1. 程式人生 > >Comparing Python Command-Line Parsing Libraries

Comparing Python Command-Line Parsing Libraries

About a year ago I began a job where building command-line applications was a common occurrence. At that time I had used argparse quite a bit and wanted to explore what other options were available.

I found that the most popular alternatives available were click and docopt. During my exploration I also found that other than each libraries “why use me” section there was not much available for a complete comparison of the three libraries. Now there is—this blog post!

If you want to, you can head directly to the source though it really won’t do much good without the comparisons and step-by-step construction presented in this article.

This article uses the following versions of the libraries:

$ python --version
Python 3.4.3
# argparse is a Python core library

$ pip list |
grep click click (5.1) $ pip list | grep docopt docopt (0.6.2) $ pip list | grep invoke invoke (0.10.1)

(Ignore invoke for now, it’s a special surprise for later!)

Command-Line Example

The command-line application that we are creating will have the following interface:

python [file].py [command] [options] NAME

Basic Usage

$ python [file].py hello Kyle
Hello, Kyle!

$ python [file].py goodbye Kyle
Goodbye, Kyle!

Usage w/ Options (Flags)

$ python [file].py hello --greeting=Wazzup Kyle
Whazzup, Kyle!

$ python [file].py goodbye --greeting=Later Kyle
Later, Kyle!

$ python [file].py hello --caps Kyle

$ python [file].py hello --greeting=Wazzup --caps Kyle

This article will compare each libraries method for implementing the following features:

  1. Commands (hello, goodbye)
  2. Arguments (name)
  3. Options/Flags (--greeting=<str>, --caps)

Additional features:

  1. Version Printing (-v/--version)
  2. Automated Help Messages
  3. Error Handling

As you would expect argparse, docopt, and click implement all of these features (as any complete command-line library would). This fact means that the actual implementation of these features is what we will compare. Each library takes a very different approach that lends to a very interesting comparison - argparse=standard, docopt=docstrings, click=decorators.

Bonus Sections

  1. I’ve been curious about using task-runner libraries like fabric and it’s python3 replacement invoke to create simple command-line interfaces, so I will try and put the same interface together with invoke.
  2. A few extra steps are needed when packaging command-line applications, so I’ll cover those steps as well!


Let’s begin by setting up the basic skeleton (no arguments or options) for each library.


import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()

hello_parser = subparsers.add_parser('hello')
goodbye_parser = subparsers.add_parser('goodbye')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parser.parse_args()

With this we now have two commands (hello and goodbye) and a built-in help message. Notice that the help message changes when run as an option on the command hello.

$ python argparse/commands.py --help
usage: commands.py [-h] {hello,goodbye} ...

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit

$ python argparse/commands.py hello --help
usage: commands.py hello [-h]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit



  commands.py hello
  commands.py goodbye
  commands.py -h | --help

  -h --help     Show this screen.
from docopt import docopt

if __name__ == '__main__':
    arguments = docopt(__doc__)

With this we, again, have two commands (hello, goodbye) and a built-in help message. Notice that the help message DOES NOT change when run as an option on the hello command. In addition we do not need to explicitly specify the commands.py -h | --help in the Options section to get a help command. However, if we don’t they will not show up in the output help message as options.

$ python docopt/commands.py --help

  commands.py hello
  commands.py goodbye
  commands.py -h | --help

  -h --help     Show this screen.

$ python docopt/commands.py hello --help

  commands.py hello
  commands.py goodbye
  commands.py -h | --help

  -h --help     Show this screen.


import click

def greet():

def hello(**kwargs):

def goodbye(**kwargs):

if __name__ == '__main__':

With this we now have two commands (hello, goodbye) and a built-in help message. Notice that the help message changes when run as an option on the hello command.

$ python click/commands.py --help
Usage: commands.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.


$ python click/commands.py hello --help
Usage: commands.py hello [OPTIONS]

  --help  Show this message and exit.

Even at this point you can see that we have very different approaches to constructing a basic command-line application. Next let’s add the NAME argument, and the logic to ouput the result from each tool.


In this section we will be adding new logic to the same code shown in the previous section. We’ll add comments to new lines stating their purpose. Arguments (aka positional arguments) are required inputs to a command-line application. In this case we are adding a required name argument so that the tool can greet a specific person.


To add an argument to a subcommand we use the add_argument method. And in order to execute the correct logic, when a command is called, we use the set_defaults method to set a default function. Finally we execute the default function by calling args.func(args) after we parse the arguments at runtime.

import argparse

def hello(args):
    print('Hello, {0}!'.format(args.name))

def goodbye(args):
    print('Goodbye, {0}!'.format(args.name))

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()

hello_parser = subparsers.add_parser('hello')
hello_parser.add_argument('name')  # add the name argument
hello_parser.set_defaults(func=hello)  # set the default function to hello

goodbye_parser = subparsers.add_parser('goodbye')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parser.parse_args()
    args.func(args)  # call the default function
$ python argparse/arguments.py hello Kyle
Hello, Kyle!

