1. 程式人生 > >Ask HN: Which offer to take or stay?

Ask HN: Which offer to take or stay?

I recently interviewed with three startups as I have almost hit 3-yrs mark. I am debating whether to stay for another year or move for a potential opportunity. I have a family with 2-kids (one newborn) and a wife who stays at home. I own a house in the Bay Area with a mortgage payment at around $1.6k/mo.

Current company:

* Late-stage, well-established

* B2C

* Sr Eng role, the target for promotion by EOY

* ~180k base

* total ~$700k equity in 5-yrs fully vested (currently in my 3rd year)

* Has free lunch

* Low premium for family health insurance ~60/paycheck

Startup A:

* Series A - 35M evaluation, but had not raised any new round in last 2-yrs

* B2B

* Some competitions from decade-old companies

* ~60 total employees, currently 30 eng

* Lead Eng role, target to grow into the management role in 1-yr

* ~181k base

* ~30k stock options, another additional 30k after staying 1-yr as loyalty

* Tiny 5k signing bonus

* No free lunch

* High premium for family health insurance ~300/paycheck

Startup B:

* Series C - Over 1B evaluation

* B2C

* Burn-to-grow model

* IC Eng role

* Not sure about total employee size, currently less than 40-Eng

* ~140k base

* ~1M stock options

* No signing bonus

* Has free lunch

* High premium for family health insurance ~300/paycheck

Startup C:

* Seed only - Last round raised ~ $15M

* B2C - but the C is a customer who is willing to spend on avg ~$300k+ per project

* Burn-rate at $15k/mo

* Forecast revenue at $85k/mo from the past 12-months of sales

* Lead Eng role, but the company has only 1.5-eng (one of them is part-time) Could potential grow into a more prominent role.

* ~175k base

* ~0.5% of equity (~40k stock options)

* No signing bonus

* No free lunch

* No health insurance provided but could ask CEO to start having one as it expands.

Thank you so much!

Anonymous for the obvious reason