1. 程式人生 > >The Must Know Checklist For DevOps & Site Reliability Engineers (Updated)

The Must Know Checklist For DevOps & Site Reliability Engineers (Updated)

  • How to get the CPU/system info (cat /proc/version, /proc/cpuinfo, uptime, et. al.)
  • How cron jobs works. Set cron jobs on specific days/time/month.
  • How to know what OS you are running on your machine (cat /etc/lsb-release)
  • Learn the difference between different *nix OSs and how to know what OS you are running on your machine (e.g. cat /etc/lsb-release)
  • Difference between shells: sh/dash/bash/ash/zsh ..
  • How to set and unset ENV variables. Exporting ENV variable is temporary, how to export permanent variables ?
  • What are shell configuration files : ~/.bashrc, .bash_profile, .environment .. How to “source” settings for program initialization files ?
  • Knowing Vim, its configuration (.vimrc) and some of its basic tips is a must.
  • How logging works in *nix systems, what are logging levels and how to work with log management tools (rsyslog, logstash, fluentd, logwatch, awslogs ..)
  • How swapping works. What is swappiness. (swapon -s, /proc/sys/vm/swappiness, sysctl vm.swappiness ..)
  • Be at ease with scripting languages. Bash is a must (Other scripting languages are very useful like Python, Perl..).
  • Master useful commands like process monitoring commands (ps, top, htop, atop ..), system performance commands (nmon, iostat, sar, vmstat ..) and network troubleshooting and analysis (nmap, tcpdump, ping, traceroute, airmon, airodump ..).
  • What is your backup strategy ? How do you test if a backup is reliable
  • Do you know ext4, ntfs, fat ? Do you know Union filesystems ?
  • How to view/set network configuration on a system
  • How to set static/dynamic IP address on a machine with different subnets? (Hint: CIDR)
  • Use network packet analysis to analyze and understand how networking works: tcpdump, Wireshark ..
  • Are you familiar with the OSI model and the TCP/IP model specifications ? What are the difference between TCP and UDP ? Do you know vxlan ?