$ python argparse/arguments.py hello --help
usage: arguments.py hello [-h] name

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


In order to add an option, we add a <name> to the docstring. The <> are used to designate a positional argument. In order to execute the correct logic we must check if the command (treated as an argument) is True at runtime if arguments['hello']:, then call the correct function.


  basic.py hello <name>
  basic.py goodbye <name>
  basic.py (-h | --help)

  -h --help     Show this screen.

from docopt import docopt

def hello(name):
    print('Hello, {0}'.format(name))

def goodbye(name):
    print('Goodbye, {0}'.format(name))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    arguments = docopt(__doc__)

    # if an argument called hello was passed, execute the hello logic.
    if arguments['hello']:
    elif arguments['goodbye']:
$ python docopt/arguments.py hello Kyle
Hello, Kyle

$ python docopt/arguments.py hello --help

  basic.py hello <name>
  basic.py goodbye <name>
  basic.py (-h | --help)

  -h --help     Show this screen.

Note that the help message is not specific to the subcommand, rather it is the entire docstring for the program.


In order to add an argument to a click command we use the @click.argument decorator. In this case we are just passing the argument name, but there are many more options some of which we’ll use later. Since we are decorating the logic (function) with the argument we don’t need to do anything to set or make a call to the correct logic.

import click

def greet():

@click.argument('name')  # add the name argument
def hello(**kwargs):
    print('Hello, {0}!'.format(kwargs['name']))

def goodbye(**kwargs):
    print('Goodbye, {0}!'.format(kwargs['name']))

if __name__ == '__main__':
$ python click/arguments.py hello Kyle
Hello, Kyle!

$ python click/arguments.py hello --help
Usage: arguments.py hello [OPTIONS] NAME

  --help  Show this message and exit.


In this section we will again be adding new logic to the same code shown in the previous section. We’ll add comments to new lines stating there purpose. Options are non-required inputs that can be given to alter the execution of a command-line application. Flags are a boolean only (True/False) subset of options. For example: --foo=bar will pass bar as the value for the foo option and --baz (if defined as a flag) will pass the value of True is the option is given, or False if not.

For this example we are going to add the --greeting=[greeting] option, and the --caps flag. The greeting option will have default values of Hello and Goodbye and allow the user to pass in a custom greeting. For example given --greeting=Wazzup the tool will respond with Wazzup, [name]!. The --caps flag will uppercase the entire response if given. For example given --caps the tool will respond with HELLO, [NAME]!.


import argparse

# since we are now passing in the greeting
# the logic has been consolidated to a single greet function
def greet(args):
    output = '{0}, {1}!'.format(args.greeting, args.name)
    if args.caps:
        output = output.upper()

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()

hello_parser = subparsers.add_parser('hello')
# add greeting option w/ default
hello_parser.add_argument('--greeting', default='Hello')
# add a flag (default=False)
hello_parser.add_argument('--caps', action='store_true')

goodbye_parser = subparsers.add_parser('goodbye')
goodbye_parser.add_argument('--greeting', default='Goodbye')
goodbye_parser.add_argument('--caps', action='store_true')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parser.parse_args()
$ python argparse/options.py hello --greeting=Wazzup Kyle
Wazzup, Kyle!

$ python argparse/options.py hello --caps Kyle

$ python argparse/options.py hello --greeting=Wazzup --caps Kyle

$ python argparse/options.py hello --help
usage: options.py hello [-h] [--greeting GREETING] [--caps] name

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --greeting GREETING


Once we hit the case of adding options with defaults, we hit a snag with the basic implementation of commands in docopt. Let’s continue just to illustrate the issue.


  basic.py hello <name> [--caps] [--greeting=<str>]
  basic.py goodbye <name> [--caps] [--greeting=<str>]
  basic.py (-h | --help)

  -h --help         Show this screen.
  --caps            Uppercase the output.
  --greeting=<str>  Greeting to use [default: Hello].

from docopt import docopt

def greet(args):
    output = '{0}, {1}!'.format(args['--greeting'],
    if args['--caps']:
        output = output.upper()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    arguments = docopt(__doc__)

Now, see what happens when we run the following commands:

$ python docopt/options.py hello Kyle
Hello, Kyle!

$ python docopt/options.py goodbye Kyle
Hello, Kyle!

