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Entity Extraction Software and Tools

People, places, organizations, companies, URLs, email addresses, phone numbers, and values such as dates, currency and denomination, percentages, and virtually any other entity you need can be identified, tagged and or extracted. Unlike so many other ways to attempt text analytics, with Cogito’s entity extraction software there are no lists to create, and no lists to manage.

Entity Extraction software and semantic reasoning

In addition to powerful entity extraction features, Cogito offers semantic reasoning, an additional strength that distinguishes our entity extraction software.

While the relationships between entities may be obvious to you, unfortunately they are not always obvious to most types of text analytics software. Let’s use the word school

as an example: What is a school?

A school is a building.

A school is a place where teachers teach.

A school is a place where students are taught.

A school is where teachers are found.

A school is where students are found.

The semantic reasoning capabilities of Cogito allow you to use these relationships in all of the features of your information management applications

, from search, to automatic categorization, to extraction and process automation.