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Use HaProxy for load balancing multiple endpoints Socket.IO

The recent time i very busy because i have some projects and problems need to take care, one of them is improve availability of system. I began to find solutions for this problem and i focus to “Load balancing” for system, i use HaProxy, Redis with Socket.IO to build load balancer system. As you know HaProxy is very 

fast and reliable solution offering high availabilityload balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. Some test case about performance of HaProxy, it so great and it can achieve more 2 million concurrent connection (base on TCP connection). HaProxy is used in many game online system to support load balancing for millions user with real time connection. Today i will guide to you how to install, setup and deploy HaProxy to “load balancing” for multiple nodes run socket.io. I make demo so easy with nodejs socketio server and web socket.io-client.

I will test follow the below model

architech-testI have four servers with

Test1 : 4 core, 16GB Ram Test2 : 4 core, 16GB Ram Test3 : 6 core, 32GB Ram Test4 : 4 core, 16 GB Ram

Ok, let go to build simple example to test HaProxy

Step 1 : Install HaProxy on Test4 server

* yum install haproxy

Step 2 : Open configuration file “/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg” and add the below content

frontend http-in    bind *:9199    default_backend socketio-nodes    stats enable    stats uri /?stats    stats auth admin:admin

backend socketio-nodes    option forwardfor    option http-server-close    option forceclose    no option httpclose

   balance url_param session_id check_post 64    cookie SID insert indirect nocache    server node1 test1.azstack.com:9100 weight 1 maxconn 1024 check cookie node1    server node2 test2.azstack.com:9100 weight 1 maxconn 2048 check cookie node2    server node3 test3.azstack.com:9100 weight 2 maxconn 4096 check cookie node3

You need to note a few configuration:

balance url_param session_id check_post 64is selection criteria for load distribution. weight 1: weight of very nodes. maxconn 1024: max concurrent connect on the node.

Step 3 : Start HaProxy 

* /usr/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg 

Endpoint of HaProxy : test4.azstack.com:9199

Step 4 : Create simple socket.io server and listen on port 9100 

duplicate socket.io server instance for the other two nodes and run it


* node socketio-server.js 

Step 5 : Create simple websocket client to connect. 

Step 6 : Try to connect to HaProxy (Invite your friends join to test)

HaProxy endpoint (test4.azstack.com:9199)


Step 7 : Check log on socket.io server

my connection


and more connection from my friend


Ok, you can see ip client allway is, that great because all packet is forwarded by HaProxy.

Some advance topics for you

  • How to setup SSL for HaProxy.
  • How to use Redis to run cluster socket.io server.

Maybe i can write above problem, thank for reading. Have a nice day.


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