What?! Because we can only set a single default for the --greeting option both of our Hello and Goodbye commands now respond with Hello, Kyle!. In order for us to make this work we’ll need to follow the git example docopt provides. The refactored code is shown below:


  basic.py hello <name> [--caps] [--greeting=<str>]
  basic.py goodbye <name> [--caps] [--greeting=<str>]
  basic.py (-h | --help)

  -h --help         Show this screen.
  --caps            Uppercase the output.
  --greeting=<str>  Greeting to use [default: Hello].

   hello       Say hello
   goodbye     Say goodbye


from docopt import docopt

HELLO = """usage: basic.py hello [options] [<name>]

  -h --help         Show this screen.
  --caps            Uppercase the output.
  --greeting=<str>  Greeting to use [default: Hello].

GOODBYE = """usage: basic.py goodbye [options] [<name>]

  -h --help         Show this screen.
  --caps            Uppercase the output.
  --greeting=<str>  Greeting to use [default: Goodbye].

def greet(args):
    output = '{0}, {1}!'.format(args['--greeting'],
    if args['--caps']:
        output = output.upper()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    arguments = docopt(__doc__, options_first=True)

    if arguments['<command>'] == 'hello':
    elif arguments['<command>'] == 'goodbye':
        exit("{0} is not a command. \
          See 'options.py --help'.".format(arguments['<command>']))

As you can see the hello|goodbye subcommands are now there own docstrings tied to the variables HELLO and GOODBYE. When the tool is executed it uses a new argument, command, to decide which to parse. Not only does this correct the problem we had with only one default, but we now have subcommand specific help messages as well.

$ python docopt/options.py --help
usage: greet [--help] <command> [<args>...]

  -h --help         Show this screen.

   hello       Say hello
   goodbye     Say goodbye

$ python docopt/options.py hello --help
usage: basic.py hello [options] [<name>]

  -h --help         Show this screen.
  --caps            Uppercase the output.
  --greeting=<str>  Greeting to use [default: Hello].

$ python docopt/options.py hello Kyle
Hello, Kyle!

$ python docopt/options.py goodbye Kyle
Goodbye, Kyle!

In addition all of our new options/flags are working as well:

$ python docopt/options.py hello --greeting=Wazzup Kyle
Wazzup, Kyle!

$ python docopt/options.py hello --caps Kyle

$ python docopt/options.py hello --greeting=Wazzup --caps Kyle


To add the greeting and caps options we use the @click.option decorator. Again, since we have default greetings now we have pulled the logic out into a single function (def greeter(**kwargs):).

import click

def greeter(**kwargs):
    output = '{0}, {1}!'.format(kwargs['greeting'],
    if kwargs['caps']:
        output = output.upper()

def greet():

# add an option with 'Hello' as the default
@click.option('--greeting', default='Hello')
# add a flag (is_flag=True)
@click.option('--caps', is_flag=True)
# the application logic has been refactored into a single function
def hello(**kwargs):

@click.option('--greeting', default='Goodbye')
@click.option('--caps', is_flag=True)
def goodbye(**kwargs):

if __name__ == '__main__':
$ python click/options.py hello --greeting=Wazzup Kyle
Wazzup, Kyle!

$ python click/options.py hello --greeting=Wazzup --caps Kyle

$ python click/options.py hello --caps Kyle

Version Option (--version)

In this section we’ll be showing how to add a --version argument to each of our tools. For simplicity we’ll just hardcode the version number to 1.0.0. Keep in mind that in a production application, you will want to pull this from the installed application. One way to achieve this is with this simple process:

>>> import pkg_resources
>>> # Replace click with the name of your tool:
>>> pkg_resources.get_distribution("click").version
>>> '5.1'

A second option for determining the version would be to have an automated version-bumping software change the version number defined in the file when a new version is released. This is possible with bumpversion. But this approach is not recommended as it’s easy to get out of sync. Generally, it’s best practice to keep a version number in as few places as possible.

Since the implementation of adding a hard-coded version option is fairly simple we will use ... to denote skipped sections of the code from the last section.


For argparse we again need to use the add_argument method, this time with the action='version' parameter and a value for version passed in. We apply this method to the root parser (instead of the hello or goodbye subparsers).

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='1.0.0')
$ python argparse/version.py --version


In order to add --version to docopt we add it as an option to our primary docstring. In addition we add the version parameter to our first call to docopt (parsing the primary docstring).

"""usage: greet [--help] <command> [<args>...]

  -h --help         Show this screen.
  --version         Show the version.

   hello       Say hello
   goodbye     Say goodbye


from docopt import docopt


if __name__ == '__main__':
    arguments = docopt(__doc__, options_first=True, version='1.0.0')
$ python docopt/version.py --version


Click provides us with a convenient @click.version_option decorator. To add this we decorate our greet function (main @click.group function).

def greet():
$ python click/version.py --version
version.py, version 1.0.0

Improving Help (-h/--help)

The final step to completing our application is to improve the help documentation for each of the tools. We’ll want to make sure that we can access help with both -h and --help and that each argument and option have some level of description.


By default argparse provides us with both -h and --help so we don’t need to add anything for that. However our current help documentation for the subcommands is lacking information on what --caps and --greeting do and what the name argument is.

