1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: Am I suffering sampling bias?

Ask HN: Am I suffering sampling bias?

With graduation(MS) on Summer 2019, I started looking for jobs(in EU).

Reading HN for a long time, specially the comments. I formed an impression that typical "web-dev" jobs are not real engineering & native softwares are the true things rising/interesting, which piqued my curiosity because most of the jobs I find on StackOverflowJobs or Monster for any given week, given 10 postings(generalised),approx.:

  x6 = backend/front-end/swe = ~web-dev
  x1 = datawarehousing/SQL admin/similar
  x1 = ML/AI
  x1 = embedded
  x1 = QA/Testing/infra/mobile(varies by week)
I looked around local govt. job boards & those are mostly PHP dev or infra. I rarely see any postings for native softwares(except legacy things) & even if I see a handful, they are looking for senior (10+ years experience!) and they are mostly ERP.

I've done little bit of web-dev(backend), mobile-dev(Android apps in java), ML(basic banking stuff) & embedded as internships or part-time gigs & found all of those interesting in their own ways.

However, I have yet to find anything that does large scale native softwares & given it's rarity it has become more appealing to me(added with HN comment section glamorisation) yet the rarity of such jobs makes me confused.

Am I falling into sampling bias due to echo chamber effect of HN comments or are job sites putting me into filter bubble?

P.S. My intention is to try out as many things as I can before I settle into something that I find interesting.

edit: prefixed Ask HN in title.