The secure plain text format | Hacker News
The main difference compared to a normal SHA1 signature is that the encryption used for the footer can randomly use one of the many encryption algorithms to store the secret data and thus make very difficult for brute forcing the key that unlocks the data.
Just let me know your thoughts. Thanks.
The secure plain text format | Hacker News
X-File is a way to share text that can be read and also contain portions of that text which are kept as secret. In addition, the footer contains a cryptogr
Come Solve the World's Dumbest Problem | Hacker News
Responsibilities • Help design organizational structure to enable the company to grow to $20M in revenue • Establish quarterly business metrics and help
tech,dev. oriented, not so big conferences in the US? | Hacker News
Hey folks, I really hope you could give me some tips about the deep-tech, developer focused conferences in the US. I am looking for something not so big (
Secures 50 Votes in the Senate | Hacker News
enter the job market after years of unemployment? | Hacker News
> during my studies I enjoyed working at the "UML level" much moreThere are still jobs like that in the non-Agile world of business application, mainly
set up the price for incoming emails [beta] | Hacker News
ETHletter is a mail service - like Gmail, Yahoo mail or any other. But there's one big difference - during the email creation, you can set up the price for
format(s) do you prefer for highly technical ebooks? | Hacker News
I don't trust that they won't. Things outside the flow of text definitely can be moved around, and I feel there's value in page references being accurate.A
7 years ago is the day the + operator went away | Hacker News
On that day we lost an operator. Google flipped a bit, + became a noop, and things have been odd ever since.But like a perfect code in perfect parity, a st
dumped the major features of my life with ADHD and how I manage it | Hacker News
I've had to take a bit of time off work due to being ill, which gave me a great opportunity to sleep a lot and write the longest thing I've
Learn the Best Techniques of the Excel 9212577708 | Hacker News
KVCH DELHI - 9212577708 / 9212468527There are several small businesses which thinks for performing excel training for their employees. Similar to other imp
Listen to Radio and Save the current playing song | Hacker News
Hi, HN!I present to you Sononation - it is a music discovery platform.We created Sononation to skip Shazam when listening to Radio. What the app does: you
Ask HN: What's going on with the angst on Hacker News?
Possibly going to word this wrong, or blow my small amount of karma, or whatever. Right at the beginning I want to say this isn't meant as an attack on th
Did Hacker News Censor the Nancy Pelosi Story?
I just saw a story that was at number 5 or so, it was a tweet showing Nancy pelosi's husband recently bought call options for Amazon and Facebook.I checked
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ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement
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Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 70:17: Expected integer, got: $ 博主在嘗試Caffe視覺化的過程中遇到了這個問題,現記錄原因與解決方案。更新於2018.10.25。 報錯“Error pa
ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot ···
MySQL報錯:ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement 1.報錯 ERROR 12
The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option
ERROR 1290 (HY000) at line 1: The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement SELECT * INTO
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異常:You can not keep you settings in the secure settings.解決辦法(framework修改) 前言 Android7.0版本,對許可權的管理更加的嚴格,許多Android6.0banb版本上的app都需要對7.0進
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