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Notes to Myself on Software Engineering

  1. Your API has users, thus it has a user experience. In every decision you make, always keep the user in mind. Have empathy for your users, whether they are beginners or experienced developers.
  2. Always seek to minimize the cognitive load imposed on your users in the course of using your API. Automate what can be automated, minimize the actions and choices needed from the user, don’t expose options that are unimportant, design simple and consistent workflows that reflect simple and consistent mental models.
  3. Simple things should be simple, complex things should be possible. Don’t increase the cognitive load of common use cases for the sake of niche use cases, even minimally.
  4. If the cognitive load of a workflow is sufficiently low, it should be possible for a user to go through it from memory (without looking up a tutorial or documentation) after having done it once or twice.
  5. Seek to have an API that matches the mental models of domain experts and practitioners. Someone who has domain experience, but no experience with your API, should be able to intuitively understand your API using minimal documentation, mostly just by looking at a couple of code examples and seeing what objects are available and what their signatures are.
  6. The meaning of an argument should be understandable without having any context about the underlying implementation. Arguments that have to be specified by users should relate to the mental models that the users have about the problem, not to implementation details in your code. An API is all about the problem it solves, not about how the software works in the background.
  7. The most powerful mental models are modular and hierarchical: simple at a high level, yet precise as you need to go into details. In the same way, a good API is modular and hierarchical: easy to approach, yet expressive. There is a balance to strike between having complex signatures on fewer objects, and having more objects with simpler signatures. A good API has a reasonable number of objects, with reasonably simple signatures.
  8. Your API is inevitably a reflection of your implementation choices, in particular your choice of data structures. To achieve an intuitive API, you must choose data structures that naturally fit the domain at hand — that match the mental models of domain experts.
  9. Deliberately design end-to-end workflows, not a set of atomic features. Most developers approach API design by asking: What capabilities should be available? Let’s have configuration options for them. Instead, ask: What are the use cases for this tool? For each use case, what is the optimal sequence of user actions? What’s the easiest API that could support this workflow? Atomic options in your API should answer a clear need that arises in a high-level workflow — they should not be added “because someone might need it.”
  10. Error messages, and in general any feedback provided to a user in the course of interacting with your API, is part of the API. Interactivity and feedback are integral to the user experience. Design your API’s error messages deliberately.
  11. Because code is communication, naming matters — whether naming a project or a variable. Names reflect how you think about a problem. Avoid overly generic names (x, variable, parameter), avoid OverlyLongAndSpecificNamingPatterns, avoid terms that can create unnecessary friction (master, slave), and make sure you are consistent in your naming choices. Naming consistency means both internal naming consistency (don’t call “dim” what is called “axis” in other places) and consistency with established conventions for the problem domain. Before settling on a name, make sure to look up existing names used by domain experts (or other APIs).
  12. Documentation is central to the user experience of your API. It is not an add-on. Invest in high-quality documentation; you will see higher returns than investing in more features.
  13. Show, don’t tell: Your documentation should not talk about how the software works, it should show how to use it. Show code examples for end-to-end workflows; show code examples for each and every common use case and key feature of your API.