$ python argparse/version.py hello -h
usage: version.py hello [-h] [--greeting GREETING] [--caps] name

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --greeting GREETING

In order to add more information we use the help parameter of the add_argument method.


hello_parser = subparsers.add_parser('hello')
hello_parser.add_argument('name', help='name of the person to greet')
hello_parser.add_argument('--greeting', default='Hello', help='word to use for the greeting')
hello_parser.add_argument('--caps', action='store_true', help='uppercase the output')

goodbye_parser = subparsers.add_parser('goodbye')
goodbye_parser.add_argument('name', help='name of the person to greet')
goodbye_parser.add_argument('--greeting', default='Hello', help='word to use for the greeting')
goodbye_parser.add_argument('--caps', action='store_true', help='uppercase the output')


Now when we provide the help flag we get a much more complete result:

$ python argparse/help.py hello -h
usage: help.py hello [-h] [--greeting GREETING] [--caps] name

positional arguments:
  name                 name of the person to greet

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --greeting GREETING  word to use for the greeting
  --caps               uppercase the output


This section is where docopt shines. Because we wrote the documentation as the definition of the command-line interface itself, we already have the help documentation completed. In addition -h and --help are already provided.

$ python docopt/help.py hello -h
usage: basic.py hello [options] [<name>]

  -h --help         Show this screen.
  --caps            Uppercase the output.
  --greeting=<str>  Greeting to use [default: Hello].


Adding help documentation to click is very similar to argparse. We need to add the help parameter to all of our @click.option decorators.


@click.option('--greeting', default='Hello', help='word to use for the greeting')
@click.option('--caps', is_flag=True, help='uppercase the output')
def hello(**kwargs):

@click.option('--greeting', default='Goodbye', help='word to use for the greeting')
@click.option('--caps', is_flag=True, help='uppercase the output')
def goodbye(**kwargs):


However, click DOES NOT provide us -h by default. We need to use the context_settings parameter to override the default help_option_names.

import click

CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'])


def greet():

Now the click help documentation is complete.

$ python click/help.py hello -h
Usage: help.py hello [OPTIONS] NAME

  --greeting TEXT  word to use for the greeting
  --caps           uppercase the output
  -h, --help       Show this message and exit.

Error Handling

Error handling is an important part of any application. This section will explore the default error handling of each application and implement additional logic if needed. We’ll explore three error cases:

  1. Not enough required arguments given.
  2. Invalid options/flags given.
  3. A flag with a value is given.


$ python argparse/final.py hello
usage: final.py hello [-h] [--greeting GREETING] [--caps] name
final.py hello: error: the following arguments are required: name

$ python argparse/final.py --badoption hello Kyle
usage: final.py [-h] [--version] {hello,goodbye} ...
final.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --badoption

$ python argparse/final.py hello --caps=notanoption Kyle
usage: final.py hello [-h] [--greeting GREETING] [--caps] name
final.py hello: error: argument --caps: ignored explicit argument 'notanoption'

Not very exciting, as argparse handles all of our error cases out of the box.


$ python docopt/final.py hello
Hello, None!

$ python docopt/final.py hello --badoption Kyle
usage: basic.py hello [options] [<name>]

Unfortunatly, we have a bit of work to get docopt to an acceptable minimum level of error handling. The reccomended method for validation in docopt is the schema module. *Make sure to install - pip install schema. In addition they provide a very basic validation example. The following is our application with schema validation:

from schema import Schema, SchemaError, Optional
    schema = Schema({
        Optional('hello'): bool,
        Optional('goodbye'): bool,
        '<name>': str,
        Optional('--caps'): bool,
        Optional('--help'): bool,
        Optional('--greeting'): str

    def validate(args):
            args = schema.validate(args)
            return args
        except SchemaError as e:

    if arguments['<command>'] == 'hello':
    elif arguments['<command>'] == 'goodbye':

With this validation in place we now get some error messages.

$ python docopt/validation.py hello
None should be instance of <class 'str'>

$ python docopt/validation.py hello --greeting Kyle
None should be instance of <class 'str'>

$ python docopt/validation.py hello --caps=notanoption Kyle
--caps must not have an argument
usage: basic.py hello [options] [<name>]

While these messages are not very descriptive and may be hard to debug for larger applications, it’s better than no validation at all. The schema module does provide other mechanisms for adding more descriptive error messages but we won’t cover those here.


$ python click/final.py hello
Usage: final.py hello [OPTIONS] NAME

Error: Missing argument "name".

$ python click/final.py hello --badoption Kyle
Error: no such option: --badoption

$ python click/final.py hello --caps=notanoption Kyle
Error: --caps option does not take a value

Just like argparse, click handles error input by default.

With that, we have completed the construction of the command-line application we set out to build. Before we conclude let’