1. 程式人生 > >Making an Unlimited Number of Requests with Python aiohttp + pypeln

Making an Unlimited Number of Requests with Python aiohttp + pypeln


I am going to run each of the clients described here in order with 100_000 requests (for the sake of time) using the timed.sh script.

➜ bash timed.sh python client-async-sem.py 100_000Memory usage: 352684KB  Time: 154.87 seconds    CPU usage: 38%
➜ bash timed.sh python client-async-as-completed.py 100_000Memory usage: 57548KB   Time: 154.91 seconds    CPU usage: 100%
➜ bash timed.sh python client-task-pool.py 100_000Memory usage: 58188KB   Time: 153.40 seconds    CPU usage: 36%
➜ bash timed.sh python client-pypeln-io.py 100_000Memory usage: 63624KB   Time: 154.39 seconds    CPU usage: 37%

A few things to note:

  • Paweł Miech’s semaphore approach (client-async-sem.py) has a higher memory usage (almost 10x) and would blow up if we put a bigger number like e.g
    100 million
    , although for this case its time is good and the CPU usage is low.
  • Balaam’s continuous monitoring approach (client-async-as-completed.py) uses the least amount of memory, but its CPU consumption is excessive and uses 100% of one of the cores.
  • Both the pure TaskPool (client-task-pool.py) and the pypeln.io.each
    (client-pypeln-io.py) approaches have fairly similar metrics, they are equally fast, memory efficient, and have low CPU usage; possibly the best methods judging by the numbers.
  • If you truly want to make an unlimited number of requests you can use a iterable/generator that doesn’t terminate instead of range.


The asyncio module and the new async/await syntax enables us to create very powerful IO programs with Python that were once only in the grasp of languages like Erlang/Elixir, Go, or even Node.js. However, some things are hard to get right specially since there is very little material out there, libraries are just being made for these kind of tasks, and the paradigm by itself is quite different.

I hope this post is useful to those wanting to do high-performance IO applications in Python. Thanks to Andy Balaam for his post which served as an inspiration when implementing my code and for his feedback.

In the future I want to make a more real world benchmark which involves downloading, resizing, and storing a huge amount of images.