical frontend and backend teams, includ
Ask HN: Why am I blowing my interviews at great companies in the Bay Area?
The problem here is that you only have your own perspective. You may feel that you answered the technical question flawlessly but the interviewer may have
Ask HN: Any way to program Siri Shortcuts in iOS 12 except drag
The Shortcuts app in iOS 12 seems really powerful. So I'm wondering whether there is an AppleScript-like way to program it, instead of dragging and droppin
Ask HN: Niche Products, ever had success by partnering with Blogs, newsletters?
Have you ever had any success by partnering with blogs and news letters? How did you go about finding partners that were willing to do so? Did you look f
Ask HN: What makes a great domain name registrar?
Following the recent downtime, an interesting discussion emerged about choosing a registrar. I always assumed registrars were "just" middlemen bet
Ask HN: What makes great real-time, turn-by-turn navigation software?
There are a handful of examples of open source, real-time, turn-by-turn navigation software out there. For example, gi
ios-swift swift font 協議 sso protoc associate toc ron Associated Type :關聯類型 有時候會遇到這樣的需求,繼承自某一協議的類中需要保證代理方法處理的參數類型保持一致,這就需要使用關聯類型來做到這一點 協議聲
自動 lan style blank ase ani dev per 程序 一.swift是啥?答:百度。 二.swift基礎知識。 1.輸出函數:print print("Hello, world!") 2.簡單數據類型 變量聲明:var 常量聲明:let
iOS Swift 模塊練習
rec scale asp spec pos nbsp 不想 ffi uic 1、UIImageView + UIImage import UIKit class UIImageViewViewController: UIViewController {
let sda rem blog ios div cond 一個 功能 一、函數 關鍵字:func 參數列表用 , 分割 使用 -> 分割參數和返回值 1 func greet(person: String, day: String)
枚舉 queen def esc cas int 最大 log style 1.枚舉 使用關鍵字 enum 創 建枚舉。 枚舉默認起始值為 0,可以自定義起始值。 在枚舉中可以定義方法,和類中定義的一樣。 使用關鍵字 rawValue 訪問當
desc rop turn ted ext 註意 color int ret 1 協議(protocol) 使用關鍵字 protocol 創建協議。 protocol ExampleProtocol { var simpleDescript
ios swift 打造自己的http請求工具
ble capi afnetwork 處理 定義 起航 body tro ring 在ios開發中,網絡請求是不可以少的,說到網絡請求可能用的最多的就是第三方的比人比較有名的AFNetworking、Alamofire等,原生的用的少。今天就用ios提供的原生方法來打造屬於